Re: [announcement] Telegram bridging to be retired Wed. 20 Sept. | 5 to-dos

2023-08-23 Thread Paul Brown
Dear All,

Sorry for being a pain in the neck about this, but the more I read the plan to 
migrate, the less it seems a plan at all. It just boils down to a deadline.

There is no contingency, nobody has considered what the people who use 
Telegram to interact with us want, nobody has opened any kind of brainstorming 
so we may come up with a way of nudging instead of forcing users to migrate.

Yes, we all want everybody to use FLOSS, but while some parts of the community 
can avoid proprietary software and platforms completely, we ("we" being the 
people carrying out promotional and outreachy tasks) can't.

Our main mission is to grow KDE's user base. This means we have to go where we 
can find new users and communities we can grow into. That is why we still have 
Facebook, Xitter, Reddit and Telegram.

When communities organically take hold on these platforms and start to grow, 
we cannot afford to cut them off just because we don't like where they are 
growing. Do that often enough and KDE and all its software becomes irrelevant 
and loses what tiny portion of the market share it currently has.

Getting back to the topic at hand, there will be channels we will be able to 
migrate in the time frame proposed (the Promo channel on Telegram itself can 
probably be closed down within days, as can Atelier 3D Printing), there are 
channels which will take much longer and need a much more tactful approach 
(and I suggest we include "brainstorm ways we can facilitate the migration" 
into the plans TODOs).

And then there are channels which we will never be able to migrate.

We will actively support Sysadmin in the task of migrating as many channels as 
we can in the given time frame; but I believe it is only reasonable to expect 
that we get some degree of support from others for our task of growing and 
maintaining KDE's user base where we find it.

If that means coming up with a solution to the bridge problem, well, solving 
technical problems to provide for users is KDE's thing, right?

We can figure it out.


Promotion & Communication


[announcement] Telegram bridging to be retired Wed. 20 Sept. | 5 to-dos

2023-08-22 Thread Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss

Hello KDE community,

apologies for cross-posting!

The time has finally come: both Telegram <-> Matrix bridges will be shut 
down in 4 weeks on *Wednesday 20 September*. Let's start the 
co-ordination process now so everything goes as smoothly as possible.

For all KDE contributors: please read at least the "Five To-Dos" below 
to be informed about what will happen and what needs to be done.

Below that there is some additional information about the bridging 
situation at KDE. Consult these notes if you want more background 
information about why the Telegram bridge is being retired.


_Five To-Dos_

  1. *General*: On Wednesday 20 September the Telegram bridging to KDE 
Matrix rooms will be shut down. To make the transition go smoothly, 
teams should start co-ordinating for the shutdown now. The Matrix room 
for co-ordination is "Telegram shutdown co-ordination" at

  2. *Co-ordination*: This includes: (i) migrating all contributors to 
Matrix, and (ii) deleting the Telegram rooms before the bridge is 
shutdown or -- at most -- one day after the shutdown. Keeping Telegram 
rooms open when they are no longer being used will cause unnecessary 
confusion. Importantly, do not later add a non-KDE Telegram bridge to 
KDE's Matrix rooms as that will not solve the problems from doubled user 
accounts and lack of control over Telegram; see below for operational 
issues with Telegram bridging.

  3. *Action needed by Telegram room admins*: Due to the unexpected 
shutdown of the public Libera.Chat bridge, we will have to move rooms 
over to the matterbridge (ircsomebot) bridge as we work through moving 
channels over to our own Libera.Chat IRC bridge. This will require 
someone with admin in the Telegram room to ensure @ircsomebot is in the 
Telegram room with admin. This needs to be done after we unbridge the 
Matrix bridge from the Matrix side, so the room can continue to be 
bridged until the Telegram shutdown on 20 September.

  4. *Are there exceptions?": There /may/ be some rooms that focus on 
interacting with people external to the KDE Community who would benefit 
by having a Telegram bridge. We are thinking teams like those involved 
in the KDE Network program: 
Not all will need an exception, and it may turn out most don't. We would 
like to start putting together a list of these rooms so we can review 
for potential exceptions and estimate the scale of how much support is 
needed. However, this should be kept to a minimum; see below for 
operational issues with Telegram bridging. We understand that there are 
large internal KDE communities which rely heavily on Telegram, and we 
understand that shutting down the Telegram bridge is less than ideal for 
these rooms, but the issues we have with the Telegram bridge mean we 
need to keep exceptions to a minimum and only for those teeams whose 
work has a primarily external focus.

  5. *Getting a Matrix account*: We can offer KDE Contributors (usually 
those in the developers group, but will consider other requests) a 
Matrix account on our KDE Matrix Homeserver. To request an account 
please file a sysadmin ticket However, as 
Matrix is federated you do not need to have an account on our homeserver 
to access KDE's Matrix rooms -- you can use any homeserver! A list of 
some alternative Matrix servers is available on

To co-ordinate with other teams to make this transition go as smoothly 
as possible, please reach out to the "Telegram shutdown co-ordination" 
Matrix room:

_Additional Information Re Bridges_

  * Four years ago it was decided to add Matrix to IRC as KDE's 
official IM platforms (bridged together). IRC is not planned to be shut 

  * Telegram is not Free Software and has never been an official 
platform for KDE communications. However, it has been used unofficially 
in a number of areas.

  * EMS hosts KDE's Matrix instance and the current Telegram bridge, 
and the majority of issues our community have with Matrix are related to 
bridges. Due to the huge extra load and poor performance Telegram 
bridging has in the Matrix rooms, it was agreed with EMS that the bridge 
would be only run for about a year until people had time to migrate to 

  * However, instead of people migrating away from Telegram, we have 
seen an increase in contributors using /both/ Matrix and Telegram, which 
has doubled the number of users we have to cope with. Having twice as 
many users as needed in the room slows everything down: longer joins, 
more state events for each user, higher chances of room state developing 

  * The public Libera.Chat bridge was unexpectedly shutdown, and we 
have to move rooms over to the matterbridge (ircsomebot) bridge as we 
work through moving channels over to our