(( Islam VS. Christianity ))

2010-12-09 Thread nada fatma
(( Islam VS. Christianity ))


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(( Ever Wonder ))

2010-12-03 Thread nada fatma
(( Ever Wonder ))


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(( New Muslims: From The Dark to The Light Of Islam))

2010-11-29 Thread nada fatma
(( New Muslims: From The Dark to The Light Of Islam))


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Basic Beliefs: Christian versus Muslim

2010-11-26 Thread nada fatma
Basic Beliefs: Christian versus Muslim

In this book it will be demonstrated (by God's will), through the words of
the Bible and some of history's most eminent conservative Biblical scholars
and references only, how most of the founding beliefs of Christianity today
were indeed inserted by mankind into the message of Jesus long after his
departure. Jesus (pbuh) himself never had anything whatsoever to do with
them. These beliefs include:

   - The "Trinity."
   - The claim that Jesus (pbuh) is the Son of God in the later "orthodox"
   - The "original sin" of Adam which mankind is alleged to have inherited.
   - The "atonement," or death of Jesus (pbuh) on the cross in order to
   erase this sin of Adam.
   - The "incarnation" of God in the form of a human being, namely, Jesus

It will further be demonstrated that the true message of Jesus (pbuh) was:

   - That God is One. He is indivisible. He has no equal.
   - God has no children nor parents. There is no other god in existence
   other than God Himself.
   - Jesus (pbuh) was a human being. He was not God, but only an elect
   messenger of God.
   - God does not hold anyone responsible for the sin of anyone else, nor
   does He forgive the sins of one man by sacrificing another.
   - God does not give preference to a certain race, color, nation, lineage
   or anything else above any other. Only a person's individual actions and
   worship will distinguish them in the eyes of God.
   - God's justice refuses that any human being bear the sin of any other.
   - God is a merciful god who bestows His forgiveness without a price or
   asking for any compensation.
   - Entering into heaven requires both faith and work. Neither one can
   stand alone.

Muslims are taught that throughout the ages, God sent messengers to all
tribes and nations all over the earth beginning with Adam (pbuh), the first
prophet of God as well as the father of humanity. Every time a messenger of
God would pass away, his people would begin to fall back on their evil deeds
until a few generations later they would have managed to have completely
corrupted His original message to them. When God's message was in danger of
being completely obliterated by these people, He would chose from among them
a new messenger to receive the original, uncorrupted message and convey it
to them. Some of them would listen. Others would not. However, the message
would always be available for those who wanted it. In this manner, God made
sure that all of mankind would always have access to His true religion, no
matter where or when they lived. It would then be up to them to seek out
this knowledge.

Muslims are further taught that each messenger was sent only to his own
people. His message was then fine-tuned to suit them. Thus, the basic
message would be the same for all messengers: "God is one!, Worship Him
alone!" However, the details of each people's worship would be molded to
suit their lifestyle, state of knowledge, and so forth. This was also true
for Jesus (pbuh). Jesus was sent specifically to the Jews, and only to the
Jews. It shall be demonstrated how one of the most fundamental reasons which
led up to the loss of his message was that those who came after him
attempted to preach it to those for whom it was never intended, namely, the
Gentiles. The Gentiles eventually managed to introduce into the message of
Jesus many aspects of their own beliefs which ultimately led up to the loss
of the message of Jesus.

This book demonstrates how the diversion of the religion of Jesus (pbuh)
from it's original teachings progressed in the following stages:

   - Jesus (pbuh) came to show the Jews how their religion had been changed
   from that preached to them by Moses and their previous prophets (pbut).
   - Jesus (pbuh) called the Jews back to the true religion of God sent down
   upon their previous messengers. Jesus himself observed every single aspect
   of the religion of Moses (pbuh) steadfastly and uncompromisingly. He fasted
   as Moses (pbuh) fasted, he worshipped as Moses (pbuh) worshipped, he
   refrained from tasting a single pig, he believed in circumcision and himself
   was circumcised, he observed the Sabbath, never having violated it. He did
   this up until the crucifixion. It was only after the crucifixion, according
   to the Bible, that he allegedly returned in "visions" to Paul in order to
   nullify the law he had spent his whole life upholding. The
*Bible*actually bears witness that during his lifetime, Jesus
commanded his
   followers to follow the religion of Moses (pbuh) and threatened severe
   retribution from God for all of his followers who would forsake a single
   aspect of this religion *until the end of time* (see below).
   - Jesus (pbuh) departed from this earth and his apostles continued to
   follow his teachings religiously. They too fol

God of The Jews And Christians?

2010-11-25 Thread nada fatma
God of The Jews And Christians?

Is 'Allah' the same god of the Jews and Christians?

Yes. The word in Hebrew came from "El" and in Arabic from "Elh". The word
for "god" (note the small 'g' in English) is "Elah". Compare this to "Eloi"
and "Eli" in the New Testament.

The word "Allah" is the perfect word to describe the God of Jews and
Christians as it does not permit gender nor plural. Therefore, when the word
is used as in "Eloihim" or "Allahumma" (these would appear at first to be
plural and/or female genders) it becomes clear it is the royal usage such as
a king would use in referring to his royal station while make a decree of
some type. The king would state, "We decree the following..." and he is
actually talking about his royal position rather than plural status.

There is no word in English for the "God" of Israel, the "God" of Jesus.
This explains why the spelling remains the same whether speaking of a false
"god" or pagan idol and the "God" of Abraham or Moses or Jesus (peace be
upon them). Note the use of the capital "g" (G). This is the only way
English can present a difference between the two. In the Semitic languages
it is easy to distinguish the difference between a "god" and "The God" due
to the structure of the word itself.

Evidence for this is quite simple. Visit any motel or hotel and remove the
Bible located in the drawer next to the bed (placed they courtesy of the
Gideon Society). Note inside the first few pages a reference to the
translations of the Bible they have made into 27 languages. The second
example they give is to the Arabic language of the passage in the New
Testament from the Gospel of John 3:16. The verse begins in English; "For
God so loved the world.." and in the Arabic translation the word used for
"God" is "Allah."

The Arabic Bible beginning with the Book of Genesis uses the word "Allah" to
represent "The God" of Creation; Adam and Eve; Noah; Abraham; Ishmael and
Isaac and Israel. Page one of Genesis has the word "Allah" 17 times.

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