I was laying up some BID on some foam for the VStab parts. I layed up the one 
side and then went back to the HStab. Several days later as I was waiting for 
some curing on the HStab I went back to the one sided glassed foam to lay up 
the other side. Because of the way I had stored it there was a significant 
curve in it. I layed up the BID on the other side and then I put some duct tape 
on some boards and then placed some heavy water bottles on the boards to let it 
cure flat. The next day when I took off the water bottles and boards I had a 
surface that was smooth as glass. So I was wondering if it would make sense to 
apply a similar technique elsewhere. I am about ready to apply the final layup 
of fiberglass on the HStab. Should I lay down some peel ply and then vacuum bag 
the whole thing? I went to a little local fly in and they had some composite 
planes and my son-in-law asked if my surface was going to be that smooth. I 
told him I thought so, but I
 didn't know how it would get that way. Is that smooth final surface achieved 
with primer and sanding alone?


128 hours in AZ

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