Hi Kristof,

We don't use Puppet, but we do use Salt to manage our Kea configurations.
Our usage is fairly tightly defined, however, as our scope definitions are
generated by an in-house IPAM application, so all the Salt state really
does is ensure the necessary software is in place and the configuration
files are kept up to date.

Not sure what kind of info you're looking for, but in our case, because
Salt supports data in YAML, we just generate subnet definitions in YAML and
they merge automagically into the existing configuration.


On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 2:43 AM Kristof Van Doorsselaere <
kristof.vandoorssela...@hogent.be> wrote:

> Dear Kea User list,
> I was planning to move from isc dhcpd to kea dhcp next summer, and have 2
> questions:
>    1. We are currently using openldap as a backend (mac addresses need to
>    be registered in our company for wired access and are stored in openldap):
>    I’m willing to move away from openldap to mysql, but I was wondering are
>    there any known migration guides available for this?
>    1. Is anyone using puppet to automate the kea configuration, can’t
>    find an existing module on puppet forge
> Thanks in Advance for your replies.
> Kristof
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