On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 8:58 PM, Michael Goldish<mgold...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Here's my proposed TAP solution:
> - The user specifies MAC ranges and may or may not specify corresponding IP
> ranges.
> - VMs are always given MAC addresses from the user specified MAC ranges.
> - MAC address ranges must be unique to each host running KVM tests -- there
> must be no overlap between them.
> - If corresponding IP ranges are specified as well, the system will use them
> when trying to communicate with guests.
> - If corresponding IP ranges are not specified, tcpdump will be used to listen
> to DHCP traffic and dynamically detect the right IP addresses. There's also a
> flag that can force this behavior.
> - tcpdump will run in the background at all times, and collect MAC-IP pairs
> as soon as they are assigned by the DHCP server.  This is useful for
> NIC hotplugging (where IP addresses are assigned during the test itself) and
> generally for misbehaving guests or DHCP servers (restarting network services
> during the test, using very short lease times).
> - It is up to the user to create the actual bridge for TAP devices; the
> qemu-ifup script included in one of the patches only adds the TAP interface to
> an existing bridge.  The user should modify this script or create a bridge
> some other way.
> This works very well on two hosts I tried, but I'm not entirely sure it will
> work in all cases -- please let me know what you think.
> (I remember Jason Wang mentioned that tcpdump doesn't always catch all the
> required traffic, or that it might somehow depend on the DHCP server -- anyone
> willing to comment on that?)
> The following patches have been tested with a few KVM tests (boot, reboot,
> stress_boot, migration) with both TAP and user mode, but they could probably
> use more testing (maybe with Python 2.6?), so if anyone is willing to help
> with that I'd appreciate it very much.

No problem, since my development machine have python 2.6 and that's
where I develop, I will test while I review your patches!
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