D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2019-06-11 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  Hmm, looks like @davidk has not been active in almost a year, so I suspect 
someone else may need to commandeer this...

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi, #frameworks, smithjd, bruns
Cc: fvogt, mgallien, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, 
nicolasfella, LeGast00n, domson, ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, 

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2019-06-11 Thread Fabian Vogt
fvogt added a comment.

  In D8532#478224 , @bruns wrote:
  > I totally agree with fvogt here - the extractors should just receive a 
readonly file descriptor.
  > For this, there are several steps required:
  > 1. let the extractors work with file descriptors (KFileMetaData)
  > 2. make sure the extractor plugins are fully initialized before receiving 
file descriptors
  > 3. actually feed file descriptors to the extractor
  >   (1.) is trivial for some extractors (e.g. taglib), for others it may be 
hard. (2.) depends on several things - the plugins must be instantiated early 
(which clashes with the lazy loading), and the plugin may not load any external 
resources later on.
  >   Using file descriptors has another benefit - currently, the file is 
stat'ed and so on, and then the corresponding path is fed to the extractor. It 
would be much better to open the file, use fstatat and friends, run the 
extractor and close the file again.
  What could also be done as an intermediate step is to whitelist opening 
read-only fds for metadata extractions. That way something like plugin loading 
is also covered and not many changes are required.
  The sandbox could be opt-in for plugins which just specify that they support 
sandboxing using the specified whitelist, with plugins which don't support 
sandboxing disabled by default.
  I used this approach in a (private so far) branch for sandboxing the 
thumbnail kio slave and it works well.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi, #frameworks, smithjd, bruns
Cc: fvogt, mgallien, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, 
nicolasfella, LeGast00n, domson, ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, 

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2019-06-11 Thread Stefan Brüns
bruns added a comment.

  I totally agree with fvogt here - the extractors should just receive a 
readonly file descriptor.
  For this, there are several steps required:
  1. let the extractors work with file descriptors (KFileMetaData)
  2. make sure the extractor plugins are fully initialized before receiving 
file descriptors
  3. actually feed file descriptors to the extractor
  (1.) is trivial for some extractors (e.g. taglib), for others it may be hard.
  (2.) depends on several things - the plugins must be instantiated early 
(which clashes with the lazy loading), and the plugin may not load any external 
resources later on.
  Using file descriptors has another benefit - currently, the file is stat'ed 
and so on, and then the corresponding path is fed to the extractor. It would be 
much better to open the file, use fstatat and friends, run the extractor and 
close the file again.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi, #frameworks, smithjd, bruns
Cc: fvogt, mgallien, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, 
nicolasfella, LeGast00n, domson, ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, 

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2019-06-11 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham edited the summary of this revision.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi, #frameworks, smithjd, bruns
Cc: fvogt, mgallien, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, 
nicolasfella, LeGast00n, domson, ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, 

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2019-06-11 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added a comment.

  Ping! What's going on with this?

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi, #frameworks, smithjd, bruns
Cc: fvogt, mgallien, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, 
nicolasfella, LeGast00n, domson, ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, 

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-10-19 Thread Detlef Eppers
detlefe added a comment.

  Dropping one more comment, in case someone wants to give it a try: Apparmor 
profile transitions don't work if a seccomp filter has been installed before. 
This makes it probably rather difficult to integrate DrKonqi into an Apparmor 

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi, #frameworks, smithjd, bruns
Cc: fvogt, mgallien, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, 
nicolasfella, ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, abrahams

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-10-19 Thread Detlef Eppers
detlefe added a comment.

  In D8532#336584 , @fvogt wrote:
  > AFAICT this won't actually protect much - the open DBus socket is enough to 
execute arbitrary programs.
  > The best design would be (IMO, not sure how well the current architecture 
fits) to have a fully sandboxed executable which can only communicate with 
baloo over a single socket.
  >  Over that socket it receives a (read-only) file descriptor for the to be 
dissected file and then sends the result to baloo.
  I love the proposal(!), but just in case a full sandbox is wanted here and 
large changes to (unmaintained) baloo are out of scope, maybe a combination of 
Apparmor and seccomp could offer a way out. Note that this was also proposed by 
Martin Flöser for the original kscreenlocker seccomp sandbox, but as far as I 
know never implemented.
  Apparmor has the advantage that access to DBus can be controlled in a very 
fine grained way, that writing a profile should be relatively straightforward 
and that users can debug (or adapt) the profile easily. The main disadvantage 
is that it is not available everywhere, as pointed out already by @davidk in 
the summary. Regarding this latter point, however, it is maybe worth pointing 
out that also a proper sandbox is not necessarily available everywhere. The 
question here is how would you do it? You need root to set it up, and there are 
in the moment two ways to get there: Unprivileged user namespaces, which are 
not available in all distributions (Arch, Debian, ...), or SUID root, which is 
risky and hard to get it right. Bubblewrap or something like that would 
introduce an additional dependency.
  One advantage of seccomp is that it works basically everywhere. Also I tend 
to disagree on the suggestion that it is useless. Whitelists can have 
properties of a real sandbox, but usually the role of seccomp is to reduce 
attack surface... this is why it exists, what seccomp was designed for, and why 
IMHO it makes a lot of sense for Baloo even if there is not a perfect 
solution/if Apparmor is unavailable.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi, #frameworks, smithjd, bruns
Cc: fvogt, mgallien, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, 
nicolasfella, ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, abrahams

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-10-04 Thread Fabian Vogt
fvogt added a comment.

  AFAICT this won't actually protect much - the open DBus socket is enough to 
execute arbitrary programs.
  The best design would be (IMO, not sure how well the current architecture 
fits) to have a fully sandboxed executable which can only communicate with 
baloo over a single socket.
  Over that socket it receives a (read-only) file descriptor for the to be 
dissected file and then sends the result to baloo.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi, #frameworks, smithjd, bruns
Cc: fvogt, mgallien, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, 
nicolasfella, ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, abrahams

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-09-23 Thread Matthieu Gallien
mgallien added a comment.

  In D8532#289500 , @davidk wrote:
  > I was asked in private about the current state of libseccomp integration 
and why there was no progress in a long time.
  >  The current state is, that I have implemented seccomp support in 
kfilemetadata using this API:
  >   bool setProcessReadOnly(uint32_t defaultAction, 
std::vector addionalWhitelist)
  > But there are two blockers, related to external plugins:
  > - External plugins based on interpreters like python/lua/perl etc. need a 
huge whitelist. This is problematic as I want to keep the list of allowed 
syscalls as small as possible (the list would be huge). Additionally, it would 
be difficult to get a list of all needed syscalls. Thus, we would break many 
external plugins.
  > - Baloo is basically unmaintained. Thus, if something breaks, fixing it 
should be as easy as possible. But what if QT requires a new syscall and thus, 
the tests (and deployments) are failing? We need a way to know which syscall 
failed. This works for kfilemetadata plugins, but not for external plugins 
(because they are separate processes). The only way I can image, would be 
running the whole test with strace.
  >   So, if anyone is willing to continue this work, I would be happy to share 
my current state. Otherwise, if everyone agrees that we don't care about 
external plugins (users of external plugins can disable Seccomp support with an 
environment variable), I can finish the patches.
  Sorry for my late reply
  The external extractors tests of KFileMetaData have always failed and nobody 
ever fixed them. This makes me think that they are not really maintained.
  Is there any use of them apart from the unit tests ?

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi, #frameworks, smithjd, bruns
Cc: mgallien, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, 
nicolasfella, ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, abrahams

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-09-23 Thread Nathaniel Graham
ngraham added reviewers: Frameworks, smithjd, bruns.
ngraham added a comment.

  +1 for something rather than nothing. No comment on the technical aspect, but 
I'm adding more reviewers who can hopefully help un-wedge this patch.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi, #frameworks, smithjd, bruns
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, nicolasfella, 
ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, abrahams

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-09-01 Thread Detlef Eppers
detlefe added a comment.

  I'm just an interested user and cannot comment on the question of external 
plugins. But before this enters a deep sleep, I wonder if at least the 
//current// patch should find its way into the extractors or into kfilemetadata.
  A whitelist is the real thing,  and it would be awesome if that could be made 
possible. But if I had the choice between nothing and the blacklist, I would 
pick... the blacklist.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, nicolasfella, 
ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, abrahams

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-07-09 Thread David Kahles
davidk added a comment.
Restricted Application edited subscribers, added: kde-frameworks-devel; 
removed: Frameworks.

  I was asked in private about the current state of libseccomp integration and 
why there was no progress in a long time.
  The current state is, that I have implemented seccomp support in 
kfilemetadata using this API:
bool setProcessReadOnly(uint32_t defaultAction, std::vector 
  But there are two blockers, related to external plugins:
  - External plugins based on interpreters like python/lua/perl etc. need a 
huge whitelist. This is problematic as I want to keep the list of allowed 
syscalls as small as possible (the list would be huge). Additionally, it would 
be difficult to get a list of all needed syscalls. Thus, we would break many 
external plugins.
  - Baloo is basically unmaintained. Thus, if something breaks, fixing it 
should be as easy as possible. But what if QT requires a new syscall and thus, 
the tests (and deployments) are failing? We need a way to know which syscall 
failed. This works for kfilemetadata plugins, but not for external plugins 
(because they are separate processes). The only way I can image, would be 
running the whole test with strace.
  So, if anyone is willing to continue this work, I would be happy to share my 
current state.
  Otherwise, if everyone agrees that we don't care about external plugins 
(users of external plugins can disable Seccomp support with an environment 
variable), I can finish the patches.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, nicolasfella, 
ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, bruns, abrahams, #frameworks

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-03-20 Thread David Kahles
davidk added a comment.

  In D8532#215476 , @michaelh wrote:
  > I don't know Seccomp. But as far as I understood this, the same concers 
apply to the `baloo_file_temp_extractor` baloo-widgets is using. Naivly I 
suggest to implement this KFileMetadata because both executables are using it. 
I don't know if that is possible or reasonable though.
  I think Seccomp would be usefull in the `baloo_file_temp_extractor` too. What 
API would you suggest? I think on something like
KFileMetaData::setProcessReadOnly(KFileMetaData::SeccompAction action, 
QList addionalWhitelist)
  This would be a whitelist approach, so we would need to make sure we have 
good autotests. The autotests should be in KFileMetaData (fairly easy) and in 
`baloo_file{,temp}_extractor`. I would try to make an integration test, which 
starts up the `baloo_file{,temp}_extractor` and let's it index an directory 
containing test files. It would be good to use the 
KFileMetadata/autotests/samplefiles directory, but I'm not sure how to do this, 
without copying it. Do you have any ideas about this?

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, nicolasfella, #frameworks, 
ashaposhnikov, astippich, spoorun, alexeymin

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-02-27 Thread Michael Heidelbach
michaelh added a comment.

  I don't know Seccomp. But as far as I understood this, the same concers apply 
to the `baloo_file_temp_extractor` baloo-widgets is using. Naivly I suggest to 
implement this KFileMetadata because both executables are using it. I don't 
know if that is possible or reasonable though.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: michaelh, #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, nicolasfella, #frameworks, 
ashaposhnikov, spoorun, alexeymin

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-02-27 Thread Michael Heidelbach
michaelh added a project: Baloo.
michaelh added a subscriber: Baloo.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: #baloo, detlefe, ngraham, nicolasfella, #frameworks, ashaposhnikov, 
michaelh, spoorun, alexeymin

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-02-27 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
ossi added a comment.

  > But i'm not sure if thats feasible.
  launching subprocesses is no biggie; e.g., the kprocess test does it.
  if you're lucky, a few env variables will be sufficient. in the worst case, 
you'd need to chroot and do bind mounts or something like that, which is of 
course "a bit more challenging".

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: detlefe, ngraham, nicolasfella, #frameworks, michaelh

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-02-24 Thread David Kahles
davidk added a comment.

  Sorry for the late reply and the slow process in general. Reallife keeps me 
  In D8532#198408 , @detlefe wrote:
  > A whitelist, even if it is broad, would be desirable to reduce the attack 
surface of the kernel, and is also the way it has been done for Gnome Tracker. 
But the concerns about maintenance remain, it probably should be tested 
regularly. Are there ways this can be automated?
  If we want to test this, we would need a directory with files for each 
extractor (kfilemetadata includes such files for its autotests). Then, we 
should configure seccomp to kill the process if it calls a prohibited syscall. 
The test should then index all files in the directory. Unfortunately we can't 
test some things, e.g. the dbus integration and communication with baloo_file. 
This would need a test which starts the whole extractor as a child process. But 
i'm not sure if thats feasible. What do you think?
  > In case the decision goes in favor of the blacklist, would it be possible 
to add ptrace, process_vm_readv, process_vm_writev?
  That's possible of course.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: detlefe, ngraham, nicolasfella, #frameworks, michaelh

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-01-31 Thread Detlef Eppers
detlefe added a comment.

  A whitelist, even if it is broad, would be desirable to reduce the attack 
surface of the kernel, and is also the way it was done for Gnome Tracker. But 
the concerns about maintenance remain, someone should test it regularly. Are 
there ways this can be automated?
  In case the decision falls for the blacklist, would it be possible to add 
ptrace, process_vm_readv, process_vm_writev?

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: detlefe, ngraham, nicolasfella, #frameworks, michaelh

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-01-29 Thread David Kahles
davidk edited the summary of this revision.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: ngraham, nicolasfella, #frameworks, michaelh

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-01-29 Thread David Kahles
davidk added a comment.

  So, are there any more opinions on the whitelist vs. blacklist topic?
  Personally I still prefer the blacklist as I fear regressions in the future, 
especially because baloo is unmaintained.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: ngraham, nicolasfella, #frameworks, michaelh

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-01-29 Thread David Kahles
davidk edited the summary of this revision.
davidk edited the test plan for this revision.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: ngraham, nicolasfella, #frameworks, michaelh

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-01-28 Thread David Kahles
davidk updated this revision to Diff 26108.
davidk added a comment.

  Update TODO items.

  R293 Baloo





To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: #frameworks, michaelh

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2018-01-05 Thread David Kahles
davidk added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D8532#175079, @ossi wrote:
  > you *really* should use a whitelist. it's ok if that breaks some 3rdparty 
extractor; you'll get a bug report which you can properly evaluate.
  >  you could go totally overboard and assign fine-grained syscall 
capabilities to individual extractors, but i can't really think of legitimate 
reasons why that would be necessary in this context.
  It would be more secure, of course. But the downside is a higher maintenance 
cost, as one need to check whether the filter works for every QT version, 
because if a QT function starts using another syscall, baloo may get problems.
  I'm not sure which way to go here.
  I think we cannot use different (less strict) filters for different 
extractors, as a child process has at least the same restrictions as its parent 
process. Making filters for external extractors more strict would be possible, 
but i doubt it would be useful.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: #frameworks

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2017-12-03 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
ossi added a comment.

  you *really* should use a whitelist. it's ok if that breaks some 3rdparty 
extractor; you'll get a bug report which you can properly evaluate.
  you could go totally overboard and assign fine-grained syscall capabilities 
to individual extractors, but i can't really think of legitimate reasons why 
that would be necessary in this context.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: #frameworks

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2017-12-02 Thread David Faure
dfaure added reviewers: apol, ossi.

  R293 Baloo


To: davidk, apol, ossi
Cc: #frameworks

D8532: [WIP] Restrict file extractor with Seccomp

2017-10-28 Thread David Kahles
davidk created this revision.
Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Frameworks.

  Use Seccomp for implementing a sandbox for baloo_file_extractor
  This change introduces a new optional dependency on libseccomp.
  Libseccomp allows to forbid syscalls. With that we can constrain the
  extractor process.
  This is important because the extractors are parsing multimedia files with
  libraries like FFmpeg. These libraries have sometimes bugs in their parsers,
  allowing code execution. This can result in remote code execution
  vulnerabilities, because webbrowsers like Google Chrome are downloading files
  from websites automatically, and place them in your download folder. Then,
  baloo will pick them up and parse them, which allows the attacker to trigger
  bugs in e.g. FFmpeg. Such an attack has been demonstrated for Gnome 
  If the attacker is able to execute code on your system, he/she might try to
  mess with your home directory, e.g. encrypt it ("ransomware", very widespread
  on Windows), or send your files to a webserver. This change tries to defeat
  suchs attacks, by forbidding all syscall which could mess up your
  files or send them to a server by using Seccomp. This is done using a 
  of systemcalls. Using a whitelist would be possible, but the we don't know 
  syscalls third-party extractors might use, so I tried to make the impact on
  them as small as possible. Extractors opening files in read-write mode will
  fail and need to be fixed (I don't think they should do this). If a user uses 
  extractor which gets restricted by Seccomp, he/she can set the
  BALOO_DISABLE_SECCOMP environment variable to disable the sandboxing.
  One can debug such issues by running "dmesg | grep baloo_file_extractor", as
  Seccomp violations show up in dmesg (you may need to enable this with 
  This would also be possible using AppArmor or SELinux (maybe even better),
  but these aren't available on all distributions, while Seccomp is AFAIK
  available on most distributions. Of course one could combine them, and use
  e.g. Seccomp and AppArmor.
  Unfortunately kidletime opens a X11 socket, so an attacker can control every
  X11 application. Wayland fixes this.
  The Seccomp filter gets only installed if the Seccomp dependency is
  Credits go to Martin Flöser. He did something similar for kscreenlocker,
  and my work is mostly an adaption of his work.
  This is work in process: I want to get some feedback on the general idea and 
  these TODO items:
  - If this breaks frameworks compatibility promises, we should add metadata to 
the extractor plugins, and only enable the filter if all extractors support it. 
Then we could use a whitelist of syscalls.
  - FindSeccomp.cmake is now duplicated (copied from kscreenlocker). Should we 
move it into ECM? Also, I think we would need to relisence it.

  - ran a full reindex with wiped config and database, including the 
kfilemetadata samplefiles
- Got no Seccomp violations (checked with strace and dmesg)
- Writing files from the extractor fails with EPERM
- Seccomp Test is green

  R293 Baloo




To: davidk
Cc: #frameworks