D17816: Support for xattrs on kio copy/move

2019-04-25 Thread Störm Poorun
spoorun added a comment.

  In D17816#425196 , @bruns wrote:
  > Does this work correctly when the source is a symlink? - getxattr vs 
  Did anyone get to check?

  R241 KIO


To: cochise, dfaure
Cc: cfeck, bruns, phidrho, dhaumann, funkybomber, abika, pino, davidedmundson, 
ngraham, atha.kane, spoorun, nicolasfella, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh

D10245: Add more default user locations to Places model/panel

2018-02-02 Thread Störm Poorun
spoorun added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D10245#199691, @rkflx wrote:
  > In https://phabricator.kde.org/D10245#199688, @ngraham wrote:
  > > I don't think almost any users use or know about that because the two 
most obvious methods of adding something to the Places panel--drag-and-drop and 
the file's "Add to places" context menu item--make it global by default.
  > Users adding custom entries has nothing to do with your patch. If a users 
adds a place and it appears everywhere, well that's his problem. Your patch 
adds it everywhere //for every user//, which is what I disagree with.
  It's easy for power users to 'hide' places they don't want in the panel.
  It's much easier than for the majority of users, lay users, who can neither 
add nor remove panel items, and want to see their pictures, their documents, 
and their downloads. 
  They also want to find their images and pdfs using search, the current 
interface makes that easy for them, for the majority workflow, who may not find 
things at easily otherwise.
  Most PC users, including many Linux users, don't even know where they store 
pictures or documents, they just expect them to appear, and if the UI (in this 
case Dolphin and the file-picker) doesn't do that anymore they're lost.
  For those who need more or less items in the panel, the minority, they're far 
more likely to be ones who can add or remove it themselves as required.
  >> Also if we add Music and Pictures et al to just Dolphin by default, then 
they're not going to show up in the file open/save dialogs where they're 
useful, right?
  > See comment above. I doubt Kate's users want to see Pictures. I agree that 
some apps would want to opt-in, not sure how to do that. I think the best thing 
would be to make this mimetype dependent: If the file dialog detects you want 
to open/save Music files, it should add "Music" to the standard model. That 
would be an addition to the file dialog though, not where you are currently 
changing it. Do we have a resident file dialog expert around we could ask about 
  It should be fine for Pictures to show up in Kate's dialogue. It's easy to 
miss something very important for much users: they prefer - our brains prefer - 
consistency in presentation - it makes it easier to find things.
  If the panel changes each time we open it both feels less comfortable, less 
familiar, and makes it harder for our eyes to jump to what we want (whether 
through Kate, or uploading via browser, or trying to open a pdf).
  So (unintuitively) removing Pictures in Kate can slow the workflow rather 
than improve it.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #frameworks, #dolphin
Cc: markg, spoorun, rkflx, michaelh, ngraham

D10245: Add more default user locations to Places model/panel

2018-02-02 Thread Störm Poorun
spoorun added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D10245#199562, @rkflx wrote:
  > -1 from my side because:
  > - Dolphin: By default, the sidebar now has an ugly scrollbar. (The 
screenshot is "staged" in that regard.)
  > - Gwenview: This clutters the Places list on the Start Page with a bunch of 
stuff not relevant for users (e.g. Music). I'm still busy fixing the fallout 
from the last patch similarly adding unwanted/broken entries, so please help 
out if you must add this globally. Note this is not only about Gwenview, but a 
lot of other apps using `KFilePlaces` are not interested in some of the entries 
  > - In general: Now there's duplication with Search For. For example, what's 
the difference between "Documents" and "Documents"? (Not everybody is aware of 
the headers, and rightfully shouldn't!) Same for "Pictures" vs. "Images". Maybe 
I could live with that if this only appeared if Baloo was turned off.
  > - Plugged in an external thumbdrive? Good luck finding it below the fold! 
(This should be solved first by moving things around a bit.)
  >   I'd rather use `KFilePlaces` more as a bookmark thingy, i.e. something 
where users add custom entries they want to see either in all or in specific 
apps. Those are highly specialized folders in my experience, depending on 
user's workflows and not something we could predict. Better leave some space so 
users can customize themselves.
  >   Sorry Nate, I know you meant well. Nevertheless, let's hear first what 
others have to say, maybe I'm wrong or we could tone down the list a bit…
  I disagree about the search entries - they are incredibly useful, again for 
lay users, or just those with not much time, searching for an image, document, 
or pdf - not knowing which folder they are in - are incredibly common tasks 
that warrant prime location for all to discover.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #frameworks, #dolphin
Cc: spoorun, rkflx, michaelh, ngraham

D10245: Add more default user locations to Places model/panel

2018-02-02 Thread Störm Poorun
spoorun added a comment.

  I'm afraid that removing pictures would be a bad idea.
  The majority of users would find Pictures in particular essential - and lots 
of software and services automatically store images in the Pictures folder (for 
example when plugging in an SD card or camera, when downloading from a 
  So lay users (the ones who would be least likely to create their own items in 
the places menu) would miss it most.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #frameworks, #dolphin
Cc: spoorun, rkflx, michaelh, ngraham

D7446: Add a Recent Documents places item to Dolphin and file pickers by default

2017-10-12 Thread Störm Poorun
spoorun added a comment.

  I support having the recently used option, perhaps by default in the 
open/save dialogue, and also as an optional panel. 
  This would be highly useful for workflow for many, including using other 
software as suggested, but also coming back to documents (in multiple 
locations) being referred to (though not necessarily saved, so not appearing in 
the 'recently saved' section.
  (It's unfortunate that there's not a user-friendly way of selecting 
components of the Places panel).

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #kde_applications, broulik, elvisangelaccio, dfaure, 
emmanuelp, markg
Cc: spoorun, anthonyfieroni, andreaska, gregormi, markg, alexeymin, 
#frameworks, broulik, elvisangelaccio, dfaure, davidedmundson, ltoscano, 
#konqueror, navarromorales, firef, ngraham, andrebarros, emmanuelp