Dan Andersson escreveu:
On Wednesday 30 January 2008 14:45:05 glinelec wrote:
--- In kicad-users@yahoogroups.com, "glinelec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My EeSchima seems to have stopped allowing wire placements.
If I select the add wire button the bottom right status shows Add Wire.
When I click on a pin the status shows Block Move and the operation
switches to block move even though the Add Wire button is "depressed".
I am have been using the system for a while and have not experienced
this before.
Same occurs with add bus but not with add component or add powers.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Version is 19 11 2007 Windows.
Posting a reply myself with more information.
The file was originally loaded from the Kicad main screen.
If I reload the schematic directly from the file menu in EeSchemea all
is ok.

The Linux version on Kubuntu 7.10 behaves in a similar way.

Depending on the level of zoom, I have to try 2 - 5 times before the wire placement "bites". Also,it's common that I have to cancel a "component move" while trying to get the wire started.

I noticed this with the last version of KiCad. I' using an AMD 64 dual core 4000+ and "enough" dual port RAM.

As a workaround, change zoom leve ( increase ) and try a couple of times and it'll work.

I noticed a similar problem: the place wire command doesn't "byte". But I started using a faster click (shorter in time) on the mouse and it may solved the problem, although it is not reproductible so it is more like e "feeling". Sorry for the imprecise report, but there surely is a problem there...

That was on svn version 2007 dec 13, I did not test enough on the new svn 2008 jan 28. Mandriva Linux 2007.1 and 2008.


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