KR> Blanks/BRS

2015-08-01 Thread brian.kraut at
LOL.  In that case the BRS would not have helped since I was never high
enough to deploy it.

What it really comes down to is that you can be prepared for a hundred
different situations you can get into, but the thing that gets you might
just be the one you did not prepare for.  Heck, the thing that gets you
just might be because of your preparations such as a passenger pulling
the BRS handle at a most inopportune time like just before clearing the
trees at the approach end of the runway during a normal landing.  

We all need to evaluate the flying we normally do and figure out what
makes sense for us within our budget, weight allowance, and a hundred
other factors.  For some of us a BRS makes a lot of sense.  For others
it does not, but don't make that decision based on just what you read
from some posts from different people flying different planes in
different situations.  Evaluating your own needs and acting accordingly
is what makes you not a weenie.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: KR> Blanks
From: Mark Langford via KRnet 
Date: Thu, July 30, 2015 5:02 pm
To: krnet at
Cc: Mark Langford 

 >You are going to get a lot of flaming arrows for this post, but I for
one agree with most of what you said.>

My comment was "This says a lot coming from a guy that's "landed" a KR2 
in a tree!"

KR> Blanks

2015-08-01 Thread brian.kraut at
I use Godaddy and it defaults to HTML unless I remember to click on the
tab for plain text.  When I forget to do that the mail comes through
blank.  Sometimes I see that I sent a blank email and I resend it
correctly.  Sometimes I see it and by that point it is not that
important anymore and I don't bother to resend. 

 Original Message 
Subject: KR> Blanks
From: Mike Stirewalt via KRnet 
Date: Thu, July 30, 2015 4:31 pm
To: krnet at
Cc: laser147 at

Two of the most knowledgable netters whose posts are always worth
reading, Langford and Brian Kraut, frequently leave posts which are
blank. I doubt in most cases they even know their posts are coming
through as blanks since how often do these busy people take the time to
go back and read a post to see if it made it through the system okay? 
The phenomenon of blank emails is probably not even noticable to the
poster unless they're using digest mode.

KR> Blanks

2015-07-30 Thread Dan Heath
It must be something else, because I send all my messages in HTML including
this one.

See N64KR at - Then click on
the pics 

2015 KR Gathering - McMinnville, OR.  September 3 - 6 -- See U There.

Peoples Choice at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best KR at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Interior at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Paint at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Firwwall Forward at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN 

Best Interior and Panel at 2008 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-Original Message-

Blank messages are caused by messages that are sent to the list as HTML
format, rather than plain text

KR> Blanks

2015-07-30 Thread bjoenunley

There was a time when I had access to the Army's flight simulators on a regular 
basis so for fun I practiced engine out landings over a big city. ?Flying 
between the buildings, even with a 48 foot wing span wasn't as bad as the wire 
Joe Nunley?CW2 US Army RetiredBaker JROTC Instructor?Baker Florida?
One thing that does make my pucker?meter peg is flying low over a congested 
city, such as the approach into 
Columbia, SC, and the exit from Mallard in Omaha.? An engine failure in 
either situation will not have a good outcome, and I'm sure almost all 
of us would agree that we'd appreciate something like a BRS under such 
Mark Langford?

KR> Blanks

2015-07-30 Thread Mark Langford
Mike Stirewalt wrote:

 > Two of the most knowledgable netters whose posts are always worth
 > reading, Langford and Brian Kraut, frequently leave posts which are
 > blank.

Blank messages are caused by messages that are sent to the list as HTML 
format, rather than plain text.  Brian's email system is set up to 
default to HTML messages, but he figures it out quickly and resends them 
as plain text.  I replied to one of his plain text emails, but for 
whatever reason, my email interpreted it as an HTML and sent it out as 
HTML, so it's didn't fly either, despite my setting up a "rule" that all 
email sent to KRnet is to be sent as plain text.  Why the hassle and 
concern about HTML?  It can harbor malware, and we get enough of that as 
plain text links.  It's just another stone in the wall of defense, 
feeble as it may be.

What I said this morning was:

Brian Kraut wrote:

 >You are going to get a lot of flaming arrows for this post, but I for
one agree with most of what you said.>

My comment was "This says a lot coming from a guy that's "landed" a KR2 
in a tree!"

I will say that a successful forced landing makes the prospect of 
another one a lot less daunting.  One thing that does make my pucker 
meter peg is flying low over a congested city, such as the approach into 
Columbia, SC, and the exit from Mallard in Omaha.  An engine failure in 
either situation will not have a good outcome, and I'm sure almost all 
of us would agree that we'd appreciate something like a BRS under such 
conditions.  Personally, I do my best to avoid such situations whenever 
possible, and flying high is a good habit I developed a long time ago. 
As in any risk management, consequences and likelihood can be adjusted 
down to an acceptable level most of the time, but not always...

Mark Langford
ML at

KR> Blanks

2015-07-30 Thread laser147 at
Two of the most knowledgable netters whose posts are always worth
reading, Langford and Brian Kraut, frequently leave posts which are
blank.  I doubt in most cases they even know their posts are coming
through as blanks since how often do these busy people take the time to
go back and read a post to see if it made it through the system okay? 
The phenomenon of blank emails is probably not even noticable to the
poster unless they're using digest mode.

This shooting blanks phenomenon isn't consistent, although for a brief
period all of Brian's posts were doing this.  When it first started
occuring a few months ago I considered it might be something to do with
my email readers but I concluded back then the glitch, whatever it is, is
something further up the pipeline.  With the new and different
communication protocols constantly being introduced as these hybrid
devices we generally call smartphones become more prevalent . . . I
suspect therein lies the explanation.  It's a cruel irony that so far the
glitch (at least from what I've noticed) is only affecting posts from two
of the KR community's most experienced members.  

These occasional blank emails are examples of communications anomalies
that are only going to become more pervasive as Moore's Law continues to
accelerate.  Microsoft's response to this situation of overlapping and
interacting technical hodgepodges may be just what we need - offering a
free and all-inclusive operating system that covers everything from
mainframes and smart watches to the internet-connected thermostat on the
wall.  Let's hope though that the problem with Mark and Brian's emails
get fixed before Windows 10 rides into town and takes over.  That process
could take a while.  Steve Glover will be selling wing skins and tail
feathers made out of solar cells and KR builders will be installing
engines made by Siemens before the job of debugging Win 10 is ever
completed.  I could be wrong though.  In a short period of time Microsoft
did a remarkable job with ME.  I'm sure they are capable of doing that
again if given half a chance.   


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