Hello KDE community members and developers!

I'm writing to everyone about something very exciting: the NLnet Foundation (https://nlnet.nl) has made us aware that they have substantial quantities of funds available for FOSS projects that KDE is eligible for: up to 50000€ per project. If you have an idea for a big project or feature you've always wanted to do but lacked the funding for, here's your chance!

If you're worried that your idea doesn't meet the criteria, don't be; practically everything KDE does is eligible for funds in the Open Call (https://nlnet.nl/news/2022/20221001-call.html) which ends on December 1st, so there's still plenty of time for you to apply to get your project funded. Click that link for details.

Remember: what KDE does is good for the digital world. So if it's good for KDE and you can articulate its benefits, it's a worthy project!

If the process seems intimidating, you'd like someone to review your grant proposal, or you need guidance or assistance for any other reason, the KDE e.V. stands ready to help your grant proposal succeed. Email kde-ev-bo...@kde.org and we can help!


P.S. This information can also be found on https://community.kde.org/Make_A_Living

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