[LAAMN] Baghdad's girl blogger

2005-01-18 Thread Ed Pearl

Another from the woman in Baghdad. Let's hope she survives Bush's free 


  Subject: Baghdad's girl blogger

  Baghdad Burning  http://riverbendblog.blogspot.com/

  ... I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls 
can mend...
  - posted by river @ 11:06 PM 

  The Phantom Weapons...
  The phone hasn't been working for almost a week now. We just got the line 
back today. For the last six days, I'd pick up the phone and hear... silence. 
Nothing. This vast nothingness would be followed by a few futile 'hellos' and a 
forceful punching of some random numbers with my index finger. It isn't always 
like this, of course. On some days, you can pick up the telephone and hear a 
bunch of other people screaming allooo? Allooo? E. once struck up a 
conversation with a complete stranger over the phone because they were both 
waiting for a line. E. wanted to call our uncle and the woman was trying to 
call her grandson. 

  The dial-tone came about an hour ago (I've been checking since morning) and 
I'm taking advantage of it. 

  The electricity situation isn't very much better. We're getting two hours of 
electricity (almost continuous) and then eight hours of no electricity 
(continuous). We still can't get the generators going for very long because of 
the fuel shortage. Kerosene is really becoming a problem now. I guess we 
weren't taking it very seriously at first because, it really is probably the 
first time Iraq has seen a kerosene shortage and it is still difficult to 
believe. They say in 1991 when there was a gasoline shortage which lasted for 
the duration of the war and some time after, kerosene was always plentiful. 
This isn't the situation now. We're buying it for obscene prices and it's 
really only useful for the lamps and the heaters. 

  It feels like just about everyone who can is going to leave the country 
before the elections. They say the borders between Syria and Jordan might be 
closed a week before elections so people are rushing to get packed and get out. 
Many families are simply waiting for their school-age children to finish 
mid-year finals or college exams so they can leave. 

  This was an interesting piece of news a couple of days ago:

  The United States has ended its physical search for weapons of mass 
destruction (WMD) in Iraq, which was cited by the first administration of 
President George W Bush as the main reason for invading the country, the White 
House has said. 

  Why does this not surprise me? Does it surprise anyone? I always had the 
feeling that the only people who actually believed this war was about weapons 
of mass destruction were either paranoid Americans or deluded expatriate 
Iraqis- or a combination of both. I wonder now, after hundreds and hundreds of 
Americans actually died on Iraqi soil and over a hundred-thousand Iraqis are 
dead, how Americans view the current situation. I have another question- the 
article mentions a Duelfer Report stating the weapons never existed and all 
the intelligence was wrong. This report was supposedly published in October 
2004. The question is this: was this report made public before the elections? 
Did Americans actually vote for Bush with this knowledge?

  Over here, it's not really news in the sense that it's not new. We've been 
expecting a statement like this for the last two years. While we were aware the 
whole WMD farce was just a badly produced black comedy, it's still upsetting to 
hear Bush's declaration that he was wrong. It's upsetting because it just 
confirms the worst: right-wing Americans don't care about justifying this war. 
They don't care about right or wrong or innocents dead and more to die. They 
were somewhat ahead of the game. When they saw their idiotic president wasn't 
going to find weapons anywhere in Iraq, they decided it would be about mass 
graves. It wasn't long before the very people who came to 'liberate' a 
sovereign country soon began burying more Iraqis in mass graves. The smart 
weapons began to stupidly kill 'possibly innocent' civilians (they are only 
'definitely innocent' if they are working with the current Iraqi security 
forces or American troops). It went once more from protecting poor Iraqis from 
themselves to protecting Americans from 'terrorists'. Zarqawi very conveniently 
entered the picture. 

  Zarqawi is so much better than WMD. He's small, compact and mobile. He can 
travel from Falloojeh to Baghdad to Najaf to Mosul. whichever province or city 
really needs to be oppressed. Also, conveniently, he looks like the typical 
Iraqi male- dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin, medium build. I wonder how long 
it will take the average American to figure out that he's about as substantial 
as our previously alleged WMD. 

  Now we're being 'officially' told that the weapons never existed. After Iraq 
has been devastated, we're told it's a mistake. You look around Baghdad and it 
is heart-breaking. The streets are ravaged, the 

[LAAMN] Healing Society!

2005-01-18 Thread aipu2

Healing Society!
Hi. If interested in real healing for individuals or society, please 
join Caring Spirit at www.yahoogroups.com/group/CareSp.
. Caring Spirit [a non-profit] is doing a study on spiritual healing 
of individuals and society. Several studies by others suggest that 
large groups of people concentrating on a specific intention, like 
improvement in a person's health, or a favorable change in the 
weather etc, can have very positive results.
. There is a real threat of world war as well as climate change. The 
climate change would not be due so much to pollution as to changes in 
the entire solar system. Conditions on all of the planets, the sun 
and many moons are changing dramatically, as our solar system appears 
to be entering a more energized area of the galaxy [See 
www.enterprisemission.com ]. Prayer or Raising Consciousness etc can 
. For the study we plan to get a few hundred people concentrating on 
one person's request at a time to see what results occur. We'll try 
to determine who has spiritual healing power and how others can 
develop it. And we'll try to improve our group's powers of healing 
and use them for healing our society. So everyone interested is 
invited to join and send in your specific request and what day and 
time you'd like to have everyone's concentration. At the requested 
time the group should concentrate on your request. And you should 
concentrate on what you feel, to see if you can sense the group's 
concentration in any way.
. Would you like to participate by doing focused praying or 
meditating etc with us for individuals in the group and others, so we 
can find what works best?
. There have been some exciting developments in recent years and we 
hope to make further breakthru discoveries that will lead to 
society's healing and to worldwide prosperity. I plan to share some 
of the exciting developments that have already been made, such as 
mentioned at www.Bruno-Groening.org/english, and many others.
. Aloha! Lloyd Kinder for Caring Spirit  

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[LAAMN] Sy Hersh: The Coming Wars

2005-01-18 Thread Ed Pearl

What the Pentagon can now do in secret. 
The New Yorker - Issue of 2005-01-24 and 31 
Posted 2005-01-17


George W. Bush's reelection was not his only victory
last fall. The President and his national-security
advisers have consolidated control over the military
and intelligence communities' strategic analyses and
covert operations to a degree unmatched since the rise
of the post-Second World War national-security state.
Bush has an aggressive and ambitious agenda for using
that control--against the mullahs in Iran and against
targets in the ongoing war on terrorism--during his
second term. The C.I.A. will continue to be downgraded,
and the agency will increasingly serve, as one
government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon
put it, as facilitators of policy emanating from
President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney. This
process is well under way.

Despite the deteriorating security situation in Iraq,
the Bush Administration has not reconsidered its basic long-range policy goal 
in the Middle East: the establishment of democracy throughout the region. 
Bush's reelection is regarded within the Administration as evidence of 
America's support for his decision to go to war. It has reaffirmed the position 
of the neoconservatives in the Pentagon's civilian leadership who advocated the 
invasion, including Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and 
Douglas Feith, the Under-secretary for Policy. According to a former high-level 
intelligence official, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld met with the Joint 
Chiefs of Staff shortly after the election and told them, in essence, that the 
naysayers had been heard and the American people did not accept their message. 
Rumsfeld added that America was committed to staying in Iraq and that there 
would be no second-guessing.

This is a war against terrorism, and Iraq is just one campaign. The Bush 
Administration is looking at this as a huge war zone, the former high-level 
intelligence official told me. Next, we're going to have the Iranian campaign. 
We've declared war and the bad guys, wherever they are, are the enemy. This is 
the last hurrah--we've got four years, and want to come out of this saying we 
won the war on terrorism.

Bush and Cheney may have set the policy, but it is
Rumsfeld who has directed its implementation and has
absorbed much of the public criticism when things went wrong--whether it was 
prisoner abuse in Abu Ghraib or lack of sufficient armor plating for G.I.s' 
vehicles in Iraq. Both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have called for 
Rumsfeld's dismissal, and he is not widely admired inside the military. 
Nonetheless, his reappointment as Defense Secretary was never in doubt.

Rumsfeld will become even more important during the
second term. In interviews with past and present
intelligence and military officials, I was told that
the agenda had been determined before the Presidential election, and much of it 
would be Rumsfeld's responsibility. The war on terrorism would be expanded, and 
effectively placed under the Pentagon's control. The President has signed a 
series of findings and executive orders authorizing secret commando groups and 
other Special Forces units to conduct covert operations against suspected 
terrorist targets in as many as ten nations in the Middle East and South Asia.

The President's decision enables Rumsfeld to run the
operations off the books--free from legal restrictions
imposed on the C.I.A. Under current law, all C.I.A.
covert activities overseas must be authorized by a
Presidential finding and reported to the Senate and
House intelligence committees. (The laws were enacted
after a series of scandals in the nineteen-seventies
involving C.I.A. domestic spying and attempted
assassinations of foreign leaders.) The Pentagon
doesn't feel obligated to report any of this to
Congress, the former high-level intelligence official
said. They don't even call it 'covert ops'--it's too
close to the C.I.A. phrase. In their view, it's 'black reconnaissance.' They're 
not even going to tell the cincs--the regional American military 
commanders-in-chief. (The Defense Department and the White House did not 
respond to requests for comment on this story.)

In my interviews, I was repeatedly told that the next
strategic target was Iran. Everyone is saying, 'You
can't be serious about targeting Iran. Look at Iraq,'
the former intelligence official told me. But they
say, 'We've got some lessons learned--not militarily,
but how we did it politically. We're not going to rely
on agency pissants.' No loose ends, and that's why the
C.I.A. is out of there.

For more than a year, France, Germany, Britain, and
other countries in the European Union have seen
preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon as a race
against time--and against the Bush Administration. They
have been negotiating with the Iranian leadership to
give up 

[LAAMN] Protest WABC-TV cut of half hour of premier Black public affairs show

2005-01-18 Thread Michael Novick

Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2005 10:37:21 EST
Subject: From Lisa Davis...Support Gil Noble!

(please feel free to distribute the article below widely. We need everyone's
assistance in getting the program Like It Is returned to a full hour in
time for Black History Month)

Is basket ball more important to African people than our history and the
socio-political events that affect our community?
Apparently, WABC-TV believes that it is, as it has preempted 30 minutes of
Like It Is for the show NBA Inside Stuff. This is the absolute insult of
insults to the Black community and is an offense to our intelligence. Out
of 168 hours a week, WABC-TV only dedicates less than 1 hour a week to
programming pertaining to serious issues affecting people of African descent.
What is
even more troubling is that according to the NBA's website, NBA Inside
Stuff was contracted to WABC-TV as a Saturday program.
( http://aol.nba.com/news/tv_contract_020122.html )
So why, prey tell, did WABC-TV decide to slash 30 minutes of Like It Is, 
which airs on Sunday to air NBA Inside Stuff, which was originally a Saturday
program? (For those not familiar with the issue, WABC-TV tried to cancel
the program altogether a couple of years ago. But due to the community outrage
they reversed their decision.)
Like It Is with Gil Noble is a national treasure. It is a public affairs
program that is the longest running Black produced show in US history and has
produced the largest archives of programming on the African experience in the
US the Carribean and even African itself . It was born right out of the civil
rights movement, after The Kerner Commission in 1968 issued its scathing
report lambasting the mass media for its role in inciting the rebellions in 
Black communities, by the perpetuation of racist stereotypes. It was not long
after the Newark rebellion, that Like It is was created.
With its multiple award winning producer and host Gil Noble, the show has
served its viewers for the last 34 years with timely and critical analysis of
the political, economic and cultural issues that shape the lives of people of
African descent and brings pride and self-esteem to our community.
Gil Noble has won many awards, including seven emmyâ?Ts for his excellence in
journalism and over 650 community awards. As a Black public affairs
program, his show has produced the largest body of programs and documentaries
African Americans in the nation. Over the past 30 years he has interviewed 
of the worldâ?Ts prominent figures including Robert Mugabe, Maurice Bishop,
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr, Kenneth Kaunda, Louis Farrakhan, Andrew Young, 
Carmichael, Carmen McCrae, Aretha Franklin, Sarah Vaughan, Bill Cosby, Sammy
Davis Jr., Sidney Poitier, Muhammad Ali, Jesse Jackson, Jim Brown, Arthur Ashe
etc. Some of the documentaries among the â?oLike It Isâ? archives include
DuBois, Malcolm X, Paul Robeson, Fannie Lou Hamer, Jack Johnson, etc.
The decision to reduce the program by 30 minutes for basketball is in my
opinion a racist attempt to diminish its capacity, continuity and relevance.
Now, instead of being able to give serious issues the depth and analysis that
hour provides, the show's audience is now being shortchanged, with pressing
serious topics being drastically cut and often held over to the next week.
Obviously, this also means that the Black community is being shortchanged in
another very important way, in that Like It Is will not be able to cover the
amount of topics for the season that it had been able to give attention to in
Futhermore, as the show deals with issues affecting all African people from
the diaspora it should be shown nationally and not just in the NY tri-state
Today, many of the gains that people of African ancestry and other people of
color have made in media during the past three decades are being
systematically reversed. Racial diversity in media ownership and 
in the
newsrooms is in decline. The fact that â?oLike It Isâ? is one of the only
scheduled Black programs produced at WABC-TV out of 168 hours of airtime a
week, coupled with WABC's decision to first try to eliminate the program and
then in lieu of that slash the time format, reflects a dangerous, frightening
disturbing trend.
Moreover, WABC-TV is sending a very loud and condescending message that Black
people jumping through hoops for the pleasure and profit of a sport owned by
Whites , is of more relevance than the education and the history of Black
people. I do not have anything against basketball or sports at all, when taken
in their proper context. Goodness knows, I have had my fun yelling and
screaming during the super bowls and world series (as a Yankee fan that did 
up until 2004). And I can even go up against the best of them with boxing
and baseball trivia.
But when someone or some entity dictates to us that sports takes precedence
over our 


2005-01-18 Thread anna kunkin



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