On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 12:42:26PM +0200, David Faure wrote:
> On Thursday 20 September 2012 22:02:03 Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> > yes. a rather suboptimal replacement. before you ask, search the core-devel
> > archive shortly before the time the new kprocess was added.
> I can't do *everything* in the KDE Frameworks 5 effort.
no. but then, you don't have to kill everything which is small but
still wasn't upstreamed, either. at the very least, you can keep it as
an internal class.

> Both QProcess and KProcess are mostly your code, aren't they?
kprocess is mine. i made only few contributions to qprocess.

> How about you fix QProcess then, if you consider it suboptimal?
priorities. ;)
(which is ironic, as i joined trolltech because i wanted to work on
qprocess :}).
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