
I'm attempting to build some in-house automation processes on top of Kea. It
will utilize a MariaDB Galera database on the backend. As part of this tool,
I will be required to insert configuration data directly into the Kea MySQL
database. I've been frustratingly fumbling my way through creating the
subnet, the pool, and all the associated links between the subnet and the
server. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to create the options. We
don't use anything non-standard. However, I'm having difficulty
understanding what the requirements are for the dhcp4_options table. I've
read through the ARM as well as the database creation script in source. I
even dug into some of Kea's code to try to understand what it was looking
for. Granted, I'm a SysAdmin by trade, so my coding abilities aren't as
skilled as the Kea devs.

What I'm hoping to find is more clear documentation or examples of a MySQL
configuration backend that demonstrates the data required to have a fully
functioning DHCP server. This could be as simple as a MySQL dump of a simple
working database.

I know that ISC probably wants to encourage people to use the cb_cmds
subscriber-only hook, and I don't blame them. At the same time, if they want
people to really switch away from the old ISC-DHCP implementation they
should make Kea as easy to adopt as possible.

If I can't get the Kea CB figured out, I'll just end up writing scripts to
generate the old JSON configuration files based of a database of my own

Any help or insight from people who have gone through this struggle would be
greatly appreciated!


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