[LAAMN] NATL INDIGNATION RALLY: Justice for Filipina Raped by US Marines; US Hands Off Philippine Affairs; Uphold Philippine Sovereignty

2005-11-14 Thread GABRIELA Network - Los Angeles Chapter

12 November 2005

Reference: Dorotea Mendoza

Secretary General, GABRIELA Network

[EMAIL PROTECTED], (212) 592-3507


WHAT:  Indignation Rally condemning custody transfer of US marine rape
suspects, demanding US government to back off Philippine affairs and full
withdrawal of US military from the Philippines.

WHEN:  Monday, 14 November 2005, 5PM

WHERE:  In front of the Philippine Consulate- 3600 Wilshire Blvd. (corner
of Wilshire  Kingsley), Los Angeles, CA 90010

Simultaneous actions in Chicago, Irvine, Los Angeles, New York/New Jersey,
Portland, Pullman/Washington State Univ., San Diego, San Francisco/Bay
Area, Seattle, and Washington, DC.

WHO:  Organized by GABRIELA Network USA, a Philippine-US women’s
solidarity organization, established 1989.



The transfer of the six US marines suspected of raping a 22-year old
Filipina from the Philippines to Okinawa is a glaring example of the more
than century-long inequitable, colonial relationship between the US and
the Philippines. It is a glaring example of the constant violence and
violation of a nation’s sovereignty perpetrated by the US military and US
intervention in the Philippines.  It is a glaring example of the US
government pulling the strings on Philippine affairs and Philippine
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.  It is a glaring example of Macapagal
Arroyo kowtowing to US interests, mocking the Filipino people’s fight to
bring to justice all those who have wronged them.

As US and Philippine government officials continuously invoke the
provisions under the US-Philippine Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) to
justify this custody transfer and the interference of the US on the issue
of jurisdiction, they themselves are proving VFA’s inadequacies,
one-sidedness, outright violation of the Philippine constitution, and the
subjugation of countries like the Philippines through US military,
political and economic might. “They themselves are putting into action the
very reasons why the VFA must be scrapped,” GABNet Secretary General
Dorotea Mendoza said.  “ They themselves are proving Bush and Macapagal
Arroyo’s inadequacies as presidents, their disingenuous oath to serve the
people of their respective nations.”  ###

GABRIELA Network - Los Angeles Chapter
A US-Philippine Women's Solidarity Mass Organization
PO Box 3032
Cerritos, CA 90703-3032
web: www.gabnet.org

*** GABRIELA Network is a Philippine-US women's solidarity organization
since 1989. GABNet provides the means by which Filipinas in the US can
empower themselves, functions as training ground for women's leadership,
and articulates the women's point of view. GABNet effects change through
organizing, educating, fundraising, networking, and advocacy.

GABRIELA stands for...
Binding women for
Leadership and

It also commemorates Gabriela Silang, known as one of the first and
fiercest women generals in the Philippines who led the longest series of
successful revolts against 18th Century Spanish colonizers.

GABNet-US is an all-volunteer organization of women with chapters in
Chicago, Irvine, Los Angeles, New Jersey/New York, Portland, San Diego,
San Francisco/Bay Area, Seattle and Washington D.C. ***

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[LAAMN] NY Times: 'We Do Not Torture' and Other Funny Stories, Robert Fisk at USC, UCLA, Pomona

2005-11-14 Thread Ed Pearl
'We Do Not Torture' and Other Funny Stories

NY Times Op-Ed: November 13, 2005

IF it weren't tragic it would be a New Yorker cartoon. The president of the
United States, in the final stop of his forlorn Latin America tour last
week, told the world, We do not torture. Even as he spoke, the
administration's flagrant embrace of torture was as hard to escape as
publicity for Anderson Cooper.

The vice president, not satisfied that the C.I.A. had already been
implicated in four detainee deaths, was busy lobbying Congress to give the
agency a green light to commit torture in the future. Dana Priest of The
Washington Post, having first uncovered secret C.I.A. prisons two years ago,
was uncovering new black sites in Eastern Europe, where ghost detainees
are subjected to unknown interrogation methods redolent of the region's
Stalinist past. Before heading south, Mr. Bush had been doing his own bit
for torture by threatening to cast the first veto of his presidency if
Congress didn't scrap a spending bill amendment, written by John McCain and
passed 90 to 9 by the Senate, banning the cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment of prisoners.

So when you watch the president stand there with a straight face and say,
We do not torture - a full year and a half after the first photos from Abu
Ghraib - you have to wonder how we arrived at this ludicrous moment. The
answer is not complicated. When people in power get away with telling bigger
and bigger lies, they naturally think they can keep getting away with it.
And for a long time, Mr. Bush and his cronies did. Not anymore.

The fallout from the Scooter Libby indictment reveals that the
administration's credibility, having passed the tipping point with Katrina,
is flat-lining. For two weeks, the White House's talking-point monkeys in
the press and Congress had been dismissing Patrick Fitzgerald's leak
investigation as much ado about nothing except politics and as an
exoneration of everyone except Mr. Libby. Now the American people have
rendered their verdict: they're not buying it. Last week two major polls
came up with the identical finding, that roughly 8 in 10 Americans regard
the leak case as a serious matter. One of the polls (The Wall Street
Journal/NBC News) also found that 57 percent of Americans believe that Mr.
Bush deliberately misled the country into war in Iraq and that only 33
percent now find him honest and straightforward, down from 50 percent in

The Bush loyalists' push to discredit the Libby indictment failed because
Americans don't see it as a stand-alone scandal but as the petri dish for a
wider culture of lying that becomes more visible every day. The last-ditch
argument rolled out by Mr. Bush on Veterans Day in his latest
stay-the-course speech - that Democrats, too, endorsed dead-wrong W.M.D.
intelligence - is more of the same. Sure, many Democrats (and others) did
believe that Saddam had an arsenal before the war, but only the White House
hyped selective evidence for nuclear weapons, the most ominous of all of
Iraq's supposed W.M.D.'s, to whip up public fears of an imminent doomsday.

There was also an entire other set of lies in the administration's prewar
propaganda blitzkrieg that had nothing to do with W.M.D.'s, African uranium
or the Wilsons. To get the country to redirect its finite resources to wage
war against Saddam Hussein rather than keep its focus on the war against
radical Islamic terrorists, the White House had to cook up not only the
fiction that Iraq was about to attack us, but also the fiction that Iraq had
already attacked us, on 9/11. Thanks to the Michigan Democrat Carl Levin,
who last weekend released a previously classified intelligence document, we
now have conclusive evidence that the administration's disinformation
campaign implying a link connecting Saddam to Al Qaeda and 9/11 was even
more duplicitous and manipulative than its relentless flogging of nuclear

Senator Levin's smoking gun is a widely circulated Defense Intelligence
Agency document from February 2002 that was probably seen by the National
Security Council. It warned that a captured Qaeda terrorist in American
custody was in all likelihood intentionally misleading interrogators when
he claimed that Iraq had trained Qaeda members to use illicit weapons. The
report also made the point that an Iraq-Qaeda collaboration was absurd on
its face: Saddam's regime is intensely secular and is wary of Islamic
revolutionary movements. But just like any other evidence that disputed the
administration's fictional story lines, this intelligence was promptly

So much so that eight months later - in October 2002, as the White House was
officially rolling out its new war and Congress was on the eve of
authorizing it - Mr. Bush gave a major address in Cincinnati intermingling
the usual mushroom clouds with information from that discredited,
intentionally misleading Qaeda informant. We've learned that Iraq has
trained Al Qaeda members 

[LAAMN] Fwd: Bob Scheer to continue column despite LA Times axe

2005-11-14 Thread Michael Novick

November 11, 2005
Dear Subscribers to www.RobertScheer.com,

Some of you may have read in the Los Angeles Times this
morning that Robert Scheer's home paper for nearly 30
years has axed his very popular weekly column from that
paper's op-ed pages without providing a single reason.

However, the column will continue to be written and
published here and elsewhere every week. It will keep
showing up in your mailbox!

Here is Robert Scheer's own statement this morning on
the situation:

On Friday, I was fired as a columnist by the publisher
of the Los Angeles Times, where I have worked for
thirty years. The publisher Jeff Johnson, who has
offered not a word of explanation to me, has privately
told people that he hated every word that I wrote. I
assume that mostly refers to my exposing the lies used
by President Bush to justify the invasion of Iraq.
Fortunately sixty percent of Americans now get the
point but only after tens of thousand of Americans and
Iraqis have been killed and maimed as the carnage
spirals out of control. My only regret is that my pen
was not sharper and my words tougher.

The good news is that, thanks to the San Franciso
Chronicle, The Nation and numerous web sites including
HuffingtonPost.com, AlterNet.org, robertscheer.com and
the forthcoming TruthDig.com, Scheer's weekly column on
national and international issues will still be widely
available, and will also be syndicated to other media
outlets by Creators Syndicate.

The column will run in the Times for a few more weeks
on Tuesdays, after which it will become a Wednesday

Here is the Times own article on the changes:

Perhaps most disturbing is that the cancellation of
Scheer's column in the Times after more than 12 years
was clearly a political decision taken by paper's
new publishers, who recently took control of the
paper's opinion page from its editors.

While the Times took the opportunity to push out
controversial conservative cartoonist Michael Ramirez
(and will not replace him with another cartoonist), the
new cast of columnists they are bringing in is strongly
tilted to the far right, led by Max Boot and Jonah
Goldberg. None of the other new or retain columnists on
the page can be said to hold down Scheer's spot as a
passionate and contrarian progressive voice.

As always, we are grateful to you independent thinkers
who have subscribed to receive the column in your
inbox. And thank goodness for the Internet!

Sincerely, Christopher Scheer [webmaster and son]

p.s. If you know folks who read Scheer in the LA Times,
please forward them this note so they can find out how
to continue to find and read the column after December.
Isn't it time for a boycott of the LA Times?
Back in the day of the Crack the CIA Coalition, we had 4000
people march around the LA Times condemning their white-
wash of the CIA and white-out of the truth behind the drug war
and the contra war. --Michael

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