[LAAMN] [change-links] You are invited to a Party for Change-Links, our Progressive Community Calendar ~ Sunday February 20th, 6:00 -10:30 PM at Venice United Methodist Church

2005-01-27 Thread John Johnson

Please join us for a fantastic evening supporting

Our Progressive Community Calendar
  John Johnson, Editor

  Party, Celebration  Fundraiser
Dinner - Drinks - Music - Dancing - Children Welcome!

6:00~10:30 PM
Sunday February 20th
Venice United Methodist Church
  1020 Victoria Avenue (near Lincoln  Venice)

Entertainment by:

Ross Altman ~ Sara Messenger
Andy Manoff ~ Peter Dudar

The Superbroke Brass
Tin  Strings Electric Marching Band Ensemble

Endorsed by

Blase  Theresa Bonpane of the OOA, Don White of CISPES, Jim Lafferty of 
the Lawyers Guild, Veterans For Peace,
Ed Asner, Mimi Kennedy, Casey Kasem, Frank Dorrel of Addicted To War, Peter 
Dudar  Sally Marr, Code Pink,
  Coalition For World Peace, Action-LA, International Action Center, Films 
For Peace, Topanga Peace Alliance,
No More Victims, Peace  Freedom Party of Orange County, Coalition Against 
Militarism in Our Schools,
LA Sound Posse, Not In Our Name, Palisadians For Peace, San Gabriel Valley 
Neighbors for Peace  Justice,
Ralph Cole of Justice Vision, Women in Black, Americans for Democratic 
Action, Jerry Rubin, Peace Guides,
Independent Media Center, Anti-Racist Action, Sunset Hall, Free Will 
Productions, Radical Women, ANSWER,
Alliance For Democracy, LA Coalition in Solidarity with Cuba, Coalition of 
Peace Vigils, Freedom Socialist Party,
Committee of Correspondence for Democracy  Socialism, Center for the Study 
of Political Graphics, Green Party,
  Global Women's Strike, Witness For Peace SW, Global Voices for Justice, 
SOL Foundation, and KPFK Programmers;
Sonali Kolhatkar, Don Bustany, Fidel Rodriguez, Margaret Prescod, Michael 
Benner, Eisha Mason  Michael Slate

$15 Suggested Donation at the Door
For more information or to RSVP call Frank Dorrel at: 310-838-8131
If you can't attend this party but would like to support Change-Links 
please send a check to:
P.O. Box 9682
North Hollywood, CA 91609-1682

www.change-links.org ~ 818-982-1412

Change Links Progressive Newspaper.
Act.  Act in Love and Spirit.

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John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
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(818) 982-1412
Cell (818) 681-7448.


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[LAAMN] Research Interns Needed for Documentary

2005-01-27 Thread Joan Sekler

This political documentary, focusing on the growing gap between the 
rich and the poor in America, including the slow destruction of many 
social programs gained during the 20th Century, is now in 
pre-production and needs research interns to work collaboratively in 
preparation for production. This
includes researching printed and web-based material on this subject, 
archival footage, still photos, etc. This is a non-profit project 
based in Los Angeles.  There is no pay at this stage but there will 
be funding in the future.

If interested, please contact filmmaker Joan Sekler 310 458-6566

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[LAAMN] Alternet article on Oil and Elections in Iraq

2005-01-27 Thread Joan Sekler

Of Oil And Elections

  By  Antonia Juhasz, AlterNet. Posted January 27, 2005.

If all goes according to the Bush plan, American investors and 
companies will soon begin to own chunks of Iraq's national oil 

  Remember when we used to talk about how the war in Iraq was about 
oil? Remember the banners that read No blood for oil? Oil has 
fallen out of the discussion lately, but it's time to bring it back 
in light of the Iraqi elections scheduled for this Sunday.

  To refresh our collective memory, President Bush himself declared 
just before the invasion of Iraq that, Our jobs, our way of life, 
our own freedom and the freedom of friendly countries around the 
world would all suffer if control of the world's great oil reserves 
fell into the hands of Saddam Hussein.

  This was Bush Sr., speaking in August 1990, on the eve of the first 
Persian Gulf War.

More precise are the words of Chevron CEO Kenneth T. Derr speaking in 
San Francisco in 1988: Iraq possesses huge reserves of oil and gas - 
reserves I'd love Chevron to have access to. After two wars and one 
occupation, Derr may finally get his wish.

On Dec. 22, 2004, Iraqi Finance Minister Abdel Mahdi told a handful 
of reporters and industry insiders at the National Press Club in 
Washington, D.C. that Iraq wants to issue a new oil law that would 
open Iraq's national oil company to private foreign investment. As 
Mahdi explained: So I think this is very promising to the American 
investors and to American enterprise, certainly to oil companies.

In other words, Mahdi is proposing to privatize Iraq's oil and put it 
into American corporate hands.

According to the finance minister, foreigners would gain access both 
to downstream and maybe even upstream oil investment. This means 
foreigners can sell Iraqi oil and own it under the ground - the very 
thing for which many argue the U.S. went to war in the first place.

As Vice President Dick Cheney's Defense Policy Guidance report 
explained back in 1992, Our overall objective is to remain the 
predominant outside power in the [Middle East] region and preserve 
U.S. and Western access to the region's oil.

While few in the American media other than Emad Mckay of Inter Press 
Service reported on - or even attended - Mahdi's press conference, 
the announcement was made with U.S. Undersecretary of State Alan 
Larson at Mahdi's side. It was intended to send a message - but to 

It turns out that Abdel Mahdi is running in the Jan. 30 elections on 
the ticket of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution (SCIR), 
the leading Shiite political party. While announcing the selling-off 
of the resource which provides 95 percent of all Iraqi revenue may 
not garner Mahdi many Iraqi votes, but it will unquestionably win him 
tremendous support from the U.S. government and U.S. corporations.

Mahdi's SCIR is far and away the front-runner in the upcoming 
elections, particularly as it becomes increasingly less possible for 
Sunnis to vote because the regions where they live are spiraling into 
deadly chaos. If Bush were to suggest to Iraq's Interim Prime 
Minister Iyad Allawi that elections should be called off, Mahdi and 
the SCIR's ultimate chances of victory will likely decline.

Thus, one might argue that the Bush administration has made a deal 
with the SCIR: Iraq's oil for guaranteed political power. The 
Americans are able to put forward such a bargain because Bush still 
holds the strings in Iraq.

Regardless of what happens in the elections, for at least the next 
year during which the newly elected National Assembly writes a 
constitution and Iraqis vote for a new government, the Bush 
administration is going to control the largest pot of money available 
in Iraq (the $24 billion in U.S. taxpayer money allocated for the 
reconstruction), the largest military and the rules governing Iraq's 
economy. Both the money and the rules will, in turn, be overseen by 
U.S.-appointed auditors and inspector generals who sit in every Iraqi 
ministry with five-year terms and sweeping authority over contracts 
and regulations. However, the one thing which the administration has 
not been unable to confer upon itself is guaranteed access to Iraqi 
oil - that is, until now.

Based on all reports from both U.S. military and Iraqi officials, the 
elections this Sunday could be a blood bath for Iraqis and American 
troops alike. They are also certain to be far from representative. 
Democratic elections simply cannot be held under these conditions, 
nor conditions in which the U.S. government and its corporations 
exercise such dominant economic and political control.

The Bush administration cannot be permitted to declare a war for 
Iraqi freedom and respond with an economic invasion that turns Iraq 
into a U.S. corporate grab bag. No blood for oil rings as true 
today as it did 15 years ago.

  Antonia Juhasz is a Foreign Policy In Focus scholar based in San 
Francisco and working on a book about 


2005-01-27 Thread lsmithline

Please join Robert Greenwald, Lisa Smithline 
Alliance for Democracy · Alternet.org · American Friends
Service Committee (AFSC) California for Democracy · Coalition for 
World Peace (CFWP) · Code Pink · Council on American Islamic
Relations (CAIR) · Democracy for America LA (DFA-LA) · Interfaith
Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP) · KPFK Pacifica 
Radio · Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) · Nation Magazine
Office of the Americas (OOA) · South Asian Network · Topanga
Peace Alliance 
Monday February 21, 2005 
Author of No Logo,
co-director of The Take with Avi Lewis
speaking on:
From Killer Liberators 
and the Corporations They Serve
Venice United Methodist Church
1020 Victoria Ave. (at Lincoln)
Venice, California 
6:00 pm - Reception/Fundraiser – (Donation $100)
Fund the Global Appeal to End the War in Iraq 
- with Naomi Klein and Tom Hayden  
7:30 pm - Naomi Klein speaks 
(Donation $5 - nobody turned away)
(please specify whether you will attend reception and/or program 
- leave name, number of guests  contact information)

we purposely overbook so we won't have empty seats


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[LAAMN] AP wire report on counter-inaugurals in Europe

2005-01-27 Thread Joan Sekler


Wednesday, 26 January 2005

AP Reports on Counter-Inaugurals

The Associated Press reported last week on the 
slew of counter-inaugurals across Europe: 
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - In Geneva, they'll read 
patriotic poetry. In Vienna, they'll drown their 
sorrows and plot their revenge. In London, 
they'll stage a candlelight protest outside the 
U.S. Embassy. Across Europe, a land none too 
friendly to George W. Bush, locals and American 
expatriates united in their opposition to the 
U.S. president were marking his inauguration 
Thursday with some unabashed Bush-bashing.

Austria chapter of Democrats Abroad, which 
scrapped plans for a black-tie un-augural ball 
because of the tsunami in southern Asia, said 
its members instead would gather at a 
traditional Vienna wine bar to scheme, plot and 
plan the retaking of our country.

In Britain, anti-Bush demonstrators planned a 
candlelight protest outside the American embassy 
in central London, staged by the Stop the War 
Coalition, which organized mass rallies opposing 
the Iraq conflict in 2003.

Rather than watch the Washington inauguration on 
television, the U.K. contingent of Democrats 
Abroad organized a talk by liberal author Ron 
Suskind, whose book The Price of Loyalty - an 
insider account of Paul O'Neill's time as U.S. 
treasury secretary - paints an unflattering 
of Bush.

Bush's re-election was widely seen as negative 
for global peace and security in 16 of 21 
countries polled in a BBC World Service survey 
released on the eve of the inauguration. On 
average across all the countries, 58 per cent 
called his re-election a negative development; 
only 26 per cent described it as positive.

Protesters in Germany got an early start with a 
candlelight vigil Wednesday evening in front of 
Berlin's landmark Brandenburg Gate, where they 
held a dozen American flags upside down to 
symbolize an S.O.S distress call.

  We're Americans who vote, and who have a voice 
in U.S. policy, said Elsa Rassbach of American 
Voices Abroad, which organized the event in the 
country that had overwhelmingly backed Democrat 
John Kerry for president.

I think there's alarm here, so I think many 
Germans would be happy that many U.S. citizens 
don't agree with Bush, she said.

Another group, Vote 44, which formed in Europe 
to promote a 44th president to replace Bush, 
planned a protest rally at the Brandenburg Gate 
for Thursday under the slogan: You've Got a 

We call on all people worldwide who are against 
the policies of the Bush government to take part 
in the demonstration or organize one in their 
own cities, the organization said in a 

In southwestern France, Democrats Abroad 
screened a film called Bush's Brain and called 
on its supporters in Paris to dress in Kerry 
blue and gather at a trendy bar for a dialogue 
of truth about the Bush agenda and its global 
effect on all of us.

About 200 anti-Bush activists planned to watch 
the inauguration on TV while hearing from 
Ukrainian youths who worked to elect opposition 
reformist Viktor Yushchenko as president. 
Overall, though, the emphasis was on 
celebrating being Democrats, not 'we hate 
Bush,' said Sheila Sarem of
Young Democrats Abroad France.

Kerry supporters in Prague planned what they 
dubbed the What Might Have Been Inaugural 
Party, and in Geneva, they were holding a 
Counter-Inaugural Dinner to be kicked off with 
a reading of the Langston Hughes poem Let 
America Be America Again.

Instead of a prayer breakfast, we are having a 
poetry dinner, organizer Caitlin Buchman said.

January 26, 2005 in NEWS | Permalink

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[LAAMN] Great Events!!

2005-01-27 Thread Alan Glasband

Hello there!
Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to The Mint gig last week.  It 
was a great show.  I hope you can make it to the next one too!  You can check 
out a brief interview and a glimpse of the show if you click this link:
Thanks and Have a great day!!!

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[LAAMN] Fw: looking for women's support

2005-01-27 Thread anna kunkin


Does anybody have any information about resources for community support groups 
or shelters for pregnant and abused women?

I have a friend who is looking for some help for a young woman who desperately 
needs support and a place to go. She is Spanish speaking and alone in Los 



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