D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-25 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit R244:f01e8b41f622: API dox: more info about KAboutData's 
orgDomain/desktopFileName properties (authored by kossebau).

  R244 KCoreAddons




To: kossebau, #frameworks, aacid, mpyne, ltoscano, stikonas
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-23 Thread Andrius Štikonas
stikonas accepted this revision.

  R244 KCoreAddons



To: kossebau, #frameworks, aacid, mpyne, ltoscano, stikonas
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-23 Thread Luigi Toscano
ltoscano accepted this revision.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

  R244 KCoreAddons



To: kossebau, #frameworks, aacid, mpyne, ltoscano, stikonas
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-23 Thread Michael Pyne
mpyne accepted this revision.
mpyne added a comment.

  I think the API dox fixes are fine to go in.  We can add i18n-related 
warnings in a separate patch as you suggest.

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, aacid, mpyne, ltoscano, stikonas
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-21 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

  Ping. Is there anything wrong that would need to be improved in the current 
patch, or can this go in as is?
  Adding an official note to the constructor to not create a KAboutData 
instance before the QApp instance is done should be a separate patch, perhaps 
even also get a runtime warning.
  This patch here is about orgDomain & desktopFileName, let's do one thing 
after the other.


> dfaure wrote in kaboutdata.h:314
> The TODO in the porting script means : after running this script, perform 
> this change by hand. This isn't unfinished code, it's just a reminder for the 
> reader.
> The rules given to us by the Qt developers are simple: do not use any parts 
> of Qt that depend on locales before QCoreApplication is created.
> So, do not create KAboutData before QCoreApplication is created. This isn't 
> KDE4 anymore.

> The rules given to us by the Qt developers are simple: do not use any parts 
> of Qt that depend on locales before QCoreApplication is created.

Do you by any chance have an URL to some quotable text for that statement 
handy? Looks better to point to something official here, which I sadly have not 
yet come across in the Qt docs so far (the code seen though would motivate such 
a rule).

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, aacid, mpyne, ltoscano, stikonas
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-15 Thread David Faure
dfaure added inline comments.


> kossebau wrote in kaboutdata.h:314
> Why should it happen before? (sorry for being stubborn and curious here, I 
> want to make sure to understand all code, to then also write proper warnings 
> in the dox when needed, so people know they should not create it before).
> The thing I understood Albert to point to yesterday was KMainWindow 
> auto-filling the translator info in the application metadata (see 
> KMainWindowPrivate::init(...), 
> https://cgit.kde.org/kxmlgui.git/tree/src/kmainwindow.cpp#n239). But we also 
> found that this actually has nothing to do with the Q*App instance vs. 
> KAboutData instance (besides KMainWindow expecting the QApp instance to exist 
> and KApplicationData::setAppData() having been called).
> The other mention was the TODO added by kf5/convert-kcmdlineargs.pl, 
> Sadly the commit which added that TODO does it only as side-effect and 
> without any reasoning: 
> https://cgit.kde.org/kde-dev-scripts.git/commit/kf5/convert-kcmdlineargs.pl?id=ac74bc07de810ef5a51a3030bfa96980f72ad8b1
> And from all code path I have seen there is nothing in the KAboutData 
> constructor which requires a QApp instance. And the related i18n calls also 
> are said nowhere said to require a QApp instance.
> @dfaure The above being your commit, do you remember (he, only 2 years ago ;) 
> ) your motivation for that TODO?

The TODO in the porting script means : after running this script, perform this 
change by hand. This isn't unfinished code, it's just a reminder for the reader.

The rules given to us by the Qt developers are simple: do not use any parts of 
Qt that depend on locales before QCoreApplication is created.

So, do not create KAboutData before QCoreApplication is created. This isn't 
KDE4 anymore.

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, aacid, ltoscano, mpyne
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-14 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D5439#102241, @mpyne wrote:
  > Is there any reason why we cannot just do the needed `setlocale(LC_ALL, 
"")` within ki18n itself (e.g. in the `KLocalizedStringPrivateStatics` ctor 
which is used to support translation of `i18n` calls?  `QCoreApplication` is 
going to do this anyways so making it happen earlier at runtime seems like what 
we want.
  Thought about this as well before, reasons against it that came into my mind 
  1. ki18n is a util library, not so nice in general by libraries to decide on 
central settings which affect the complete process and also at random times 
(whenever the first i18n call would be made), ideally is explicitely asked for 
by from the main program
  2. first point even more an issue as ki18n is also pulled in into plain Qt 
applications by the Plasma QPA plugin
  3. apps using the switch-language feature from the KHelpMenu need any i18n 
calls only done after the qapp instance is creatd, as that feature works by 
registering a hook-up with  Q_COREAPP_STARTUP_FUNCTION, to then set the custom 
selected language by setting the LANGUAGE environment variable (see 

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, aacid, ltoscano, mpyne
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-14 Thread Michael Pyne
mpyne added a comment.

  Is there any reason why we cannot just do the needed `setlocale(LC_ALL, "")` 
within ki18n itself (e.g. in the `KLocalizedStringPrivateStatics` ctor which is 
used to support translation of `i18n` calls?  `QCoreApplication` is going to do 
this anyways so making it happen earlier at runtime seems like what we want.

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, aacid, ltoscano, mpyne
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-14 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added inline comments.


> kossebau wrote in kaboutdata.h:314
> Aha! i18n() calls before the creation of QApplication instance currently fail 
> (or rather: only return the untranslated string) for this reason:
> gettext(), as used internally by ki18n, looks at the locale names set for the 
> different locale categories (LC_*). By default at program start, those are 
> all fixed to "C". Only if they are set to "" (empty string) then the 
> environment variables are looked at, otherwise those are ignored for the 
> respective category.
> To unlock all categories for being set via the environment variables, the 
> quickest way is to call `setlocale(LC_ALL, "");`. And this is what is done 
> during the Q*Application instance creation, on Unix.
> That is why before QApplication app(c, v); any calls to i18n will return the 
> untranslated version, because internally "C" is set as value for LC_MESSAGES 
> category, ignoring whatever the respective environment variables contain. 
> Only after qapp sets "" as locale name for the LC_MESSAGES category via the 
> mentioned call, gettext() will fall back to get the locale name from the env 
> var, with the "LANGUAGE" var being the first taken into account, which is 
> also the one ki18n uses to pass the locale name for which a catalog has been 
> found.
> See also
> http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/setlocale.3.html
> https://code.woboq.org/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp.html#_ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate10initLocaleEv
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25661295/why-does-qcoreapplication-call-setlocalelc-all-by-default-on-unix-linux
> No instant proposal myself how this could/should be fixed best.
> Possibly it should be simply only documented, that code either has to delay 
> any i18n calls until QApplication instance is created. And if one really 
> needs to use i18n() calls without a QApp instance, to call `setlocale(LC_ALL, 
> "");` one itself, and then restore any previous value perhaps even, just to 
> stay clean.
>  In any case: no i18n() in static construction code, that is racy and should 
> be simply considered to not work.
> So tasks seem to be:
> 1. change the example code to have needed order
> 2. write patch for ki18n docu
> 3. make some blog post to raise awareness
> First though: device-less leisure time :)

For proposed patch to improve ki18n docu see https://phabricator.kde.org/D5455

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-14 Thread Luigi Toscano
ltoscano added inline comments.


> kossebau wrote in kaboutdata.cpp:689
> Isn't the KF6 comment added in KAboutData::desktopFileName() not already 
> doing that, more or less? Not sure what you exactly ask for.

Nothing, I'm just stupid and I should not comment when I'm tired. Sorry.

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-14 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added inline comments.


> ltoscano wrote in kaboutdata.cpp:689
> I think that any extra unneeded step is only prone to produce issues.
> In 90% of the cases (and probably more, like basically all stuff on kde.org), 
> the desktop file name is org domain + component. No need to do it again and 
> again. A flag is a minimal price to pay, if needed. Maybe it's not even 
> needed, because you can compute it on the fly (if not set, return org domain 
> + component, if both set).
> So yes, I'd like a reminder here.
> At least
> // KF6: evaluate if desktopFileName can return org domain + component if not 
> explicitly set.

Isn't the KF6 comment added in KAboutData::desktopFileName() not already doing 
that, more or less? Not sure what you exactly ask for.

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-14 Thread Luigi Toscano
ltoscano added inline comments.


> kossebau wrote in kaboutdata.cpp:689
> Why would you also add a comment here? Would you think the comments at the 
> places which should be changed are not enough?
> The KF6 TODO proposes to change the behaviour to follow the idea of 
> https://phabricator.kde.org/D5405.
> "set it to domain + component name" sounds as you propose to store a 
> auto-generated value in the desktopFileName variable. But that would need an 
> extra flag to know if the value is auto-generated and thus needs to be 
> updated if the sources for the value change or if the value has been 
> explicitely set by the user, so should not be auto-updated.
> But I propose to leave the actual implementation more to whoever changes it 
> at KF6 times, as it is hard to predict what other requirements/views will be 
> at that time :)

I think that any extra unneeded step is only prone to produce issues.
In 90% of the cases (and probably more, like basically all stuff on kde.org), 
the desktop file name is org domain + component. No need to do it again and 
again. A flag is a minimal price to pay, if needed. Maybe it's not even needed, 
because you can compute it on the fly (if not set, return org domain + 
component, if both set).
So yes, I'd like a reminder here.
At least
// KF6: evaluate if desktopFileName can return org domain + component if not 
explicitly set.

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-14 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added inline comments.


> ltoscano wrote in kaboutdata.cpp:689
> I would add something like
> // KF6: if desktopFileName has not been explicitly set, set it to domain + 
> component name

Why would you also add a comment here? Would you think the comments at the 
places which should be changed are not enough?
The KF6 TODO proposes to change the behaviour to follow the idea of 
"set it to domain + component name" sounds as you propose to store a 
auto-generated value in the desktopFileName variable. But that would need an 
extra flag to know if the value is auto-generated and thus needs to be updated 
if the sources for the value change or if the value has been explicitely set by 
the user, so should not be auto-updated.

But I propose to leave the actual implementation more to whoever changes it at 
KF6 times, as it is hard to predict what other requirements/views will be at 
that time :)

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-14 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau updated this revision to Diff 13439.
kossebau added a comment.

  - update example to not do i18n calls before qapplication instance
  - improve KF6 TODO comments

  R244 KCoreAddons





To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-13 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added inline comments.


> kossebau wrote in kaboutdata.h:314
> Update from irc: both @ltoscano and me could reproduce by patching 
> kpartloader or okteta that with some current KF (e.g. 5.32) the i18n calls 
> done as part of the KAboutData constructor call seem to fail when done before 
> the QApplication instance is created (yes,  
> KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain() always called before the first 
> i18n() call).
> Given that the requirement of an qapp instance is nowhere documented in 
> https://api.kde.org/frameworks/ki18n/html/prg_guide.html the question now is 
> if that is a regression or simply never has worked.
> More on that another day though.

Aha! i18n() calls before the creation of QApplication instance currently fail 
(or rather: only return the untranslated string) for this reason:
gettext(), as used internally by ki18n, looks at the locale names set for the 
different locale categories (LC_*). By default at program start, those are all 
fixed to "C". Only if they are set to "" (empty string) then the environment 
variables are looked at, otherwise those are ignored for the respective 
To unlock all categories for being set via the environment variables, the 
quickest way is to call `setlocale(LC_ALL, "");`. And this is what is done 
during the Q*Application instance creation, on Unix.

That is why before QApplication app(c, v); any calls to i18n will return the 
untranslated version, because internally "C" is set as value for LC_MESSAGES 
category, ignoring whatever the respective environment variables contain. Only 
after qapp sets "" as locale name for the LC_MESSAGES category via the 
mentioned call, gettext() will fall back to get the locale name from the env 
var, with the "LANGUAGE" var being the first taken into account, which is also 
the one ki18n uses to pass the locale name for which a catalog has been found.

See also

No instant proposal myself how this could/should be fixed best.

Possibly it should be simply only documented, that code either has to delay any 
i18n calls until QApplication instance is created. And if one really needs to 
use i18n() calls without a QApp instance, to call `setlocale(LC_ALL, "");` one 
itself, and then restore any previous value perhaps even, just to stay clean.
 In any case: no i18n() in static construction code, that is racy and should be 
simply considered to not work.

So tasks seem to be:

1. change the example code to have needed order
2. write patch for ki18n docu
3. make some blog post to raise awareness

First though: device-less leisure time :)

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-13 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added inline comments.


> ltoscano wrote in kaboutdata.h:314
> To put it straight: I don't know (and I can't investigate properly now). But 
> if you create the KAboutData instance before the call to QApplication, part 
> of the "About " dialog is untranslated.

Update from irc: both @ltoscano and me could reproduce by patching kpartloader 
or okteta that with some current KF (e.g. 5.32) the i18n calls done as part of 
the KAboutData constructor call seem to fail when done before the QApplication 
instance is created (yes,  KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain() always 
called before the first i18n() call).

Given that the requirement of an qapp instance is nowhere documented in 
https://api.kde.org/frameworks/ki18n/html/prg_guide.html the question now is if 
that is a regression or simply never has worked.

More on that another day though.

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-13 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added inline comments.


> kossebau wrote in kaboutdata.h:314
> Why should it happen before? (sorry for being stubborn and curious here, I 
> want to make sure to understand all code, to then also write proper warnings 
> in the dox when needed, so people know they should not create it before).
> The thing I understood Albert to point to yesterday was KMainWindow 
> auto-filling the translator info in the application metadata (see 
> KMainWindowPrivate::init(...), 
> https://cgit.kde.org/kxmlgui.git/tree/src/kmainwindow.cpp#n239). But we also 
> found that this actually has nothing to do with the Q*App instance vs. 
> KAboutData instance (besides KMainWindow expecting the QApp instance to exist 
> and KApplicationData::setAppData() having been called).
> The other mention was the TODO added by kf5/convert-kcmdlineargs.pl, 
> Sadly the commit which added that TODO does it only as side-effect and 
> without any reasoning: 
> https://cgit.kde.org/kde-dev-scripts.git/commit/kf5/convert-kcmdlineargs.pl?id=ac74bc07de810ef5a51a3030bfa96980f72ad8b1
> And from all code path I have seen there is nothing in the KAboutData 
> constructor which requires a QApp instance. And the related i18n calls also 
> are said nowhere said to require a QApp instance.
> @dfaure The above being your commit, do you remember (he, only 2 years ago ;) 
> ) your motivation for that TODO?

Bah, forgot to write: That TODO would only be really needed for the


as that is something that changed compared to kdelibs4, where setting the 
appdata before the qapp creation was fine. But in KF5 it now longer is. But the 
actual KAboutData itself should be fine without.

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-13 Thread Luigi Toscano
ltoscano added inline comments.


> kossebau wrote in kaboutdata.h:314
> Why should it happen before? (sorry for being stubborn and curious here, I 
> want to make sure to understand all code, to then also write proper warnings 
> in the dox when needed, so people know they should not create it before).
> The thing I understood Albert to point to yesterday was KMainWindow 
> auto-filling the translator info in the application metadata (see 
> KMainWindowPrivate::init(...), 
> https://cgit.kde.org/kxmlgui.git/tree/src/kmainwindow.cpp#n239). But we also 
> found that this actually has nothing to do with the Q*App instance vs. 
> KAboutData instance (besides KMainWindow expecting the QApp instance to exist 
> and KApplicationData::setAppData() having been called).
> The other mention was the TODO added by kf5/convert-kcmdlineargs.pl, 
> Sadly the commit which added that TODO does it only as side-effect and 
> without any reasoning: 
> https://cgit.kde.org/kde-dev-scripts.git/commit/kf5/convert-kcmdlineargs.pl?id=ac74bc07de810ef5a51a3030bfa96980f72ad8b1
> And from all code path I have seen there is nothing in the KAboutData 
> constructor which requires a QApp instance. And the related i18n calls also 
> are said nowhere said to require a QApp instance.
> @dfaure The above being your commit, do you remember (he, only 2 years ago ;) 
> ) your motivation for that TODO?

To put it straight: I don't know (and I can't investigate properly now). But if 
you create the KAboutData instance before the call to QApplication, part of the 
"About " dialog is untranslated.

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-13 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau added a subscriber: dfaure.
kossebau added inline comments.


> ltoscano wrote in kaboutdata.h:314
> The QApplication instance should happen before this line, not just before 
> setApplicationData (that's what Albert was trying to explain).

Why should it happen before? (sorry for being stubborn and curious here, I want 
to make sure to understand all code, to then also write proper warnings in the 
dox when needed, so people know they should not create it before).

The thing I understood Albert to point to yesterday was KMainWindow 
auto-filling the translator info in the application metadata (see 
https://cgit.kde.org/kxmlgui.git/tree/src/kmainwindow.cpp#n239). But we also 
found that this actually has nothing to do with the Q*App instance vs. 
KAboutData instance (besides KMainWindow expecting the QApp instance to exist 
and KApplicationData::setAppData() having been called).
The other mention was the TODO added by kf5/convert-kcmdlineargs.pl, 
Sadly the commit which added that TODO does it only as side-effect and without 
any reasoning: 
And from all code path I have seen there is nothing in the KAboutData 
constructor which requires a QApp instance. And the related i18n calls also are 
said nowhere said to require a QApp instance.
@dfaure The above being your commit, do you remember (he, only 2 years ago ;) ) 
your motivation for that TODO?

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano
Cc: dfaure

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-13 Thread Luigi Toscano
ltoscano requested changes to this revision.
ltoscano added inline comments.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.


> kaboutdata.cpp:689
>  KAboutData ::setOrganizationDomain(const QByteArray )
>  {

I would add something like
// KF6: if desktopFileName has not been explicitly set, set it to domain + 
component name

> kaboutdata.h:314
> + * // create the aboutData instance
> + * KAboutData aboutData("foo", i18n("Foo"), "0.1",
> + *  i18n("To Foo or not To Foo"),

The QApplication instance should happen before this line, not just before 
setApplicationData (that's what Albert was trying to explain).

  R244 KCoreAddons


To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano

D5439: API dox: more info about KAboutData's orgDomain/desktopFileName properties

2017-04-13 Thread Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau created this revision.
Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks.

  Adds an example for setting the metadata of an application using KAboutData
  together with KI18n and KDBusAddons.
  Extends and improves notes about when and why to set the organizationDomain
  and the desktopFileName.

  R244 KCoreAddons




To: kossebau, #frameworks, stikonas, mpyne, aacid, ltoscano