KR> Flying kr2 in the northeast?

2016-06-14 Thread Vincent Meyer, M.D.
Planning on starting construction on my kr2 this summer.  Is there anybody in 
the northeast USA who would be interested in letting me look over their plane, 
and maybe beg a ride?  I'm just south of Lake George, NY.  


Vincent Meyer
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

KR> Flywheel alternators

2016-06-14 Thread laser147 at
Thank you Jeff and Mark (and others who have commented) for the feedback
on my alternator voltmeter reading a little low.   I'll get my
multi-meter out and try and stay clear of the prop and take some readings
on the regulator.  


Los Angeles Post
This Father and Son Took the Same Photo 28 Years in a Row, Last One is ...

KR> iFly720 - Navigators, etc.

2016-06-14 Thread laser147 at
I've recently been wasting money on various navigators that I've been
thinking of for some time.  For years I've been using the AnywhereMap ATC
which with it's 5 inch overall size has been perfect for my small
cockpit, plus the AnywhereMap software is about as perfect as can be
found.  Until the owner of the company screwed it up, it had a GPS-driven
glideslope - a "virtual ILS" that could be reliably and instantly used to
guide one to whatever runway threshold is in range in case of an engine
out when over a solid deck or at night with no moon.  It was a fantastic
feature that I loved playing with - and then the bastard totally screwed
it up by replacing the needle-against-a scale display with some stupid
colored blocks that were completely useless.  AnywhereMap runs on Windows
mobile (at least the one in the HP 310 which is the hardware platform for
the AWM ATC I use).  They do have a "Pro" version that retained the
original V-ILS feature that runs on full Windows, but until recently
there haven't been any small Windows tablets.  In 2013 DELL came out with
the Venue 8 Pro, an 8-inch tablet running Windows 8.1.  That got upgraded
with a newer model with more memory and I bought one.  They are 377 nits
which, in my cockpit, is invisible.  My ATC is not that bright either,
however I have a shade on it which makes it usable unless the sun is
directly behind me.  I've kept the ATC despite the V-ILS screw up since
the software design is elegant, predictable, intuitive, useful, and just
about the best navigation software one can imagine.  

Instead of putting AWM Pro on the new DELL I bought, I discovered Lenovo
has an 8 inch tablet with 520 nits (Miix 2 8-inch) so I bought one of
those.  AWM is selling their entire suite of software for $199 these days
- that is, the Pro navigation software (which retained the original V-ILS
display), plus high definition terrain called Max Nav, Pocket Plates with
geo-referenced plates - all of which used to be add-ons.  AWM is pretty
much out of business these days since iPads and the software that's come
out has killed everything else pretty much.  I don't expect AWM to keep
the program up to date but I'm thinking at the current fire sale price it
will be good as a back-up navigation program which I can keep in a side
pocket.  These 8 inch tablets are extremely thin and light and with ten
hours of battery life make a good back up.  Both the DELL and the Lenovo
are the same size as the iPad Mini.  

I couldn't get everything (AWM software suite) to install correctly so I
sent the tablet (the Lenovo Miix 2 8-inch) in to AWM to get it all
installed by the programmer.  Haven't got it back yet but already I know
this was probably all a waste of money.  The 8 inch tablet is too big to
put a shade on and even at 520 nits I doubt it will be visible in the
cockpit during the day.  For sure the DELL is invisible.  I wasted $260
buying some software that has intrigued me for a long time - Flight
Cheetah, also called True Flight.  It runs on Windows and until recently
there haven't been any small Windows tablets so now that there are, I
bought the software.  Flight Cheetah will actually give you approach
overlays with HITS boxes to fly through.  You pick your IAP and it will
do the rest, taking you right to the numbers as you fly through the
boxes.  Well, at night or in the clouds when one might use or need such a
capability, I'm sure there's no trouble seeing it on a 377 nit tablet but
in normal daylight - forget it.  I put it on the DELL.  I can't see a
durn thing on the DELL.  Plus the Flight Cheetah software written on
Windows is, like AWM, not long for this world and the software is as
flaky as it gets - despite the fact it's been around for many years. 
When the guy who wrote it sold Windows boxes for cockpit use it was
probably the cat's meow, but on these touchscreen tablets it's all over
the place.  Unpredictable, unreliable, and a total waste of money.   No
wonder you never see it mentioned on any of the aviation boards anymore. 

This is getting rather long-winded so I'll wrap it up by saying today,
knowing what I know now and after having wasted about $1000 with these
tablets and software programs, I would just get the new Garmin 660.  It's
5 inches, thus will fit my cockpit perfectly.  It's got a worldwide
database.  It's sunlight readable.  It's got a V-ILS feature - it won't
take you to the numbers, just to pattern altitude, but that's good enough
in most cases.  It's Garmin.

I've followed and liked the iFly and would probably buy the 740 in lieu
of anything else, except the Garmin is smaller and more suitable for my
24" wide cockpit.  

Anything on an iPad is useless for me - I've no idea how you guys see
anything on a 400 nit screen.  I sure can't.  


Los Angeles Post
This Father and Son Took the Same Photo 28 Years in a Row, Last One is ...

KR> Flywheel alternators

2016-06-14 Thread Tommy Waymack
This is a problem I have experienced in my Revmaster VW.Years ago mine was
not charging.But it never seemed to go dead just low voltage.Removed the
rotor and sent it to Revmaster for a recharge of the magnets.They sent it
back and the magnets were much stronger and the charge rate when up to a
healthy 14 volts.After years of use,the charge rate went back down.Rev
master no longer recharges the magnets but I decided to buy a new rotor,not
cheap.The new ones are made with much better material and will last
longer.I do think my aircraft has out lived it's life expectancy.Tommy W.

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 4:33 PM, billjacobs386 at <
krnet at> wrote:

> Thanks Jeff,Good clear description.
> Bill Jacobs
> -- Original message--From: Jeff Scott via KRnet Date: Mon, Jun 13,
> 2016 5:28 PMTo: krnet at;Cc: Jeff Scott;Subject:Re: KR>
> Flywheel alternators"Flywheel Alternators" are more aptly described as
> Dynamo Charging systems.  They have fixed magnets that fly past a fixed
> Stator (coil or coils) to produce AC current and either a single or 3 phase
> A/C Output that is then rectified into DC.  A single phase unit either
> works or not as there are no moving parts to wear out.  If a wire breaks in
> the stator or beetween the stator and the regulator, it no longer works.  A
> 3 phase unit can lose a phase, which will reduce its max current output.  I
> expect the Great Planes units are likely single phase.  The regulator is
> where all the magic happens and where problems are most likely to occur.
> The regulator both rectifies the AC output into DC, and regulates the DC to
> something less than 14.3 Volts. Low voltage output will almost always be
> the regulator that's at fault.  No charging can be either the regulator,
> wiring, or the dynamo stator wires that have failed. The failures I have
> seen in them were failed regulators, and burned wiring between the dynamo
> and the regulator, and broken wires in the dynamo.  It is possible that
> your regulator output may be affected by heat, but to what degree, I
> couldn't predict.  Since these systems don't typically charge at idle, you
> need to use a good voltmeter (preferably digital) and take a reading
> anywhere on the 12V DC buss with the engine turning somewhere around 1500 -
> 2000 RPM.  I don't have any specific knowledge about the Great Planes
> units, so don't know what RPM they cut in, but the ones on the Jabiru
> engines I've been working on seem to start charging around 1800 rpm.  Once
> it's charging with minimal load, I would expect to see something on the
> order of a minimum of 13V to maintain the battery.  If it is less than
> that, they you are likely looking at a regulator issue.  The dynamo itself
> will either work, or it won't. -Jeff ScottLos Alamos, NM Sent: Monday, June
> 13, 2016 at 2:02 PMFrom: "Mike Stirewalt via KRnet"
> To: krnet at list.krnet.orgCc: laser147 at juno.comSubject: KR> Flywheel
> alternatorsAnybody know if the flywheel alternators that are in the Great
> Plainsengines wear out with time? It seems my voltmeter needle is
> ridingaround 11 volts instead of 12 with the engine at full RPM. It might
> bemy imagination.If they DO wear out with time, what needs to be replaced?
> What wears?I just aborted a trip to La Paz because the voltmeter needle
> seemed to beriding a little lower than it usually does. I didn't want to be
> comingback across the border without a working transponder so I landed in
> SanFelipe and just came back home. Better safe than sorry. This
> alternatorsituation worries me but it might be just fine and my imagination
> theproblem, not the alternator. It's got a lot of hours on it - theflywheel
> alternator I mean - and am wondering if I've got a
> problemdeveloping.Thanks,MikeKSEEAffordable
> Wireless PlansSet up is easy. Get online in minutes.Starting at only $9.95
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KR> Ifly 720

2016-06-14 Thread Tommy Waymack
There are different types of touch screen activation.The two I am aware of
is resistance and capacitance.Resistance uses pressure to complete a
circuit on the screen.The capacitance type is probably more sensitive in
that the finger changes the capacitance of the circuit and activates the
system.Gloves are not useful in the capacitance screens unless they are
lamb skin or some other similar material  that will produce the same
effect.Tommy W.

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 1:19 PM, Jeff Scott via KRnet 

> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 at 11:23 AM
> From: "Mark Langford via KRnet" 
> To: KRnet 
> Cc: ml at
> Subject: Re: KR> Ifly 720
> Brian Kraut wrote:
> > Ifly 720. I powered it up over the weekend and noticed that it
> > took probably a minute or so to boot up and operation seems to not be
> > very fast on it. I kind of expected that on their dedicated hardware
> > that it would zip right along or at least run as good as it does on my
> > phone that is also running 100 other processes at the same time. I also
> > noticed that the touch screen requires a harder touch than my phone or
> > tablet
> Right on all counts! Mine probably takes well over two minutes to boot,
> and the touch screen isn't as sensitive as in iPhone, which may be by
> design. And the absence of an on/off switch is unforgiveable, as is the
> absence of at least a tiny battery to get you through cycling other
> power on or off for a few seconds. The other biggie is the super glossy
> screen. It just doesn't work well in a plane with a canopy. I had to
> buy another touch screen for mine for $120 after relatively little
> usage, but the previous one had a non-glare sheet over it. I may have
> even bought the non-glare thing...I forget, but I'm looking for another
> one now.
> Other than these nits, it's a great unit, but the conclusion I've drawn
> is to run it on an iPad, which can be bought used for under $100, and
> you get the best of both worlds. iPad hardware is pretty dang reliable
> and trouble free. I'm using my daughter discarded after many years of
> hard use, and everything on works like the day it was new. And what a
> battery...
> Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
> ML "at"
> ---
> I had the exact same issues with my iFly 720.  Painfully slow boot up.
> Insensitive screen.  Mine also needed the screen recalibrated regularly. I
> liked their software, but the 720 unit seemed to have a few problems.  Mine
> finally lost it's mind about a year ago and needed the OS to be flashed
> onto it again.  I asked them to make me a deal to trade for an iFly 740.
> All of those issues were addressed in the iFly 740.  It boots fast.  Has a
> much brighter screen that is more sensitive than the 720, but not overly
> sensitive like my Android unit.  And it has an internal battery that will
> run it for ~15 minutes.  And the WiFi on the 740 seems to work much better.
> I also fly with an Android running the same iFly software.  I find it to
> be a bit overly sensitive when I'm flying in rough air, so it's easy to get
> the wrong things keyed in.  It's not nearly as bright as the iFly 740, but
> about the same as the iFly 720.  The android also seems to be susceptible
> to RF interference that knocks the WiFi off line, so it drops the
> connection to my ADS-B gear.  Yesterday, the Android overheated and shut
> down for ~30 minutes while sitting in the same bright sunlight right next
> to my iFly unit, so I would say the iFly unit is a bit more hardy in real
> world environments.  I never had my iFly 720 or 740 shut down due to heat,
> but the Android has quit twice requiring it to cool for about 30 minutes in
> front of a vent and out of the sunlight before it was functional again.
> -Jeff Scott
> Los Alamos, NM
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KR> Cable safe

2016-06-14 Thread Stef den Boer
Hi Cris and Codylee,

I have did a search on wicks and even on ebay no result.

The steel one from Codylee is to heavy.


> Op 14 juni 2016 om 2:17 schreef "codylee.cramer">:
> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
>  Original message 
> From: Stef den Boer via KRnet 
> Date: 6/13/16 8:07 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To: KRnet 
> Cc: Stef den Boer 
> Subject: KR> Cable safe
> Hi kr friends,
> I need to order a calble safe
> The problem is aircraft spruce is out of stock and the manufactor company
> is out
> of order or what ever. Is there some of you who has a new adres where I
> can buy
> this item...
> Thanks stef.
> Steph and his dad are building the KR-2S see
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Steph and his dad are building the KR-2S see

KR> Cable safe

2016-06-14 Thread Stef den Boer
Hi kr friends,

I need to order a calble safe

The problem is aircraft spruce is out of stock and the manufactor company is out
of order or what ever. Is there some of you who has a new adres where I can buy
this item...

Thanks stef. 

Steph and his dad are building the KR-2S see