Just got of the phone with Darryl @ Warp Drive.  I initially used their online
quote form to get a price on a 5 bladed prop.  Because if your building a
Seafury you gotta have a 5 bladed prop. RIGHT?  Anyway, the response from
HoverHawk Corp that sells the props was that its too heavy and they quoted me a
3 bladed prop for an O-235.  After calling the factory I am excited to say I am
still good to use a 5 bladed prop.  The Sensenich used was 24 lbs and the 5
blades with hub will be about 20 lbs.   SO the plan is  to start with 60 inch
blades and cut them down from there as I experiment with the performance.  I
suspect I can go as small as 52-55 inches if need be.  It will not be my daily
flyer but when going to an airshow the 5 blades are the choice for sure.

Excited Builder Craig

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