We have been asked to allow interactive activities, where students can interact 
with the OPAC with the application Libwizard (from Springshare) embedded. I 
understand Libwizard can offer a number of experiences including a quiz-type 
one or a guided learning one. Our Koha server has been configured to decline 
CORS (cross-origin scripting requests) by default, and our support company is 
wary of switching it on, and our university cyber security folk are... less 
than enthusiastic as this stage too. Has anyone enabled CORS in such as way as 
we are being asked to? Apparently one (safer?) option would be to set up a 
secondary domain, with the CORS security mechanism (plus a few other things) 
disabled. Before we even our support company about that I thought I'd ask if 
anyone has done what we are being asked to do?


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