KDE CI: Frameworks » kpackage » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 25 - Still Unstable!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Tue, 03 Nov 2020 04:32:20 +
 Build duration:
31 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 1 test(s), Passed: 10 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 11 test(s)Failed: projectroot.autotests.plasma_packagestructuretest

KDE CI: Frameworks » kfilemetadata » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 28 - Still Unstable!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Tue, 03 Nov 2020 03:47:05 +
 Build duration:
54 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 1 test(s), Passed: 19 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 20 test(s)Failed: projectroot.autotests.embeddedimagedatatest

KDE CI: Frameworks » kfilemetadata » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 27 - Still Unstable!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Tue, 03 Nov 2020 03:01:20 +
 Build duration:
1 min 59 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 1 test(s), Passed: 19 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 20 test(s)Failed: projectroot.autotests.embeddedimagedatatest

KDE CI: Frameworks » kfilemetadata » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 26 - Still Unstable!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Tue, 03 Nov 2020 02:32:39 +
 Build duration:
51 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 1 test(s), Passed: 19 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 20 test(s)Failed: projectroot.autotests.embeddedimagedatatest

KDE CI: Frameworks » kfilemetadata » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 25 - Still Unstable!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Tue, 03 Nov 2020 02:10:29 +
 Build duration:
52 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 1 test(s), Passed: 19 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 20 test(s)Failed: projectroot.autotests.embeddedimagedatatest

KDE CI: Frameworks » kfilemetadata » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 24 - Still Unstable!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:24:18 +
 Build duration:
1 min 11 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 1 test(s), Passed: 19 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 20 test(s)Failed: projectroot.autotests.embeddedimagedatatest

KDE CI: Frameworks » kfilemetadata » kf5-qt5 WindowsMSVCQt5.15 - Build # 7 - Still unstable!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 WindowsMSVCQt5.15
 Date of build:
Tue, 03 Nov 2020 00:24:18 +
 Build duration:
2 min 1 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 5 test(s), Passed: 12 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 17 test(s)Failed: projectroot.autotests.embeddedimagedatatestFailed: projectroot.autotests.externalextractortestFailed: projectroot.autotests.externalwritertestFailed: projectroot.autotests.taglibextractortestFailed: projectroot.autotests.taglibwritertest

KDE CI: Frameworks » breeze-icons » kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.15 - Build # 96 - Fixed!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 23:32:07 +
 Build duration:
1 min 34 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: (root) Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 1 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 1 test(s)Name: projectroot Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 5 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 5 test(s)
   Cobertura Report
   Project Coverage Summary
  PackagesFilesClassesLinesConditionalsCobertura Coverage Report100%
(105/184)Coverage Breakdown by Package

KDE CI: Frameworks » breeze-icons » kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.12 - Build # 434 - Fixed!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.12
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 23:32:07 +
 Build duration:
1 min 32 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: (root) Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 1 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 1 test(s)Name: projectroot Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 5 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 5 test(s)
   Cobertura Report
   Project Coverage Summary
  PackagesFilesClassesLinesConditionalsCobertura Coverage Report100%
(105/184)Coverage Breakdown by Package

KDE CI: Frameworks » breeze-icons » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 95 - Fixed!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 23:32:07 +
 Build duration:
52 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 5 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 5 test(s)

KDE CI: Frameworks » kfilemetadata » kf5-qt5 WindowsMSVCQt5.15 - Build # 6 - Still Failing!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 WindowsMSVCQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 23:20:57 +
 Build duration:
32 sec and counting
  [...truncated 439 lines...][2020-11-02T23:21:27.829Z] [24/157] Automatic MOC for target kfilemetadata_postscriptdscextractor[2020-11-02T23:21:27.829Z] [25/157] Automatic MOC for target kfilemetadata_officeextractor[2020-11-02T23:21:27.829Z] [26/157] Automatic MOC for target kfilemetadata_office2007extractor[2020-11-02T23:21:27.829Z] [27/157] Automatic MOC for target kfilemetadata_odfextractor[2020-11-02T23:21:27.829Z] [28/157] Automatic MOC for target kfilemetadata_taglibextractor[2020-11-02T23:21:27.829Z] [29/157] Automatic MOC for target kfilemetadata_xmlextractor[2020-11-02T23:21:27.829Z] [30/157] Automatic MOC for target kfilemetadata_poextractor[2020-11-02T23:21:27.829Z] [31/157] Automatic MOC for target kfilemetadata_ffmpegextractor[2020-11-02T23:21:27.829Z] [32/157] Automatic MOC for target kfilemetadata_plaintextextractor[2020-11-02T23:21:27.829Z] [33/157] Automatic MOC for target exiv2extractortest[2020-11-02T23:21:28.103Z] [34/157] Automatic MOC for target kfilemetadata_exiv2extractor[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] [35/157] Building CXX object src\writers\CMakeFiles\kfilemetadata_taglibwriter.dir\taglibwriter.cpp.obj[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] FAILED: src/writers/CMakeFiles/kfilemetadata_taglibwriter.dir/taglibwriter.cpp.obj [2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\2019\PROFES~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1424~1.283\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe  /nologo /TP -DKFILEMETADATA_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS_SINCE=0x0 -DKFILEMETADATA_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE_AND_AT=0x0 -DKF_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS_SINCE=0x06 -DKF_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE_AND_AT=0x054B00 -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS_SINCE=0x06 -DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x050d00 -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_BYTEARRAY -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_FOREACH -DQT_NO_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS_IN_CONNECT -DQT_NO_SIGNALS_SLOTS_KEYWORDS -DQT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING -DQT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER -DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"kfilemetadata5\" -DUNICODE -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWINVER=0x0600 -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_UNICODE -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES -D_WIN32_IE=0x0600 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -Dkfilemetadata_taglibwriter_EXPORTS -Isrc\writers -I..\src\writers -Isrc\writers\kfilemetadata_taglibwriter_autogen\include -Isrc -I..\src -IC:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5 -IC:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5\QtCore -IC:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\.\mkspecs\win32-msvc -IC:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\taglib /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /GR /EHsc /wd4250 /wd4251 /wd4396 /wd4661 /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 /showIncludes /Fosrc\writers\CMakeFiles\kfilemetadata_taglibwriter.dir\taglibwriter.cpp.obj /Fdsrc\writers\CMakeFiles\kfilemetadata_taglibwriter.dir\ /FS -c ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] C:\CI\Job Build\src\properties.h(391): warning C4996: 'QMap::insertMulti': Use QMultiMap for maps storing multiple values with the same key.[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] C:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5\QtCore\qmap.h(588): note: see declaration of 'QMap::insertMulti'[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] C:\CI\Job Build\src\properties.h(402): warning C4996: 'QMap::insertMulti': Use QMultiMap for maps storing multiple values with the same key.[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] C:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5\QtCore\qmap.h(588): note: see declaration of 'QMap::insertMulti'[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(206): error C3316: 'const TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::Type []': an array of unknown size cannot be used in a range-based for statement[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(207): error C2065: 'type': undeclared identifier[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(207): error C2789: 'kfmType': an object of const-qualified type must be initialized[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(207): note: see declaration of 'kfmType'[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(208): error C3536: 'kfmType': cannot be used before it is initialized[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(210): error C2065: 'type': undeclared identifier[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(211): error C2664: 'void `anonymous-namespace'::writeID3v2Coveroperator ()(PictureFrame *,const KFileMetaData::EmbeddedImageData::ImageType) const': cannot convert argument 2 from 'int' to 'const KFileMetaData::EmbeddedImageData::ImageType'[2020-11-02T23:21:29.072Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(211): note: Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-

KDE CI: Frameworks » kfilemetadata » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 23 - Still Unstable!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 23:20:57 +
 Build duration:
1 min 0 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 1 test(s), Passed: 19 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 20 test(s)Failed: projectroot.autotests.embeddedimagedatatest

KDE CI: Frameworks » kfilemetadata » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 22 - Unstable!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 22:50:32 +
 Build duration:
1 min 18 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 1 test(s), Passed: 19 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 20 test(s)Failed: projectroot.autotests.embeddedimagedatatest

KDE CI: Frameworks » kfilemetadata » kf5-qt5 WindowsMSVCQt5.15 - Build # 5 - Failure!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 WindowsMSVCQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 22:50:32 +
 Build duration:
23 sec and counting
  [...truncated 546 lines...][2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5\QtCore\qmap.h(588): note: see declaration of 'QMap::insertMulti'[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\CI\Job Build\src\properties.h(402): warning C4996: 'QMap::insertMulti': Use QMultiMap for maps storing multiple values with the same key.[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5\QtCore\qmap.h(588): note: see declaration of 'QMap::insertMulti'[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] [61/157] Building CXX object src\extractors\CMakeFiles\kfilemetadata_poextractor.dir\poextractor.cpp.obj[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\CI\Job Build\src\properties.h(391): warning C4996: 'QMap::insertMulti': Use QMultiMap for maps storing multiple values with the same key.[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5\QtCore/qmap.h(588): note: see declaration of 'QMap::insertMulti'[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\CI\Job Build\src\properties.h(402): warning C4996: 'QMap::insertMulti': Use QMultiMap for maps storing multiple values with the same key.[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5\QtCore/qmap.h(588): note: see declaration of 'QMap::insertMulti'[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] ..\src\extractors\poextractor.cpp(146): warning C4267: 'argument': conversion from 'size_t' to 'quint32', possible loss of data[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] ..\src\extractors\poextractor.cpp(155): warning C4267: 'argument': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] ..\src\extractors\poextractor.cpp(157): warning C4267: 'argument': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] ..\src\extractors\poextractor.cpp(159): warning C4267: 'argument': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] [62/157] Building CXX object src\writers\CMakeFiles\kfilemetadata_taglibwriter.dir\taglibwriter.cpp.obj[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] FAILED: src/writers/CMakeFiles/kfilemetadata_taglibwriter.dir/taglibwriter.cpp.obj [2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\2019\PROFES~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1424~1.283\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe  /nologo /TP -DKFILEMETADATA_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS_SINCE=0x0 -DKFILEMETADATA_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE_AND_AT=0x0 -DKF_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS_SINCE=0x06 -DKF_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE_AND_AT=0x054B00 -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS_SINCE=0x06 -DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x050d00 -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_BYTEARRAY -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_FOREACH -DQT_NO_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS_IN_CONNECT -DQT_NO_SIGNALS_SLOTS_KEYWORDS -DQT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING -DQT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER -DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"kfilemetadata5\" -DUNICODE -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWINVER=0x0600 -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_UNICODE -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES -D_WIN32_IE=0x0600 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -Dkfilemetadata_taglibwriter_EXPORTS -Isrc\writers -I..\src\writers -Isrc\writers\kfilemetadata_taglibwriter_autogen\include -Isrc -I..\src -IC:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5 -IC:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5\QtCore -IC:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\.\mkspecs\win32-msvc -IC:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\taglib /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /GR /EHsc /wd4250 /wd4251 /wd4396 /wd4661 /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1 /showIncludes /Fosrc\writers\CMakeFiles\kfilemetadata_taglibwriter.dir\taglibwriter.cpp.obj /Fdsrc\writers\CMakeFiles\kfilemetadata_taglibwriter.dir\ /FS -c ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\CI\Job Build\src\properties.h(391): warning C4996: 'QMap::insertMulti': Use QMultiMap for maps storing multiple values with the same key.[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5\QtCore\qmap.h(588): note: see declaration of 'QMap::insertMulti'[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\CI\Job Build\src\properties.h(402): warning C4996: 'QMap::insertMulti': Use QMultiMap for maps storing multiple values with the same key.[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] C:\Craft\CI-Qt515\windows-msvc2019_64-cl-debug\include\qt5\QtCore\qmap.h(588): note: see declaration of 'QMap::insertMulti'[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(206): error C3316: 'const TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::Type []': an array of unknown size cannot be used in a range-based for statement[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(207): error C2065: 'type': undeclared identifier[2020-11-02T22:50:54.378Z] ..\src\writers\taglibwriter.cpp(207): error C2789: 'kfmType': an 

KDE CI: Frameworks » breeze-icons » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 94 - Failure!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 22:41:57 +
 Build duration:
2 min 1 sec and counting
  [...truncated 209 lines...][2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z] animations/22/process-working.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z] viewBox="0 0 22 176"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z] Traceback (most recent call last):[2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z]   File "/usr/home/jenkins/workspace/Frameworks/breeze-icons/kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15/generate-24px-versions.py", line 169, in [2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z] sys.exit(main())[2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z]   File "/usr/home/jenkins/workspace/Frameworks/breeze-icons/kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15/generate-24px-versions.py", line 100, in main[2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z] os.remove(file_destination)[2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z] FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/home/jenkins/workspace/Frameworks/breeze-icons/kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15/build/icons-dark/generated/mimetypes/24/text-x-credits.svg'[2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z] emotes/22/face-plain.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.857Z] emotes/22/face-angel.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-hug-right.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-raspberry.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-smile-grin.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-yawn.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-embarrassed.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-smile.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-crying.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/drink-beer.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-smile-big.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-clown.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-laughing.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-hug-left.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/drink-martini.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-glasses.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-kiss.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-quiet.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-smirk.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-uncertain.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-in-love.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/food-cake.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-surprise.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-cool.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] emotes/22/face-worried.svg SKIPPED: not square or incorrect viewBox[2020-11-02T22:43:57.858Z] viewBox="0 0 5.8208332 5.8208335"[2

KDE CI: Frameworks » breeze-icons » kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.12 - Build # 433 - Failure!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.12
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 22:41:57 +
 Build duration:
35 sec and counting
  [...truncated 185 lines...][2020-11-02T22:42:29.917Z] -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped[2020-11-02T22:42:29.917Z] -- Detecting CXX compile features[2020-11-02T22:42:29.917Z] -- Detecting CXX compile features - done[2020-11-02T22:42:29.917Z] -- [2020-11-02T22:42:29.917Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:29.917Z] Installing in /home/jenkins/install-prefix. Run /home/jenkins/workspace/Frameworks/breeze-icons/kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.12/build/prefix.sh to set the environment for BreezeIcons.[2020-11-02T22:42:29.917Z] -- Looking for __GLIBC__[2020-11-02T22:42:29.917Z] -- Looking for __GLIBC__ - found[2020-11-02T22:42:29.917Z] -- Performing Test _OFFT_IS_64BIT[2020-11-02T22:42:30.208Z] -- Performing Test _OFFT_IS_64BIT - Success[2020-11-02T22:42:30.208Z] -- Performing Test HAVE_DATE_TIME[2020-11-02T22:42:30.490Z] -- Performing Test HAVE_DATE_TIME - Success[2020-11-02T22:42:30.760Z] -- Found Python: /usr/bin/python3.8 (found suitable version "3.8.5", minimum required is "3") found components: Interpreter [2020-11-02T22:42:30.760Z] running /usr/bin/python3.8 -c "import lxml; print(lxml.get_include())"  2>&1[2020-11-02T22:42:30.760Z] ['/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/lxml/includes', '/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/lxml', '/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/lxml/includes/__pycache__'][2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z] -- The following features have been enabled:[2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z]  * Icon generation, for 24x24 icons.[2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z]This feature requires Python 3 and the lxml Python 3 module.[2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z] -- The following OPTIONAL packages have been found:[2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z]  * Python (required version >= 3)[2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z] -- The following REQUIRED packages have been found:[2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z]  * ECM (required version >= 5.75.0), Extra CMake Modules., [2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z]  * Qt5Core[2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z]  * Qt5Test[2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z]  * Qt5 (required version >= 5.12.0)[2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:31.021Z] -- Configuring done[2020-11-02T22:42:31.960Z] -- Generating done[2020-11-02T22:42:31.960Z] CMake Warning:[2020-11-02T22:42:31.960Z]   Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:[2020-11-02T22:42:31.960Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:31.960Z] BUILD_QCH[2020-11-02T22:42:31.960Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:31.960Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:31.960Z] -- Build files have been written to: /home/jenkins/workspace/Frameworks/breeze-icons/kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.12/build[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // stage[Pipeline] stage[Pipeline] { (Compiling)[Pipeline] sh[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] + python3 -u ci-tooling/helpers/compile-build.py --product Frameworks --project breeze-icons --branchGroup kf5-qt5 --platform SUSEQt5.12 --usingInstall /home/jenkins//install-prefix/[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] Scanning dependencies of target scalable_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] Scanning dependencies of target breeze-generate-24px-versions[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] Scanning dependencies of target newline_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] Scanning dependencies of target dupe_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] Scanning dependencies of target qrcAlias_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] Scanning dependencies of target breeze-generate-24px-versions-dark[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] Scanning dependencies of target breeze-icons-dark-mkdir[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] Scanning dependencies of target symlink_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] Scanning dependencies of target breeze-icons-mkdir[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] [  3%] Automatic MOC for target scalable[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] [  7%] Automatic MOC for target qrcAlias[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] [ 11%] Generating 24px icons[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] [ 14%] Automatic MOC for target dupe[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] [ 18%] Generating 24px icons-dark[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] [ 22%] Automatic MOC for target newline[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] [ 25%] Automatic MOC for target symlink[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] [ 25%] Built target breeze-icons-mkdir[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] [ 25%] Built target breeze-icons-dark-mkdir[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] [ 25%] Built target qrcAlias_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] Traceback (most recent call last):[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z]   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Frameworks/breeze-icons/kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.12/generate-24px-versions.py", line 169, in [2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] sys.exit(main())[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z]   File "/home/jenkins/workspace/Frameworks/breeze-icons/kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.12/generate-24px-versions.py", line 100, in main[2020-11-02T22:42:32.252Z] os.remove(file_destination)[2020-11-02T22

KDE CI: Frameworks » breeze-icons » kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.15 - Build # 95 - Failure!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 22:41:57 +
 Build duration:
1 min 5 sec and counting
  [...truncated 202 lines...][2020-11-02T22:42:38.452Z]  * Icon generation, for 24x24 icons.[2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z]This feature requires Python 3 and the lxml Python 3 module.[2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z] -- The following OPTIONAL packages have been found:[2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z]  * Python (required version >= 3)[2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z] -- The following REQUIRED packages have been found:[2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z]  * ECM (required version >= 5.75.0), Extra CMake Modules., [2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z]  * Qt5Core[2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z]  * Qt5Test[2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z]  * Qt5 (required version >= 5.12.0)[2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:38.453Z] -- Configuring done[2020-11-02T22:42:39.390Z] -- Generating done[2020-11-02T22:42:39.390Z] CMake Warning:[2020-11-02T22:42:39.390Z]   Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:[2020-11-02T22:42:39.390Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:39.390Z] BUILD_QCH[2020-11-02T22:42:39.390Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:39.390Z] [2020-11-02T22:42:39.390Z] -- Build files have been written to: /home/jenkins/workspace/Frameworks/breeze-icons/kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.15/build[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // stage[Pipeline] stage[Pipeline] { (Compiling)[Pipeline] sh[2020-11-02T22:42:39.697Z] + python3 -u ci-tooling/helpers/compile-build.py --product Frameworks --project breeze-icons --branchGroup kf5-qt5 --platform SUSEQt5.15 --usingInstall /home/jenkins//install-prefix/[2020-11-02T22:42:39.697Z] Scanning dependencies of target qrcAlias_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:39.962Z] [  3%] Automatic MOC for target qrcAlias[2020-11-02T22:42:39.962Z] [  3%] Built target qrcAlias_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:39.962Z] Scanning dependencies of target breeze-icons-dark-mkdir[2020-11-02T22:42:39.962Z] [  3%] Built target breeze-icons-dark-mkdir[2020-11-02T22:42:39.962Z] Scanning dependencies of target qrcAlias[2020-11-02T22:42:39.962Z] [  7%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/qrcAlias.dir/qrcAlias_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o[2020-11-02T22:42:39.962Z] [ 11%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/qrcAlias.dir/qrcAlias.cpp.o[2020-11-02T22:42:41.365Z] [ 14%] Linking CXX executable bin/qrcAlias[2020-11-02T22:42:41.633Z] [ 14%] Built target qrcAlias[2020-11-02T22:42:41.633Z] Scanning dependencies of target breeze-icons-mkdir[2020-11-02T22:42:41.633Z] [ 14%] Built target breeze-icons-mkdir[2020-11-02T22:42:41.633Z] Scanning dependencies of target breeze-icons-dark-rcc[2020-11-02T22:42:41.633Z] [ 18%] Generating res/breeze-icons-dark.qrc[2020-11-02T22:42:45.865Z] [ 22%] Generating breeze-icons-dark.rcc[2020-11-02T22:42:47.796Z] [ 22%] Built target breeze-icons-dark-rcc[2020-11-02T22:42:47.796Z] Scanning dependencies of target breeze-icons-rcc[2020-11-02T22:42:47.796Z] [ 25%] Generating res/breeze-icons.qrc[2020-11-02T22:42:52.135Z] [ 29%] Generating breeze-icons.rcc[2020-11-02T22:42:54.104Z] [ 29%] Built target breeze-icons-rcc[2020-11-02T22:42:54.104Z] Scanning dependencies of target symlink_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:54.104Z] [ 33%] Automatic MOC for target symlink[2020-11-02T22:42:54.104Z] [ 33%] Built target symlink_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:54.105Z] Scanning dependencies of target newline_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:54.105Z] [ 37%] Automatic MOC for target newline[2020-11-02T22:42:54.376Z] [ 37%] Built target newline_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:54.376Z] Scanning dependencies of target symlink[2020-11-02T22:42:54.376Z] [ 40%] Building CXX object autotests/CMakeFiles/symlink.dir/symlink_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o[2020-11-02T22:42:54.376Z] [ 44%] Building CXX object autotests/CMakeFiles/symlink.dir/symlinktest.cpp.o[2020-11-02T22:42:55.775Z] [ 48%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/symlink[2020-11-02T22:42:56.037Z] [ 48%] Built target symlink[2020-11-02T22:42:56.037Z] Scanning dependencies of target newline[2020-11-02T22:42:56.309Z] [ 51%] Building CXX object autotests/CMakeFiles/newline.dir/newline_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o[2020-11-02T22:42:56.309Z] [ 55%] Building CXX object autotests/CMakeFiles/newline.dir/newlinetest.cpp.o[2020-11-02T22:42:57.712Z] [ 59%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/newline[2020-11-02T22:42:57.980Z] [ 59%] Built target newline[2020-11-02T22:42:57.980Z] Scanning dependencies of target dupe_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:57.980Z] [ 62%] Automatic MOC for target dupe[2020-11-02T22:42:58.242Z] [ 62%] Built target dupe_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:58.242Z] Scanning dependencies of target scalable_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:58.242Z] [ 66%] Automatic MOC for target scalable[2020-11-02T22:42:58.515Z] [ 66%] Built target scalable_autogen[2020-11-02T22:42:58.515Z] Scanning dependencies of target dupe[2020-11-02T22:42:58.515Z] [ 70%] Buil

Re: Help using KArchive with GZIP files

2020-11-02 Thread Albert Astals Cid
El dilluns, 2 de novembre de 2020, a les 22:23:44 CET, Gabriel Domínguez 
Camarero va escriure:
> Hello I am gabridc,

Hello Gabriel, this KDE Frameworks devel is for discussion around development 
*of* KDE Frameworks not *with* KDE Frameworks, your question belongs to 

> I am a developer for Index-fm and we are trying to integrate KArchive in the 
> file explorer, I have tried to do this but there some error that block me to 
> open a file. I dont know if i am using correctly the class KCompressionDevice.

Is this question related to the code down below? or different?

> Also, I would to ask another question because I would like to write a file 
> inside my file.gz but in this case I dont have the function writeFile like 
> KTar or KZip classes.

You can't write a file *inside* a gz file, a gz is not multiple files, it's 
just one file (a .tar.gz is still just one gz file, it's the tar part that has 
multiple files).


> auto kgzip = KCompressionDevice(QUrl(where.toString() + “/” + fileName + 
> “.gz”).toLocalFile(), KCompressionDevice::GZip);
> assert(kgzip.isOpen() == true);
> kgzip.write(QString("hello World").toUtf8());
> kgzip.close();

Help using KArchive with GZIP files

2020-11-02 Thread Gabriel Domínguez Camarero

   Hello I am gabridc, 
   I am a developer for Index-fm and we are trying to integrate KArchive in the file explorer, I have tried to do this but there some error that block me to open a file. I dont know if i am using correctly the class KCompressionDevice. 
   Also, I would to ask another question because I would like to write a file inside my file.gz but in this case I dont have the function writeFile like KTar or KZip classes.
   auto kgzip = KCompressionDevice(QUrl(where.toString() + “/” + fileName + “.gz”).toLocalFile(), KCompressionDevice::GZip);
   assert(kgzip.isOpen() == true);
   kgzip.write(QString("hello World").toUtf8());

D29020: Add example/test application

2020-11-02 Thread Nicolas Fella
nicolasfella abandoned this revision.

  R289 KNotifications


To: nicolasfella, #frameworks, broulik
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

D29391: Introduce setWindow and CloseWhenWindowActivated

2020-11-02 Thread Nicolas Fella
nicolasfella abandoned this revision.

  R289 KNotifications


To: nicolasfella, #frameworks, broulik
Cc: anthonyfieroni, kossebau, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, 
michaelh, ngraham, bruns

KDE CI: Frameworks » kirigami » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 195 - Fixed!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 17:55:06 +
 Build duration:
6 min 36 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot.usr.home.jenkins.workspace.Frameworks.kirigami.kf5-qt5_FreeBSDQt515 Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 10 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 10 test(s)

KDE CI: Frameworks » kirigami » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 194 - Unstable!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 16:35:41 +
 Build duration:
1 min 15 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot.usr.home.jenkins.workspace.Frameworks.kirigami.kf5-qt5_FreeBSDQt515 Failed: 2 test(s), Passed: 7 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 9 test(s)Failed: projectroot.usr.home.jenkins.workspace.Frameworks.kirigami.kf5-qt5_FreeBSDQt515.autotests.tst_keynavigation.qmlFailed: projectroot.usr.home.jenkins.workspace.Frameworks.kirigami.kf5-qt5_FreeBSDQt515.autotests.tst_listskeynavigation.qml

D26890: QXmlInputSource is deprecated in qt5.15. Port it to QXmlStreamReader

2020-11-02 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added inline comments.


> kconfigloader.cpp:87
> +
> +if (reader.isEndDocument())
> +return false;

This logic is inverted., no? We should be at token document end when 
reader.atEnd() turns true. In any case on successful parse this condition is 
met here and false returned.

No caller seems to check the return value of ConfigLoaderHandler::parse(), thus 
nobody noticed?

  R237 KConfig


To: mlaurent, dfaure, apol
Cc: kossebau, apol, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, 

KDE CI: Frameworks » syntax-highlighting » kf5-qt5 WindowsMSVCQt5.15 - Build # 24 - Fixed!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 WindowsMSVCQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 09:06:14 +
 Build duration:
3 min 12 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 6 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 6 test(s)

KDE CI: Frameworks » syntax-highlighting » kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.15 - Build # 198 - Fixed!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 09:06:14 +
 Build duration:
3 min 5 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: (root) Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 1 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 1 test(s)Name: projectroot Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 6 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 6 test(s)
   Cobertura Report
   Project Coverage Summary
  PackagesFilesClassesLinesConditionalsCobertura Coverage Report50%
(1962/3160)Coverage Breakdown by Package

KDE CI: Frameworks » syntax-highlighting » kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.12 - Build # 464 - Fixed!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 SUSEQt5.12
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 09:06:14 +
 Build duration:
3 min 46 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: (root) Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 1 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 1 test(s)Name: projectroot Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 6 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 6 test(s)
   Cobertura Report
   Project Coverage Summary
  PackagesFilesClassesLinesConditionalsCobertura Coverage Report50%
(1962/3160)Coverage Breakdown by Package

KDE CI: Frameworks » syntax-highlighting » kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15 - Build # 201 - Fixed!

2020-11-02 Thread CI System
 Build URL
kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.15
 Date of build:
Mon, 02 Nov 2020 09:06:14 +
 Build duration:
1 min 35 sec and counting
   JUnit Tests
  Name: projectroot Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 6 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 6 test(s)