our project has prob. "lost" the path to the lib where you are saving the

Eeschema maintains a local cache of lib parts in the project
directory, (the .cache file) If it cannot find the part in the libs it
uses whatever is in the cache. This is done to allow a project to be moved
from one machine to another without the need to transfer the entire
library as well.

(In PCBnew the modules are saved into the board file anyway so a separate
cache is not needed)

Make sure that you have ADDed the library that contains your part to
your project. 

You can also try editing your component again, and select the project
cache as the working library then save into that as well.


On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 19:19:17 -0800
Peter Polidoro <peterpolid...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm running into a frustrating problem and I'm hoping someone has some
> sort of workaround.  I created a new component in a new library and
> placed it into a schematic.  I made some changes to the component, but
> I cannot get those changes to update in the schematic.  I save the
> component both in the new library on disk and in the loaded library in
> memory, but neither updates the component on the schematic.  I tried
> deleting the component and placing it again, but it still shows up as
> the old component.   The library browser shows the updated component,
> but when I place it into the schematic, it shows up as the old
> component.  Is there any way to force Eeschema to reload the
> components from the libraries like you can reload the modules in
> PCBNew?  I've tried exporting the modified component and importing it
> into a library with a different name, no luck.  Do I need to redraw
> the component from scratch and save it with a new name or is there
> some easy trick I'm missing?  I just don't understand the persistence,
> where is that information being stored and why can't I update it?  I'm
> using 20090216-final on linux.
> ------------------------------------
> Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your 
> question.
> Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of 
> Kicad.
> Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to contribute your 
> symbols/modules to the kicad library.
> For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the 
> kicad-devel group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-develYahoo! Groups 
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