2011-11-28 Thread Cort Greene
 President Reagan motioning to Ed Meese at the White House Press
Briefing announcing the Iran-Contra connection. 11/25/86.

Source credit: Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library  Israel linked article after
Iran Contra at 25 article-
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB365/index.htm IRAN CONTRA AT 25:
and roles detailed in Special Prosecutor Reports Reagan Briefed In Advance
on Each Group of Missiles Sold to Iran Bush Chaired Secret Committee that
Recommended Mining Harbors of Nicaragua National Security Archive
Electronic Briefing Book No. 365

Posted - November 25, 2011

For more information contact:
Peter Kornbluh - 202/374-7281
Malcolm Byrne - 202/994-7043

*The Iran-Contra Scandal: The Declassified History*
by Peter Kornbluh and Malcolm Byrne (New York: The New Press, 314 pp.)
*Order from 

*The Chronology: The Documented Day-by-Day Account of Secret Military
Assistance to Iran and the Contras*
by Scott Armstrong, Malcolm Byrne, Tom Blanton, and the National Security
Archive (New York: Warner Books, 678 pp.)
*Order from 

[image: Bookmark and

*Previous Iran Contra Briefing Books*

*The Iran-Contra Affair 20 Years
Documents Spotlight Role of Reagan, Top Aides

*The Robert Gates File*http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB208/index.htm
The Iran-Contra Scandal, 1991 Confirmation Hearings, and Excerpts from new
book *Safe for Democracy*

*The Oliver North File: His Diaries, E-Mail, and Memos on the Kerry Report,
Contras and Drugs* http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB113/index.htm

 *Washington D.C., November 25, 2011 –* President Ronald Reagan was briefed
in advance about every weapons shipment in the Iran arms-for-hostages deals
in 1985-86, and Vice President George H. W. Bush chaired a committee that
recommended the mining of the harbors of Nicaragua in 1983, according to
previously secret Independent Counsel assessments of criminal liability
on the part of the two former leaders posted today by the National Security

Twenty-Five years after the advent of the Iran-Contra affair, the two
comprehensive Memoranda on Criminal Liability of Former President Reagan
and of President Bush provide a roadmap of historical, though not legal,
culpability of the nation's two top elected officials during the scandal
from the perspective of a senior attorney in the Office of Independent
Counsel Lawrence Walsh. The documents were obtained pursuant to a Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the National Security Archive
for the files compiled during Walsh's six-year investigation from 1987-1993.

The posting comes on the anniversary of the November 25, 1986, press
conference during which Ronald Reagan and his attorney general, Edwin
Meese, informed the American public that they had discovered a diversion
of funds from the sale of arms to Iran to fund the contra war, thus tying
together the two strands of the scandal which until that point had been
separate in the public eye. The focus on the diversion, as Oliver North,
the NSC staffer who supervised the two operations wrote in his memoirs, was
itself a diversion. This particular detail was so dramatic, so sexy, that
it might actually-well *divert* public attention from other, even more
important aspects of the story, North wrote, such as what the President
and his top advisors had known about and approved.
   Ronald Reagan with Caspar Weinberger, George Shultz, Ed Meese, and Don
Regan discussing the President's remarks on the Iran-Contra affair, Oval
Office. 11/25/86.

Source credit: Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library

The criminal liability studies were drafted in March 1991 by a lawyer on
Walsh's staff, Christian J. Mixter (now a partner in the Washington law
firm of Morgan Lewis), and represented preliminary conclusions on whether
to prosecute both Reagan and Bush for various crimes ranging from
conspiracy to perjury.

On Reagan, Mixter reported that the President was briefed in advance on
each of the illicit sales of missiles to Iran. The criminality of the arms
sales to Iran involves a number of close legal calls, Mixter wrote. He
found that it would be difficult to prosecute Reagan for violating the Arms
Export Control Act (AECA) which mandates advising Congress about arms
transfers through a third country-the U.S. missiles were transferred to

[LAAMN] Debt of American Poor should Be Forgiven

2011-11-28 Thread bigraccoon
Debt of American Poor Should be Forgiven


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[LAAMN] Re: Urgent Call To Save the Occupation: Stay Up All Night

2011-11-28 Thread Leslie Radford
At 4:30 p.m., Captain Rodriguez of Union Station announced there will 
be no raid before dawn.  He didn't answer further questions, including 
whether the raid would be delayed beyond that.


Leslie Radford

On Sunday, November 27, 2011 9:40:46 AM, Leslie Radford wrote:
 LOS ANGELES, 27 Nov 2011--The Occupiers at City Hall are asking all
 Angelenos to come to City Hall starting at 10:30 p.m. tonight and
 secure the space from a scheduled police raid until the Occupation can
 obtain a temporary restraining order when the courts open in the
 morning. To cede City Hall to the Mayor is to allow government, yet
 again, to control public spaces and public voices. It is to allow, yet
 again, the wealthy and powerful to frame the discussion, to shut down
 the face of the movement. For 58 days, Occupiers by the hundreds and
 sometimes thousands have taken up residence on the lawn as proxies for
 the swelling dissatisfaction of nearly all Angelenos with social and
 economic inequality. At this juncture, the Occupiers are calling on
 all Angelenos to stand with them to protect the Occupation.

 The current Occupiers are inviting Angelenos to round-the-clock block
 party with marches around City Hall, bands, and vigils until the space
 is secured again for the people. The people of Los Angeles are invited
 to come to City Hall to celebrate and claim their space and keep the
 police at bay all night and into tomorrow, until the court can intercede.

 Seventy-two hours ago, notices were tacked up around City Hall lawn.
 Mayor Villaraigosa and police Chief Beck sent out the ultimatum to all
 of Los Angeles in a holiday weekend press conference timed to reach
 you on the local evening news: your Occupation of City Hall would
 officially end tonight. The Occupiers have responded that the City has
 no right to proscribe the people's right under the First Amendment to
 peaceably assemble and petition for a redress of grievances.

 Since the encampment arose on October 2, hundreds and sometimes
 thousands of Los Angeles residents have walked through, picnicked, and
 camped on the lawn of City Hall daily in a visible demonstration of
 dissatisfaction with the social and economic status quo. Angelenos by
 the thousands have joined the groundswell of Occupations across the
 country and the world, reclaiming spaces and visibility in what had
 been a monologue about the “needs” of the wealthiest and most
 influential at the expense of the remaining 99%. With unemployment,
 foreclosures, and personal debt skyrocketing, as small businesses
 vanish overnight and homelessness swells, as entire at-risk
 communities fall into the economic abyss, the people of the United
 States and worldwide are rising up against financial bailouts doled
 out to the wealthiest 1%, tax preferences for multinational
 corporations, corporate take-over of the government, and preferential
 treatment for those who need it least.

 Today, all Angelenos are needed to give up a night's sleep for just
 and fair treatment in government, for safety and security for our
 children, our friends, our neighbors, for right to a better future
 that's not gobbled up by the mechanisms of the wealthy. And tomorrow,
 workplaces all over the City will be a little less productive, and the
 social balance will have swung a bit more toward justice.

 In the words of Jessica and Alex, Occupiers:

 *Emergency Communique Establishing our Right to Occupy*

 We recognize, and urge city officials to recognize, the entrenched
 interests pressuring for the evacuation of Solidarity Park on behalf
 of “local” but most certainly multinational corporations, just as they
 have collectively lobbied as the Central City Association, pushing for
 an anti-encampment ordinance.  We assert, in light of our action on
 Nov. 17th in which a private citizen on behalf of BofA placed 46
 protesters under private persons arrest with the help of hundreds of
 the LAPD as well as a militarized 4-block radius, that the city is not
 being transparent in their reasoning for eviction and is in fact
 moving at the behest of the 1%.

 OLA rejects municipal health, safety or aesthetic concerns as invalid
 reasoning to displace our encampment, a political space for unhindered
 peaceful assembly and the expression of free speech.

 We remind you that as taxpayers, for decades we have paid into
 paving these streets and funding the operations of governmental
 buildings without asking for anything other than representation of our
 interests. This social contract has been broken, and rather than wait
 for utter economic collapse, the people have taken encampment upon
 themselves as a tool of sustaining and amplifying free speech. Our
 presence as OccupyLA, in its current form, actively asserts our right
 to free assembly through the chosen method of occupation.  We occupy
 as a presence and force of vigilance under a political process that
 leaves no room for the organic and 

[LAAMN] Fwd: We are not leaving!

2011-11-28 Thread johnaimani

 Original Message 
Subject:We are not leaving!
Date:   Sun, 27 Nov 2011 14:14:24 -0800
From:   Bilal Ali mafundi...@gmail.com
To: Jamaal As-Salaam jamaa...@yahoo.com, john a 
johnaim...@earthlink.net, allegra padilla 
allegra_padi...@hotmail.com, Michael Novick 
antiracistaction...@yahoo.com, Astrid Campos 
acam...@communitychange.org, Horacio Arroyo harr...@chirla.org, 
James M. Simmons Atty jmsa...@yahoo.com

I did not join the occupation movement to be told by the mayor/pigs
when and how to exercise my so-called 1st amendment rights. I joined
because i am committed to abolishing a parasitic, decadent, archaic
social order. This order still exist...so i will continue to occupy
because we won't de-occupy...we multiply!

Mayor villian-raigosa says the west steps of city hall will remain a
free area to protest...i will test his words by re-locating my tent on
the west steps at 12.01 am as an expression of protesting our forced
removal by the city. I will refuse to leave the steps if ordered to do
so...i am willing to go to jail against any assault or attack on my
1st amendment rights. Long Live Occupy The Hood!!





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[LAAMN] Egypt's Polls to Kick Off Amid Unrest and Division

2011-11-28 Thread Cort Greene

 Egypt's Polls to Kick Off Amid Unrest and
27 2011 by Gamal Essam
[image: Listen to this page using
 [image: [Campaign banners and signs for Egypt's first elections after 25
January 2011.]] [Campaign banners and signs for Egypt's first elections
after 25 January 2011.]

Egypt’s first post-Mubarak parliamentary polls open Monday amid severe
political divisions and street protests against the ruling Supreme Council
of Armed Forces (SCAF) and its embattled government.

The first stage of elections, which will last until 5 December, includes
nine governorates: Cairo, Alexandria, Fayyum, Assiut, Luxor, the Red Sea,
Port Said, Damietta and Kafr El-Sheikh. Of the 168 seats up for grabs in
the first round, 56 will go to independents and 112 to candidates running
on party lists.

*Click here to learn more about the election rules and

Supreme Electoral Commission (SEC) Chairman Abdel-Moez Ibrahim announced on
26 November that the opening round would be supervised by more than 4,500
judges mandated with overseeing polling stations countrywide.

“The SEC is opposed to any kind of international monitoring of the Egyptian
elections,” clarified Ibrahim. “We informed the SCAF that this was against
Egypt’s national sovereignty and could never be accepted, but if foreign
monitors and media want to participate in supervising the voting process,
let them do so without any constraints.

For his part, SCAF head Field-Marshal Hussein Tantawi stressed that
“security and army forces have devised a plan for safeguarding polling
stations against any violent act.” He went on to predict that that ordinary
Egyptians “would play the greatest role in protecting polling stations and
turning out in big numbers, because this is the only path to
democratization and civilian rule.”

According to Ibrahim, more than 100,000 Egyptian expatriates living abroad
had cast ballots in recent days, out of a total of 350,000 who had
registered to vote at Egyptian embassies and consulates worldwide.

Although the SEC has not provided figures for the total number of
candidates contesting the first round, unofficial estimates suggest that
2,362 independents and 193 party-based candidates would be fighting it out
for the 168 seats.

Eligible voters in the first round account for some 35 per cent of the
total number of Egypt’s registered voters, estimated at 50 million.

Cairo and Alexandria are expected to see the most fiercely contested
electoral showdowns. Cairo is due to elect 54 MPs – 18 independents and 36
party-based – out of an estimated total of 1,539 candidates.

Alexandria, meanwhile, long viewed as an Islamist stronghold, will elect 24
MPs – eight independents and 16 party-based. In Egypt’s second city, 418
independents and 33 party-list candidates will compete for seats in the

Polls will also be hotly contested in the governorate of Port Said, where
103 independents and 13 party-list candidates – of almost all political
stripes – will compete for available seats.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party
along with Salafist parties and the older secular parties, all hope to
secure seats in Cairo and Alexandria.

*Click here for more background on participating parties and

Electoral campaigning by Islamist forces, however, has been negatively
affected by the recent flurry of protests against military rule in Cairo’s
Tahrir Square. The Islamists’ decision not to take part in the protests has
reportedly cost them some credibility among certain segments of the voting

That leaders of Islamist and Salafist parties have issued fatwas
instructing Muslims not to vote for liberal candidates – who they have
denounced as “unbelievers” – has also reportedly adversely affected their
electoral prospects. “There were numerous press reports that Islamist
candidates had violated the law against using religious electoral slogans,
but we never received any official complaint on this issue,” said the SEC’s

He added that the current Tahrir Square protests had led Islamist forces,
led by the Brotherhood’s FJP, to exert pressure on the SCAF to hold
elections – which they are widely expected to sweep – on schedule and
without delay.

Cairo’s various electoral 

[LAAMN] Angry churches pull money from big banks

2011-11-28 Thread scotpeden
I'm involved because I think it is one of the great moral issues of our
generation, about how we build our communities, Latz said. As a
religious leader, as a person who studies texts, I understand that our
first commitment must always be to the most vulnerable among us.


Angry churches pull money from big banks
By Josef Kuhn, Religion News Service
The Washington Post
Published: November 22, 2011

A small but growing number of religious communities across the country are
removing their money from Wall Street banks to protest what they see as
unfair mortgage foreclosures and unwillingness to lend to small
The New Bottom Line (NBL) coalition of congregations, community
organizations, labor unions and individuals is promoting a Move Our
Money campaign with the goal of shifting $1 billion from big banks to
community banks and credit unions.

In a way, the banks have divested from our communities, especially
communities of color, said the Rev. Ryan Bell, a Seventh-day Adventist
pastor in Los Angeles. So we're basically telling Bank of America that we
want them to invest in our communities, and until they do that we're not
going to give our money to them.

Bell's church was one of six Los Angeles Christian congregations that
announced they would divest a collective $2 million from Bank of America
and Wells Fargo as part of the Move Our Money campaign.

The campaign has been slow to get off the ground; but after a recent
national convocation of clergy in New Orleans, about 100 more leaders from
a broad cross section of Christian, Jewish and Muslim congregations
pledged to move an additional $100 million.

The New Orleans gathering was sponsored by PICO National Network, a
coalition of more than 1,000 faith-based social justice groups.

The Move Our Money website reports that $55 million had been moved as part
of the campaign as of Monday (Nov. 21), but that figure pales in
comparison to the big banks' trillions in total assets.

The campaign singles out Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase
for not doing enough to provide home loan modifications to help guard
against foreclosure; cramping down on small business lending; and escaping
federal taxes by parking assets overseas, even after each bank received
billions of taxpayer dollars in federal bailouts.

According to Move Our Money organizers, by the end of 2009 Wells Fargo
modified loans for only 22 percent of those eligible for modifications
under a federal program, and has not changed its foreclosure procedure
despite many confirmed reports of 'robo-signing' and other illegal

Richele Messick, a spokeswoman for Wells Fargo, countered that the bank
has participated in more than 600 home preservation workshops and
provided more than 700,000 mortgage modifications since 2009, as well as
giving more than $219 million to 19,000 nonprofits last year.

It's definitely our priority to keep people in their homes and to avoid
foreclosure. We're also actively lending to small businesses, Messick

Bank of America could not be reached for comment. A spokesman for JPMorgan
Chase declined to comment, but pointed to the bank's third-quarter
earnings report for 2011, which shows that it had increased lending to
small businesses by 71 percent from the previous year and had offered 1.2
million trial modifications to home loans since the beginning of 2009.

The Move Our Money campaign is separate from the Move Your Money project
started two years ago by Huffington Post co-founder Arianna Huffington and
economist Rob Johnson.

It is also separate from a recent Facebook group that called for a
national Bank Transfer Day on Nov. 5 to move funds from for-profit banks
to credit unions.

The Credit Union National Association reported that 700,000 people joined
credit unions nationwide in the month before Bank Transfer Day - more than
the 600,000 who joined in all of 2010. The Bank Transfer Day movement
claims credit for this uptick.

In addition to encouraging private divestments through the Move Our Money
campaign, NBL plans to introduce legislation in 50 or more cities around
the country that would move taxpayer money out of big banks.

One NBL partner group was already successful in San Jose, Calif., which
enacted a social responsibility policy a year ago that diverted $1 billion
from Bank of America. The policy was the first of its kind in the nation,
and similar moves are under discussion in Seattle and Portland, Ore.

Rabbi Michael Latz, head of a Reform Jewish congregation in Minneapolis,
has participated in meetings with Jewish activist groups and county
commissioners discussing a responsible banking policy.

I'm involved because I think it is one of the great moral issues of our
generation, about how we build our communities, Latz said. As a
religious leader, as a person 

[LAAMN] [change-links] [occupyla] Ustream

2011-11-28 Thread John Johnson
new link

I'm about to start ustreaming soon. Please share 
this link. I'll only have a couple of hours of battery

Sent from my iPhone

John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
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John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
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[LAAMN] [change-links] [occupyla] Latest word

2011-11-28 Thread John Johnson
Occupiers have almost encircle City Hall with  a human chain
The LAPD said they won't make arrest tonight if everyone stays off the street
But will make arrest in the next few days, at the will I guess.

John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
Subscribe to our list server. Email  change-links-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
(818) 782-1412
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[LAAMN] occupy san francisco march for immigrant rights

2011-11-28 Thread David Bacon
Occupy San Francisco March for Immigrant Rights
Photos by David Bacon

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - 26NOVEMBER11 - Participants in Occupy San 
Francisco live in tents in an encampment in Justin Herman Plaza.  The 
camp protests the exploitation of 99% of the population by the 
wealthiest 1%, as well as police repression and removal of occupy 
encampments around the country, including the original New York City 
demonstration, Occupy Wall Street.  Camp residents, together with 
supporters in immigrant rights organizations and unions, marched up 
Market Street.  Marchers carried signs and banners declaring that 
immigrants are part of the 99%.  Prior to the march, they hold a 
General Assembly to discuss possible actions if the city moves to 
evict the encampment from Justin Herman Plaza.  During the meeting, 
people wave their fingers in the air to express agreement with the 
speaker.  Other camp residents look through the books in the Occupy 
Library, or sit reading by their tents.

For more articles and images, see  http://dbacon.igc.org

See also Illegal People -- How Globalization Creates Migration and 
Criminalizes Immigrants  (Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008

See also the photodocumentary on indigenous migration to the US
Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

See also The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the U.S./Mexico Border 
(University of California, 2004)

David Bacon, Photographs and Stories


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[LAAMN] Egypt: SCAF-organised elections will not satisfy aspirations of the masses

2011-11-28 Thread Cort Greene

 Egypt: SCAF-organised elections will not satisfy aspirations of the
Written by Hamid Alizadeh Monday, 28 November 2011

*On Friday more than a million Egyptian youth, workers and poor yet again
assembled in Tahrir Square. The masses have once again risen in an attempt
to remove the remnants of the Mubarak regime, which are still in power. Not
far from Tahrir, in Abbassiya Square, not more than a couple of thousand
people gathered in a pathetic demonstration in support of the SCAF. To the
sceptics who did not believe in the revolution, this should be a clear
demonstration of the real balance of forces. But at the same time the
revolution clearly faces obstacles, not from external forces, but in its
own internal contradictions.*
Differentiation within the movement

[image: The Million Man March held last Tuesday at Tahrir square in
Million Man March held last Tuesday at Tahrir square in CairoThe past ten
days we have witnessed the most intense struggles between the masses and
the remnants of the old ruling cliques – the SCAF and the Central Security
Forces. Day after day hundreds of thousands have gathered in Tahrir Square
and fought with the police and the army. More than 40 protestors have been
killed and more than 4000 injured.

*At the same time the Muslim Brotherhood has come out fully in opposition
to the revolution. Not only did it come out against the demonstration on
Friday, but in a move aimed at dividing the movement, it called for a
separate demonstration against Jerusalem’s Judaisation.*

All the forces that once appeared as a united bloc are increasingly
separating out into two distinct camps, between the exploiters and the
exploited. On the one side there are the men of business, i.e. the Muslim
Brotherhood, the Islamist Salafists, the Liberals and the Army High
command. On the other side you find the youth, the workers and the poor,
i.e. the working masses who made the revolution, but who do not see any
significant change.
Massive demonstration

of Last ChanceDespite all attempts to undermine it, every hour tens of
thousands of protesters streamed into Tahrir Square early Friday morning.
The “Friday of Last Chance”, as the organisers had dubbed the protest, far
exceeded the size of the “million man march” held last Tuesday. Chants of
“The people are a red line”, “Down with military rule” and “Tantawi has
gone crazy and now wants to be president” could be heard all over the
square. Besides Cairo, tens of thousands gathered in other cities across

“I came here on Saturday to join my brothers, protest and fight those
brutal officers,” said Gamal Ali, a 24-year-old university graduate who
sold gas masks on the square, to The Guardian, “I don't have money; I
decided to sell masks during the day and protest at night.”

“The military is killing us because we are protesting that we don't have
jobs. I studied business and now I am a street vendor barely making a
living,” he said summing up the essence of the situation.

All layers of the masses joined in. A number of high school students,
organised a march from Giza towards the square to express their solidarity.
Also students from the American University in Cairo, who were on strike and
had occupied their campus, marched to the rally.

A strike was also called by several union bodies. But due to the fact that
no national coordinating body or even significant regional bodies exist,
such a call did not materialise. Despite this, several factories and
workers’ formations marched to the square. These are very important steps
as the working class – as was shown in February – played the decisive role
in bringing down the regime. In the end the future development of the
movement is dependent on the involvement of the working class, but it is
still early days for a class that has not had experience in organising on a
big scale for more than six decades. In spite of all this, working class
organisation is crystallizing under the hammer blows of events.

What is clear is that workers, at least on an individual basis, had a big
presence at the rally. Although all platforms had been removed and all
political slogans banned, the spirit in the rally was one of optimism and

The militant protestors agreed on three basic demands: the immediate
transfer of power to a civilian body; immediate trials for officers
responsible for the killing of protestors since January 25; and the
dismantling of the Central Security Forces.

[LAAMN] Lila Garrett and John Johnson with Occupier updates, Emergency Communique Establishing our Right to Occupy

2011-11-28 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi.  At the writing, the OLA encampment is still intact, but likely with a
short life. Consider this  'color' 
for ensuing events, but also pay attention to the proposed Communique.as
coming from at least some of 
the occupiers and expressing many of the thoughts I've heard at my several
visits there.  Stay tuned.
From: John Johnson
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 2:12 AM
To: change-li...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: actio...@lists.riseup.net
Subject: [LAAMN] [change-links] [occupyla] Latest word

Occupiers have almost encircle City Hall with a human chain
The LAPD said they won't make arrest tonight if everyone stays off the
But will make arrest in the next few days, at the will I guess.

John Johnson
Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
 mailto:change-links%40change-links.org change-li...@change-links.org
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(818) 782-1412
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 * * * Lila's show is on, this morning, at 7.  I'm pretty sure she'll have
phone reports from Occupy LA. unless eviction is going on.  I was down there
earlier and KPFK was broadcasting non-stop,  as of  2 am.  

Sent: Sun, November 27, 2011 4:30:28 PM
Subject: Occupier update

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Friends:  In response to your many Emails and calls, City Councilman Bill
Rosendahl went down to City Hall and spoke to the Occupiers this morning at
11 o'clock.  He and the new President of the City Council, Herb Wesson have
pledged to form a City Council Committee specifically to address the goals
of the Occupy movement.   When those goals are not within the City's
province, Rosendahl pledged to take them further.to the State and the
Federal Government with the intention of following through.  He reaffirmed
his support of the movement and his determination to help fulfill its
agenda.  Specific items mentioned were: getting corporate money out of
elections, ending the wars (that one got the greatest applause), developing
affordable housing, fixing the infrastructure,   and JOBS.  (I was there
without a laptop or notebook unfortunately  so I'm working from memory
here.)  There were other items. .all good.  But he didn't cover everything
and it behooves all of us to add our list to his.  In the letter Marcy
Winograd and I send to Rosendahl and Garcetti  we emphasized the following:


Freezing foreclosures in Los Angeles.

Divesting from toxic banks and instead investing in a city-run credit union.

Suing the banks that illegally foreclosed on people's homes. 


I discussed the foreclosure freeze with him later, reminding him of the
Springfield Massachusetts ordinance passed in Sept which does put in place
the mechanics for freezing foreclosures, so the model is there.   He was
very receptive.   We, and hopefully all of you, will not drop the subject. 


The Occupiers, whose intelligence, courtesy and strength brought tears to my
eyes, expressed the hope that as many people as possible join them tonight
at Kid Park (which is right there on the lawn of City Hall) at about 10:30
when their resistance to being moved out will begin.  High profile people
are particularly helpful in a situation like this, but numbers matter.   I
hesitate to ask you to do this since I won't be there myself, but frankly,
my knees took as much as they could this morning.and now I'm busy icing
them.   Also there is no guarantee that there won't be some arrests, so be
realistic when you consider this request.

We thank Councilman Bill Rosendahl for continuing to be a person of
principle and we thank the Occupiers for standing up for the rest of us. You
are the true champions of our democracy.  


Lila Garrett (Host of CONNECT THE DOTS)

KPFK 90.7 FM in LA;  98.7 Santa Barbara

Airs Mondays from 7AM to 8AM.

To pod cast or download the broadcast just use this link:


Each show is on line for three months.

* * * 

 From: Jan Goodman [mailto:janjer...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 1:33 PM

This is an excellent statement. Keep your ears open -- maybe tuned to KPFK
90.7 fm to hear what is going on w Occupy LA  consider going down there
tonight /or tomorrow to protest the dismantling of OLA.
Jan Goodman

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 6:25 AM, dorothyr...@pdsmm.org wrote:

I am not sure if this as adopted officially but I think it is a good
statement. I will be down at OLA at 11AM. I hope to see many of you there.
Today is a stunningly gorgeous day up here on Saddle Peak but I will not be
here. I will be at City Hall.

Dorothy Reik
 tel:310-291-1300 310-291-1300

Subject: Re: [occupyla] Emergency Communique Establishing our Right to
Occupy, Proposal

This is stunning, guys. With your permission, I'd like to send it out as an
unofficial statement along with a call I'm blasting tonight to get people
down here tomorrow. If that's OK, let me 


2011-11-28 Thread scotpeden


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[LAAMN] Transnational Movement “Encachimbados” Brings Occupy Protests to El Salvador

2011-11-28 Thread Cort Greene

   New post on *Voices from El Salvador*
Movement “Encachimbados” Brings Occupy Protests to El

by Danielle Mackey

San Salvador


photo credit: Rachel Heidendry

The world-wide Occupy Movement arrived to El Salvador on Thanksgiving Day,
as a transnational protest in front of the United States Embassy. The
movement has designated itself “Los Encachimbados,” which is a colloquial
Salvadoran word meaning “indignant.” About 70 people gathered, roughly half
Salvadoran and half U.S. citizens.

The group distributed a press
the local context of damage that they believe to be caused by
the current international economic system. They call the attention of both
the U.S. and Salvadoran governments to the free trade model, regional
militarization strategies, and environmental destruction and climate
change—all policies that the Encachimbados see as designed by a
transnational elite, and which result in a low quality of life for the
majority of the population of the Americas.  “People all over the world are
tired of these economic and political policies that benefit onl y 1% of our
world. We’re here in front of the U.S. Embassy because no world-wide change
can be generated if the U.S. doesn’t change, too,” explains Alfredo Carias,
a Salvadoran Encachimbados spokesperson.

The free trade model between Central America and its northern neighbor “is
pushing Central American producers out of the market, now that local
companies are having to compete directly against U.S. firms without
protections, and it has also caused decreased environmental and labor
regulations,” says Daniel Burridge, an Encachimbados spokesperson, U.S.
citizen and resident of El Salvador. “In the end, the poor and the
environment are the ones footing the bill.”

The privileges granted to foreign companies through the active free trade
agreement that bonds El Salvador and the United States, the Central
American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA,) has recently yielded a torrid legal
battle. The Salvadoran government faces two
a total of almost $200 million for refusing to grant permissions for
the companies to carry out open-pit metallic mining in several regions
throughout the country. (One of the two cases is still in
the other is in

Surrounding the legal battle is a series of
four environmental activists, all part of the anti-mining movement.
Despite the violence, activists maintain pressure on the Salvadoran
government to pass a law banning metallic mineral
“I live in a country subject to free trade agreements where mining
companies can arrive, rob the few resources that we have, and leave our
land contaminated and suffering. I’m here today because I dream of real
social change for my country,” explains nineteen year-old Salvadoran
citizen and Encachimbados participant, “Lorena.”

The militarization strategies embraced by the U.S. and Salvadoran
governments, according to the Encachimbados’ press release, “criminalize
social protest, subject national security systems to intervention and
supervision by the U.S. government and facilitate violent repression of
activities that jeopardize the interests of global capital.” Two days prior
to the Encachimbados protest, in a move that many qualify as a militaristic
violation of the Salvadoran Peace Accords, President Mauricio Funes swore
in a new Minister of Security and Justic
the retired army general David Munguía Payés.
Evidencehttp://www.elfaro.net/es/20/noticias/6544/published by
the El Faro newspaper reveals that the firing of the previous
minister and the selection of a retired army general to replace him was a
decision made under pressure from 

[LAAMN] The Venezuelan Bourgeoisie is an Unburied Corpse

2011-11-28 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Logo Venezuela Analysis] The Venezuelan Bourgeoisie is an Unburied

Nov 28th 2011, by Modesto Emilio Guerrero, Roland Denis

Roland Denis, graduate in Philosophy from the Central University of
Venezuela in Caracas, former Vice-minister of Planning and Development
under Hugo Chávez, public figure in the 13th of April movement and Our
America, has become one of the most derisive figures for the revolution
throughout these past 12 years of Chavismo. Originally from a bourgeois
family, he broke with his class during his adolescence in order to dedicate
himself to revolutionary militancy. Author of The Makers of the Rebellion
(2001) and another book which he presented this week in Buenos Aires: The
Three Republics – Portrait of a Transition Towards Another Kind of
Politics. The bitterness that he usually causes within the Chavista
bureaucracy is inversely proportional to the irreducible image of the rebel
within the Bolivarian revolution, who presents a different type of
theoretical politics and debate to that of the existing regime. Fortunately
he is not alone, although he is the most well known. His role in Venezuela
evokes a controversial character described by Thomas Jefferson, who coined
the phrase “the terrible child” (L’enfant terrible) in 1971.

*Venezuela is currently entering the most dangerous electoral test for
Chavismo so far. The president will be elected in October (of next year),
governors in December and then a couple of months later, mayors and the
city council. What could happen? *

RD. Well, I think that everything is going to revolve around the figure of
Chavez, and that he is doubtlessly going to win, all indicators point
towards that outcome. He currently has 58% support in the opinion polls.
But the situation is not easy for Chavismo, there is too much malaise.

*Do you still think he will win, why?*

RD. What’s happening is that the figure of Chavez is undefeatable in terms
of what we are talking about, in leadership, in the current context of the
country. The Venezuelan rightwing helps because it is very decadent, linked
to extremely dark circles. The Venezuelan bourgeoisie has been sterilised
politically speaking, it’s been left with no historical breath or a project
for the country. It is an unburied corpse that we need to bury.

*The cancer that President Chavez is suffering from, could it function as
an electoral or political determinant?*

RD. Look, yes it is a key factor when Roger Noriega is wandering round
announcing his (Chavez’s) death within a few months. That is what they
want, and their interests to implant the beginnings of a destabilisation
project. In reality, it’s very difficult to know, nobody knows the exact
level of danger. He says that they cured him and I believe him when he says
it, we have seen him being active. Everything depends on the type of cancer
he has and which organ the cancer is in. Until the government clarifies all
this, we can’t be certain of anything.

*What has happened to the millions of “frozen” Chavista votes since the end
of 2007?*

*RD. They continue to be disillusioned; their disillusion has perhaps even
grown. A good part of Chavez’s foreign policy is alienating them, the type
of relationship that he has with Santos, the legitimisation of the Lobos
government in Honduras and the OAS, the handing over or capturing of the
Colombian guerrillas and those of ETA in Venezuela; the criminalisation of
labour and social protests, the gross administrative inefficiency of the
government, the risky concessions being made to multinationals, the
collapse of the project to implement a non-capitalist economy. Did you know
that the private economic sphere has grown more than that of the state and
workers’ controlled economy combined?  This disappointment could be even
greater if they dared to apply the Law of Transition, that would allow a
pact between the government and the bourgeoisie. In terms of Chavez not
being in power, millions of Chavistas would reject it. Foreign policy is
currently beginning to converge with national policy.*

*You are referring to the change of direction at the heart of the
Venezuelan government in terms of continental geopolitics?*

RD. Exactly!

*Could the scenario where Chavez wins, but Chavismo loses its majority in
the governorships and mayoralties be a possibility? Producing a situation
similar to that of Allende (Chilean president elected in 1970), a president
who has no territorial power?*

RD. That is what is going to happen, it’s highly probable. This year, a
slogan appeared within the popular movement, “Long live Chavez, down with
the government”. The rejection of state functionaries, of inefficiency,
corruption, lies and dual conduct, as well as the riding roughshod over
social activists, is enormous. Government functionaries maintain an
ultra-leftist discourse whilst maintaining right-wing practices.

*Will the Great Patriotic Pole counteract this malaise? *

It is a definite fact that the Great 

[LAAMN] Julian Assange: Internet Has Become 'Surveillance Machine', Arctic Sea Ice Shrinking at 'Unprecedented' Levels

2011-11-28 Thread Ed Pearl
Today marks exactly one year since Wikileaks began massive releasing of
data, for which he has just been honored by
the Australian equivelant of the Pulitzer Prize (per DN, this morning).  It
also marks the end game of the Arctic Sea.  _Ed

 The Internet itself had become 'the most significant surveillance machine
that we have ever seen,' Assange said in reference to the amount of
information people give about themselves online. (photo: Andrew
The Internet itself had become 'the most significant surveillance machine
that we have ever seen,' Assange said in reference to the amount of
information people give about themselves online. (photo: Andrew

Internet Has Become 'Surveillance Machine'

Julian Assange

Agence France-Presse: 28 November 11

ikiLeaks founder Julian Assange blasted the mainstream media, Washington,
banks and the Internet itself as he addressed journalists in Hong Kong on
Monday via videolink from house arrest in England.

Fresh from accepting a top award for journalism from the prestigious Walkley
Foundation in his native Australia on Sunday, Assange spoke to the News
World Summit in Hong Kong before keeping a regular appointment with the

He defended his right to call himself a journalist and said WikiLeaks' next
battle would be to ensure that the Internet does not turn into a vast
surveillance tool for governments and corporations.

Of course I'm a goddamn journalist, he responded with affected frustration
when a moderator of the conference asked if he was a member of the

He said his written record spoke for itself and argued that the only reason
people kept asking him if he was a journalist was because the United States'
government wanted to silence him.

The United States government does not want legal protection for us, he
said, referring to a US Justice Department investigation into his
whistle-blower website for releasing secret diplomatic and military

The former hacker criticised journalists and the mainstream media for
becoming too cosy with the powerful and secretive organisations they were
supposed to be holding to account.

In a 40-minute address, he also accused credit card companies such as Visa
and Mastercard of illegally cutting WikiLeaks off from funding under a
secret deal with the White House.

Issues that should be decided in open court are being decided in back rooms
in Washington, he said.

The Internet itself had become the most significant surveillance machine
that we have ever seen, Assange said in reference to the amount of
information people give about themselves online.

It's not an age of transparency at all ... the amount of secret information
is more than ever before, he said, adding that information flows in but is
not flowing out of governments and other powerful organisations.

I see that really is our big battle. The technology gives and the
technology takes away, he added.

The anti-secrecy activist then help up a handwritten sign from an aide
telling him to stop talking or he would be late for a mandatory
appointment with police.

Assange, 40, is under house arrest in England pending the outcome of a
Swedish extradition request over claims of rape and sexual assault made by
two women. He says he is the victim of a smear campaign.

* * *

Published on Thursday, November 24, 2011 by
oss.html CBC News

Arctic Sea Ice Shrinking at 'Unprecedented' Levels

by Emily Chung 

The recent loss of sea ice in the Arctic is greater than any natural
variation in the past 1½ millennia, a Canadian study shows.

e_image/article_images/arcticseaiceloss_unprecedented.jpg According to the
leading science journal Nature, Arctic sea ice is disappearing on a pace and
magnitude unlike anything the Earth has experienced in the past 1,450 years.
(Photograph by: HO, Reuters) The recent sea ice decline … appears to be
unprecedented, said Christian Zdanowicz, a glaciologist at Natural
Resources Canada, who co-led the study and is a co-author of the paper
published Wednesday online in Nature.

We kind of have to conclude that there's a strong chance that there's a
human influence embedded in that signal.

In September, Germany's University of Bremen reported that sea ice had hit a
record low, based on data from a Japanese sensor on NASA's Aqua satellite.
The U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, using a different satellite data
set, reported that the sea ice coverage in 2011 was the second-lowest on
record, after the record set in 2007.

What makes recent sea ice declines unique is that they have been driven by
multiple factors that never all coincided in historical periods of major sea
ice loss, said