[LAAMN] Venezuela:PDVSA wins very big against Exxon in arbitration, to pay book value

2012-01-02 Thread Cort Greene
In all reality the Venezuelan government should not have to pay anything
really, since we all know EXXON made hand over fist in big bucks much more
than $750 million over decades of exploitation of the people, oil and
governments in Venezuela.



 January 1, 2012 · 10:06 pm
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PDVSA wins very big against Exxon in arbitration, to pay book value

Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA has been ordered to pay $750
ExxonMobil in a four-year-old case before the International Court of
Arbitration, Bloomberg reports.

This is a shockingly low amount of money, since PDVSA says the claim was
for $6.5 to $7 billion — down from an initialy demand for $12 billion.
Venezuela had offered somewhere around $1 billion to settle the case, and
now gets off with an even lower award. This means that Venezuela is going
to pay only book value to Exxon Mobil. (The NY
some other outlets are saying the decision was for a bit more than
million, but Bloomberg says that amount was reduced. We shall see.)

This vindicates of Venezuela’s point throughout the proceedings that it
should pay no more than book value for expropriated projects. It also
serves as a warning for companies that want to take depreciation
write-downs on foreign assets. Sure, it’s an easy way to get out of some
taxes, but is it really worth it if you end up getting screwed on

There remains another case by ExxonMobil against the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela, and that case has yet to be decided. It could be where the big
bucks end up. Exxon and its shareholders must be hoping so. And
ConocoPhillips and its shareholders, too, since ConocoPhillips’s claims
against Venezuela started at $30.3 billion, and ConocoPhillips’s book
values were less than $3 billion.

Also: Devil’s Excrement apparently didn’t spend the day hula-hooping on the
beach, and instead was hard at work on the blog. Here’s his

A bit of background info after the jump.

Here is what we know publicly about the Exxon claim against Venezuela at
the International Court of Arbitration, from a PDVSA bond filing from a few
months ago:

On January 27, 2008, a subsidiary of ExxonMobil, Mobil Cerro Negro Ltd.
(“Mobil Cerro Negro”) filed an arbitration request before the International
Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce against PDVSA
and PDVSA Cerro Negro, S.A. (“PDVSA Cerro Negro”), claiming an entitlement
to indemnity from PDVSA Cerro Negro under the association agreement
relating to the Cerro Negro Project (the “Cerro Negro Association
Agreement”) and from PDVSA under the terms of a guaranty granted by PDVSA
of PDVSA Cerro Negro’s obligations under the Cerro Negro Association
Agreement. In December 2007, Mobil Cerro Negro had obtained from the United
States District Court for the Southern District of New York an attachment
order on funds of PDVSA Cerro Negro, deposited in accounts held in the Bank
of New York Mellon. Pursuant to that order, approximately US$300 million of
PDVSA Cerro Negro funds remain attached until the arbitration procedure is
completed. Additionally, on January 24, 2008, Mobil Cerro Negro obtained ex
parte a worldwide freezing order from the High Court of Justice in London,
restricting PDVSA from disposing of certain assets and ordering it to
maintain, on a global basis, assets having an aggregate value of at least
US$12 billion. However, the High Court of Justice vacated the order on
March 18, 2008, upon PDVSA’s application. Ex parte attachment orders were
also obtained by Mobil Cerro Negro in The Netherlands, attaching the shares
of a subsidiary, and The Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, which have not
interfered with PDVSA’s ordinary course of business.

Although the provisional measures proceedings in the national courts were
based on an alleged indemnity claim of US$12 billion, Mobil Cerro Negro has
reduced its claim in the arbitration to approximately US$6.5 billion to
US$7 billion, plus interest and costs. The claim in the arbitration is for
indemnification under Article XV of the Cerro Negro Association Agreement,
which provided that PDVSA Cerro Negro would indemnify Mobil Cerro Negro,
subject to certain limitations, for certain governmental actions defined as
“Discriminatory Measures” having a “Material Adverse Impact” on Mobil Cerro
Negro as defined in the Association Agreement. Mobil Cerro Negro claims
that various 

Re: [LAAMN] Please Read This! ~ Obama Signs the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 1540) ~ The NDAA Authorizes the Arbitrary Indefinite Military Detention of American Citizens ~ THE INAUG

2012-01-02 Thread scotpeden
And the Bastard signs it on New Years eve, being upset that he can't have
more say so as to whether you and I are sent to a Civilian or Military

Is there any doubt that this man like his predecessor considers our
Constitution just a god dammed piece of paper, and has no respect for the
rule of law, so passes illegal laws to go after those who the law granted
privileges and protected our rights?

And the Choice the Two headed party is trying to give us will be even
worse (as it always is after a lot of money was invested by them in the


 Obama Signs the “National Defense Authorization Act  (H.R. 1540) - Which
 Repeals the U.S. Constitution!

 The NDAA Authorizes the Arbitrary  Indefinite Military Detention of
 American Citizens.

 Transcript of Signing Statement by President Barack Obama on H.R. 1540,
 December 31, 2011 follows article by Michel Chossudovsky.

 Obama Signs the “National Defense Authorization Act  (H.R. 1540)

 By Michel Chossudovsky, Montreal, Canada, January 1, 2012

 URL of this article: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va
 http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=vaaid=28441 aid=28441

 Global Research
 5ZvcO_M6C3u8qFk7XJXpxbDfHhkFaX2wrZfw== , January 1, 2012

 With minimal media debate, at a time when Americans were celebrating the
 Year with their loved ones, the “National Defense Authorization Act  H.R.
 1540 was signed into law by President Barack Obama. The actual signing
 place in Hawaii on the 31st of December.

 According to Obama's signing statement, the threat of Al Qaeda to the
 Security of the Homeland constitutes a justification for repealing
 fundamental rights and freedoms, with a stroke of the pen.

 The controversial signing statement (see transcript below) is a
 Obama says he disagrees with the NDAA but he signs it into law.

 [I have] serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the
 detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists.

 Obama implements Police State USA, while acknowledging that certain
 provisions of the NDAA are unacceptable. If such is the case, he could
 either vetoed the NDAA (H.R. 1540) or sent it back to Congress with his

 The “National Defense Authorization Act  (H.R. 1540) is Obama's New
 Gift to the American People.

 He justifies the signing of the NDAA as a means to combating terrorism, as
 part of a counter-terrorism agenda.  But in substance, any American
 to the policies of the US government can --under the provisions of the
 NDAA-- be labelled a suspected terrorist and arrested under military

 Moreover, I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the
 indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed,
 believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and
 values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a
 manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the
 Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law.

 Barack Obama is a lawyer (a graduate from Harvard Law School). He knows
 well that his signing statement --which parrots his commitment to
 democracy-- is purely cosmetic. It has no force of law.

 The signing statement does not in any way invalidate or modify the actual
 signing by President Obama of NDAA (H.R. 1540) into law.

 Democratic Dictatorship in America

 The “National Defense Authorization Act  (H.R. 1540) repeals the US
 Constitution. While the facade of democracy prevails, supported by media
 propaganda, the American republic is fractured. The tendency is towards
 establishment of a totalitarian State, a military government dressed in
 civilian clothes.

 The passage of  NDAA is intimately related to Washington's global military
 agenda. The military pursuit of Worldwide hegemony also requires the
 Militarization of the Homeland, namely the demise of the American

 In substance, the signing statement is intended to mislead Americans and
 provide a democratic face to the President as well as to the unfolding
 post-911 Military Police State apparatus.

 The most important traditions and values in derogation of the US
 Constitution have indeed been repealed, effective on New Year's Day,
 1st 2012.

 The NDAA Authorizes the Arbitrary and Indefinite Military Detention of
 American Citizens.

 The Lessons of History

 This New Year's Eve December 31, 2011 signing of the NDAA will indelibly
 down as a landmark in American history.

 If we are to put this in a comparative historical context, the relevant
 provisions of the NDAA HR 1540 are, in many regards, comparable to those
 contained in the

[LAAMN] Libertarian Koch Brothers web of influence

2012-01-02 Thread bigraccoon
Libertarian Koch Brothers web of influence


Koch Inc. spends tens of millions of dollars to lobby Congress and federal 
agencies on issues ranging from dioxin and security at chemical plants to oil 
and gas and the estate tax. Koch spent $20 million on lobbying in Washington in 
2008. Then the Kochs spent another $20.5 million over the next two years 
seeking to mold, gut or kill more than 100 prospective bills or regulations. 
Koch's lobbying activities extend far beyond petroleum.

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[LAAMN] Ron Paul: Abolish Minimum Wage to Help Poor People

2012-01-02 Thread bigraccoon
Ron Paul: Abolish Minimum Wage to Help Poor People


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[LAAMN] Revolutionary Greetings for 2012 from the Freedom Socialist Party

2012-01-02 Thread Freedom Socialist Party LA
2012: a year to deepen and extend the 
uprisings of 2011

Dear Friends,
Finally, a year worth celebrating: 2011, the year the exploited, oppressed, 

and abandoned of the world achieved critical mass in fighting back. As we 
look forward to 2012, the Freedom Socialist Party (FSP) extends hopeful 
New Year's greetings to all the rebels who made history in 2011 and all the 
workers and dispossessed who cheered them on.
One desperate and angry man in Tunisia lit the flame of revolution with his 

own body. But the conditions that led him to make this ultimate protest were 
not, at bottom, local or even regional. They were global. His personal 
sacrifice helped the world come awake to capitalism's constant and 
universal sacrifice of workers' dignity, health, and lives.
Young people and workers rose up from the whole of North Africa to the 
Capitol building in Wisconsin, from the public squares of Greece to the 
streets of Russia, and from the high schools and colleges of Chileto the 
camps of los indignados - the outraged - in Spain. Women who had 
been silent found their own voices, and their own leadership. General strikes 
proliferated. One revolt inspired and strengthened the next, leading in the 
autumn to a radical mass movement in the heart of imperialism: 
Occupy Wall Street.
The socialist feminist FSP experienced a dynamic year in the thick of things.
We organized against nuclear power and corporate and government 
treachery in Japan. In Australia we spearheaded a grassroots campaign 
for equal pay and provided ongoing leadership to the struggle to end Aboriginal 
deaths in custody. We counter mobilised against the right wing’s anti-choice 
March for the babies and the Nazi Australian Defence League. And month in and 
month out, the FSP was on board supporting Radical Women’s defence of the 
Control Clinic from the Helpers of God’s Precious infants and the defence of 
the right to protest from Melbourne City Council harassment.  
In the U.S., we initiated campaigns to fight FBI repression of anti-war and 
Palestinian rights activists, were in the forefront of organizing against 
Patrol persecution of immigrants in the Pacific Northwest, and actively 
the defense of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Lynne Stewart, 
Troy Davis, Bradley Manning, and other victims of the justice system. 
We joined with our sister organization, Radical Women, in its participation 
in Slutwalks around the country protesting violence against women and in its 
pioneering Sisters Organize for Survival campaign against budget cuts in 
For three years, the party has been organizing against austerity budgets, 
pushing for bold union action and a united labor-community fightback. 
Now the militancy has exploded. FSP has been strongly involved in the 
Occupy movement, the defense of longshore workers in Longview, Wash., 
and the December port shutdown all along the West Coast.
FSP also participated in force in the Save Our Schools mobilization that 
brought thousands to Washington., D.C., for a July national conference 
and rally against efforts to destroy public education. Our international 
included trips to Mexico and the Dominican Republic to discuss struggles and 
ideas with Latin American socialists and to New Zealand to work with the Occupy 
movement and meet with other socialist.
Like other working people and working-class movement groups, we 
continued to feel the hard pinch of the Great Recession. The party was 
heartened and energized by the tremendous response to our fund drive for the 
Freedom Socialistnewspaper, which raised over $84,000, and to our other 
and local fundraising. In Australia, this fundraising also supported the 
of a new photocopier. when our Los Angeles branch was evicted in July, your 
generosity made it possible to locate a new headquarters, renovate it to make 
it disabled accessible, and to move, all in the space of six weeks. We want 
to warmly thank again everyone who made such generous contributions. These 
will stand us in good stead as we face the new year.
2012 will be a year of steep challenges as well as great opportunities. For 

every action, there is a reaction. This is apparent across the globe. In Egypt, 
for example, the military is revealing itself to be a new dictatorship in the 
making rather than a facilitator of popular democracy. In the U.S., liberal 
movement leaders are attempting to turn the Occupy movement into a Democratic 
Party campaign vehicle and some union leaders are resisting 
the stirrings of rank-and-file militancy. And in other parts of the world, 
movement – obsessed with process and claiming to be leaderless – is, as 
a consequence, battling vicious state repression with one hand tied behind 

its back.
The uprisings of 2011 and the reactions against them offer lessons for 
those who want to win justice, equality, and an end to the suffering caused 
by poverty. The year's events have exposed 

[LAAMN] Omar Barghouti in Los Angeles on January 12 with Irvine 11 at 3:30, with Angela Davis at 7 pm

2012-01-02 Thread Karin Pally
*Omar Barghouti: West Coast Itinerary, January 2012*


*Thursday, January 12:*

*3:30-5:30 pm: “The Irvine 11:Freedom of Speech, Civil Disobedience and
Selective Prosecution”: Public Meeting with Irvine 11.*

The Forum at the Ronald Tutor Center, University of Southern California.
Free and open to the public.  Disabled accessible.
Sponsored by USC Students for Justice in Palestine.

*7:00 pm: Omar Barghouti, Angela Davis and Fred Moten: “’Our South Africa
Moment’:  Divestment From Apartheid In South Africa And Israel”.*
Room 101, Taper Hall of the Humanities, University of Southern California.
Free and open to the public.  Disabled accessible.

Contact: David Lloyd colles2...@sbcglobal.net

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[LAAMN] Taibi - Abelsoni: A terrific message from America's top Sociopaths

2012-01-02 Thread Ed Pearl
From: Truly Blue [mailto:truebluenetw...@earthhome.us] 
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 12:22 AM
Subject:  Matt Taibi and Max Abelson:  A terrific message from America's top
A terrific* message from America's top
http://earthhome.us/Sociopaths.html Sociopaths
Tho written as a Christmas message, these amazing stories let some of
America's top Sociopaths http://earthhome.us/Sociopaths.html  speak for
themselves.  This is a great predictor of what to expect more of in 2012, as
the 1% continues to live lives in full Denial that they shall roast for
Eternity in Hellfire from whence they came.
Because they know there's no salvation possible for them, no redemption of
any kind, they continue to worship at the feet of their Master, as certified
Agents of Satan.  No one prays for Sociopaths, just as no one prays for
redemption of Lucifer. Evil is an essential component of religion.
Get to know a few of America's finest.

Matt Taibi
Rolling Stone:  12/22/11

It seems America’s bankers are tired of all the abuse. They’ve decided to
speak out.

True, they’re doing it from behind the ropeline, in front of friendly crowds
at industry conferences and country clubs, meaning they don’t have to look
the rest of America in the eye when they call us all imbeciles and complain
that they shouldn’t have to apologize for being so successful.

But while they haven’t yet deigned to talk to protesting America face to
face, they are willing to scribble out some complaints on notes and send
them downstairs on silver trays. Courtesy of a
bunk-imbecile-attack-on-top-1-.html remarkable story by Max Abelson at
Bloomberg, we now get to hear some of those choice comments.

Home Depot co-founder Bernard Marcus, for instance, is not worried about

“Who gives a crap about some imbecile?” Marcus said. “Are you kidding me?”

Former New York gurbernatorial candidate Tom Golisano, the billionaire owner
of the billing firm Paychex, offered his wisdom while his half-his-age
tennis champion girlfriend hung on his arm:

“If I hear a politician use the term ‘paying your fair share’ one more time,
I’m going to vomit,” said Golisano, who turned 70 last month, celebrating
the birthday with girlfriend Monica Seles, the former tennis star who won
nine Grand Slam singles titles.

Then there’s Leon Cooperman, the former chief of Goldman Sachs’s
money-management unit, who said he was urged to speak out by his fellow
golfers. His message was a version of Wall Street’s increasingly popular
If-you-people-want-a-job, then-you’ll-shut-the-fuck-up rhetorical line:

Cooperman, 68, said in an interview that he can’t walk through the dining
room of St. Andrews Country Club in Boca Raton, Florida, without being
thanked for speaking up. At least four people expressed their gratitude on
Dec. 5 while he was eating an egg-white omelet, he said.

“You’ll get more out of me,” the billionaire said, “if you treat me with

Finally, there is this from Blackstone CEO Steven Schwartzman:

Asked if he were willing to pay more taxes in a Nov. 30 interview with
Bloomberg Television, Blackstone Group LP CEO Stephen Schwarzman spoke about
lower-income U.S. families who pay no income tax.

“You have to have skin in the game,” said Schwarzman, 64. “I’m not saying
how much people should do. But we should all be part of the system.”

There are obviously a great many things that one could say about this
remarkable collection of quotes. One could even, if one wanted, simply savor
them alone, without commentary, like lumps of fresh caviar, or raw oysters.

But out of Abelson’s collection of doleful woe-is-us complaints from the
offended rich, the one that deserves the most attention is Schwarzman’s line
about lower-income folks lacking “skin in the game.” This incredible
statement gets right to the heart of why these people suck.

Why? It's not because Schwarzman is factually wrong about lower-income
people having no “skin in the game,” ignoring the fact that everyone pays
sales taxes, and most everyone pays payroll taxes, and of course there are
property taxes for even the lowliest subprime mortgage holders, and so on.

It’s not even because Schwarzman probably himself pays close to zero in
income tax – as a private equity chief, he doesn’t pay income tax but tax on
carried interest, which carries a maximum 15% tax rate, half the rate of a
New York City firefighter.

The real issue has to do with the context of Schwarzman’s quote. The
Blackstone billionaire, remember, is one of the more uniquely abhorrent,
self-congratulating jerks in the entire world – a man who famously
symbolized the excesses of the crisis era when, just as the rest of America
was heading into a recession, he

[LAAMN] one perspective on occupy the Rose Parade: a great day!

2012-01-02 Thread Tom Louie
I hope many other people can report their own perspectives, especially if they 
are different from mine, and especially if they can fill in the blanks of what 
I didn't see.

There was pretty good coverage on KABC-7 at 5:00 pm, which even PRECEDED 
coverage of the official parade itself! The only criticism I would make is that 
they only showed two parade-goers: one hostile heckler, and one man who 
disagreed with us but supported our right to free speech. As a person on the 
scene, I can attest that there was much more diversity in the crowd than that, 
including many parade-watchers who cheered us, waved at us, put on 99% stickers 
and sometimes even joined us!

Can anyone else report about the quality of news coverage on other channels?
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Got to Singer Park before 6
AM*yawn*...and helped to hold our spot 

beside the Rose Queen and Court. Man, am I glad it wasn't the day 

after New Year's Eve. We only marched a little over a mile, up Orange 

Grove to Colorado and then turned off on Marengo to rally at City Hall 

- didn't get to the Playhouse district or East Pasadena. We had two 

floats, a giant Constitution and a giant octopus (made out of recycled 

plastic garbage bags). The cops were loaded for bear and were standing 

at attention with their riot shields, but there was no trouble, no 

violence, and I would be surprised if there were any arrests. Since we 

were following the parade, people were leaving as we were starting, 

but we attracted a lot of attention and even got some to join us. Of 

course there was some hostility, from boneheads who sneered, Get a 

job. Yeah, right, think of a new one. And at City Hall, we got to 

hear Marcy Winograd, Cindy Sheehan, and assorted spontaneous poets and 

speakers. For entertainment, we got to hear the Billionaires satirical 

group (with a full brass band), rapping by Guido Corleone of the 

Luminaries, and freakin' MICHELLE SHOCKED leading a singalong to the 

tune of the NOFX occupy song! She was beautiful, reaching out to 

include everyone, even shy people. I think this day should be a lesson 

for the movement: not all protest has to be confrontational, in fact 

confrontation should be a very last resort. We worked with the 

authorities, and we DIDN'T get pepper sprayed! The official telecast 

cut us off, but fortunately there is lots of alternative media these 


One guy who attracted a lot of attention was Brian, a

veteran of Grenada and the Gulf War who still has friends in 

Afghanistan. He came in full battle dress and helmet, and had a spray- 

painted banner that read Get $ out of politics on one side, and 

Stop bank fees on the other. He's gotten a pretty raw deal from 

civilian life, but he made the sacrifice to attend this event. 

Andgotta love 'im for this...he's a Dropkick Murphys fan!!! 


I also met David and Susan and other cool people from
Occupy Long 

Beach. Despite being totally nonviolent, they have been relentlessly 

attacked and harassed by the Long Beach PD. In fact, Susan took some 

photos of an officer choking an Occupier into unconsciousness -- the 

injured man is George Diller, a veteran of course! These photos of the 

officer with his knee on George's throat are iconic in a Kent State 

kind of way, and they were on display along the parade route for the 

duration of the parade. You can see them at 




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[LAAMN] After Mitt Romney Deal, Company Showed Profits Then Layoffs

2012-01-02 Thread bigraccoon
After Mitt Romney Deal,  Company Showed Profits  Then Layoffs


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[LAAMN] Sin! Spin! SPIN!!!!

2012-01-02 Thread scotpeden
Round and round and round we go. Depends on what you definition of Spin
is, eh?

Bottom of page three has a rather nice summary.

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[LAAMN] Rose Parade

2012-01-02 Thread scotpeden
Thousands of us are waiting to see video coverage for the OWS at the end
of the Rose Parade. There wasn't anything on the Main Stream 1% Corporate
Media, (Duh) and I'm seeing editors all over the place asking for links
and such, as they aren't finding anything.

Anyone here who can send some links ASAP?


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[LAAMN] Inauguration of Police State USA 2012: Obama Signs the National Defense Authorization Act

2012-01-02 Thread Romi Elnagar
INAUGURATION OF POLICE STATE USA 2012.  Obama Signs the “National Defense 
Authorization Act  

by  Michel  Chossudovsky 
With minimal media debate, at a time when Americans were celebrating the New 
Year with their loved ones,  the “National Defense Authorization Act  
H.R. 1540 was signed into law by President Barack Obama. The actual 
signing took place in Hawaii on the 31st of December. 

to Obama's signing statement, the threat of Al Qaeda to the Security 
of the Homeland constitutes a justification for repealing fundamental 
rights and freedoms, with a stroke of the pen.  

controversial signing statement (see transcript below) is a smokscreen. 
Obama says he disagrees with the NDAA but he signs it into law. 

[I have] serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the 
detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists. 

Obama implements Police State USA, while acknowledging that certain 
provisions of  the NDAA are unacceptable. If such is the case, he could 
have either vetoed the NDAA (H.R. 1540) or sent it back to Congress with his 

He justifies the signing of the NDAA as a means
 to combating terrorism, as part of a counter-terrorism agenda.  But 
in substance, any American opposed to the policies of the US government 
can --under the provisions of the NDAA-- be labelled a suspected 
terrorist and arrested under military detention. Already in 
2004 Homeland Security defined  several categories of potential 
conspirators or suspected terrorists including  foreign [Islamic] 
terrorists , domestic radical groups, [antiwar and civil rights 
groups], disgruntled employees [labor and union activists] and state 
sponsored adversaries [rogue 
states, unstable nations]. The unspoken objective in an era of war 
and social crisis is to repress all forms of domestic protest and 

The “National Defense Authorization Act  (H.R. 1540) is Obama's New Year's 
Gift to the American People.  

Moreover, I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the 
indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I 
believe that doing so would break with our most important 
traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret 
section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes 
complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other 
applicable law. (emphasis added0

Barack Obama is a 
lawyer (a graduate from Harvard Law School). He knows fair well that his 
signing statement --which parrots his commitment to democracy-- is 
purely cosmetic. It has no force of law. 

His adminstrationwill not authorize what? The implementation of a Law 
endorsed by the Executive and signed by the President of the United States? 

 1021 is crystal clear. The Executive cannot refuse to implement it.  
The signing statement does not in any way invalidate or modify the 
actual signing by President Obama of NDAA (H.R. 1540) into law. It does 
not have any bearing on the implementation/ enforcement of the Law. 

Democratic Dictatorship in America

 “National Defense Authorization Act  (H.R. 1540) repeals the US 
Constitution. While the facade of democracy prevails, supported by media
 propaganda, the American republic is fractured. The tendency is towards
 the establishment of a totalitarian State, a military government 
dressed in civilian clothes. 

The passage of  NDAA is intimately 
related to Washington's global military agenda. The military pursuit of 
Worldwide hegemony also requires the Militarization of the Homeland, 
namely the demise of the American Republic.  

In substance, the 
signing statement is intended to mislead Americans and provide a 
democratic face to the President as well as to the unfolding post-911 
Military Police State apparatus.  

The most important traditions
 and values in derogation of  The Bill of Rights and the US 
Constitution have indeed been repealed, effective on New Year's Day, 
January 1st 2012. 

The NDAA authorises the arbitrary and indefinite military detention of American 

The Lessons of History

 New Year's Eve December 31, 2011 signing of the NDAA will indelibly go 
down as a landmark in American history. Barack Obama will down in 
history as the president who killed Constitutional democracy in the 
United States. . 

If we are to put this in a comparative 
historical context, the relevant provisions of the NDAA HR 1540 are, in 
many regards, comparable to those contained in the Decree of the Reich 
President for the Protection of People and State, commonly known as the 
Reichstag Fire Decree (Reichstagsbrandverordnung) enacted in Germany under 
the Weimar Republic on 27 February 1933 by President (Field Marshal) Paul von 

 in the immediate wake of the Reichstag Fire (which served as a 
pretext), this February 1933 decree was used to repeal civil liberties 
including the right of Habeas 

[LAAMN] What the lamestream media is hiding: the sledgehammer of reality

2012-01-02 Thread Romi Elnagar

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] The Secret of Rocky Flats: The Never-Ending Story of a Cold War Plutonium Plant

2012-01-02 Thread Romi Elnagar
The Secret of Rocky Flats: The Never-Ending Story of a Cold War Plutonium 
PlantBy Kari Lydersen 
A Rocky Flats plant worker holds a plutonium button in 1973.   (Photo via 

BOULDER, COLO.—When the Green Bay Packers score, fans pound thunderously on the 
corrugated metal wall of the patio at the Rocky Flats Lounge. Newcomers to the 
area would likely never guess that in decades past, 
the tavern between Denver and Boulder would be packed with workers 
involved in a secretive, controversial and dangerous industry…and that 
the expanse of wind-swept, weedy, rubble-strewn land across the highway 
from the tavern was where private contractors working for the U.S. 
government constructed atomic bombs out of tons of plutonium and other 
radioactive and toxic elements.
Weapons production halted at the Rocky Flats plant in 1992, and most of the 
buildings have been dissembled and 80 percent of 
the area is officially designated a wildlife refuge. But as journalist 
and University of Colorado Professor Len Ackland told me recently, the 
Rocky Flats story is still going on.
Much of the 10-square-mile grounds are still so contaminated that the U.S. Fish 
and Wildlife Service, which runs the wildlife refuge, refuses to take 
possession of it. Hundreds of former workers are still 
suffering from cancer, beryllium poisoning and other diseases likely 
caused by their work, and many workers and their survivors are still 
battling to obtain compensation from the government. In addition, the 
plutonium bombs manufactured at Rocky Flats exist within the thousands 
of nuclear weapons comprising today's U.S. arsenal.
Ackland’s 2002 book Making a Real Killing: Rocky Flats and the Nuclear 
West tells the harrowing and gripping tale of Rocky Flats, those who worked 
and those who fought to have the facility shut down. It describes how 
workers hired by Dow Chemical Corporation and then Rockwell International, the 
private companies contracted to run the facility, worked under 
intense time pressure to churn out nuclear weapons (euphemistically 
called triggers because they were used to set off even more powerful 
hydrogen bombs)…leading to rampant safety violations, accidents and 
Exposure to radiation was a common occupational risk, with many workers 
accumulating a body burden of radiation by inhaling plutonium dust 
that would lodge in their system and continue to emit radiation from 
inside their bodies. The workers were originally represented by the 
United Mine Workers of America (UMW), until the union soured on the 
nuclear industry because they saw nuclear power as competing with their 
bread and butter—coal.
Then the United Steelworkers of America took over, and activist union 
workers struggled to balance their demands for safer conditions with the desire 
to defend their mission and their jobs from the protests of 
environmentalists and anti-war activists.
I spoke recently with Ackland about the labor legacy of Rocky Flats, a 
story which continues to unfold two decades after the last bombs were 
turned out.
You’ve described the official narrative where the Rocky Flats 
workers are depicted as Cold War Heroes who played a key role in 
winning the Cold War. It sounds like this narrative is used to deflect 
criticism or re-examination of the whole nuclear industry and the harm 
done to workers. Do you see any current parallels with workers in the 
defense industry today?
 The difference is the Cold War is over and the war on terror is a 
perpetual war, so it would be hard to make the same connections. Maybe 
with workers building drones. You certainly have it with the military. 
The Cold War, since it was a global confrontation – since it was 
cold…you didn’t have the military playing the same role. So the 
workers for the Cold War were the ones who fought the war, who built 
the bombs that provided deterrence. It’s interesting to think about 
the workers themselves and their own thoughts and feelings about it -- 
how did they perceive the fact that they were building nuclear weapons 
of mass destruction?
But they didn’t look at it that way – they knew it was happening but 
they created a whole language to deal with it. Many of the workers don’t like 
to talk about Rocky Flats as a bomb factory – they like to talk 
about it as building components. The most wonderful euphemism was that 
Rocky Flats built nuclear triggers. You get this image of a pistol and you 
pull the trigger, when what they built were successors to the 
Trinity test and Nagasaki plutonium bombs and that triggered hydrogen 
explosions (in H-bombs that became the standard in the mid-1950s). When 
you look at the media coverage of Rocky Flats, every time someone new 
came on the beat they would inevitably use the term nuclear triggers – I 
would call them and say, You don’t understand, this is what Rocky 
Flats did…
How did the fact that private contractors with a profit motive 
were running things at Rocky Flats affect 

[LAAMN] Nationalism, Occupy As Alternatives to Corporatism

2012-01-02 Thread Gary
Some Thoughts On Nationalism
January 2nd, 2012 
My buddy Jack called me and we got into a discussion on the nature of 
Nationalism and Liberalism. He called himself a classical liberal, i.e. he is 
making some money, and he declared nationalism to be neutral.

I then argued with him over the nature of nationalism, that it was born in the 
18th century out of French and German theory and the French Revolution, and to 
a lesser extent the American Revolution. A bastard child of the Enlightenment, 
itself a mutant descendant of the Reformation, Nationalism is certainly not 
neutral, being a root cause of most of the wars in the 20th century. 
Nationalism can be progressive as a form of liberation from the old rule of the 
aristocracy-church-kings in Europe, but in the modern era, hyper nationalism is 
only useful in separating the mass of humanity from their real interests. In a 
world of interconnected realities the only purpose of nationality is if it aids 
in resisting corporate globalism. But with international law trumping national 
law, there is little purpose for nationalism unless it is in creating islands 
of resistance to corporate rule. 

There are forms of tribal identity that might be called proto-nationalism, 
speaking a common tongue, having a common culture, the things that 
anthropologists consider when they look at what makes a people, these are what 
might be called natural nationalism, to the extent that any particular identity 
is permanent. Anthropology teaches us that humanity is infinitely flexible. The 
question comes, do we as the over culture have the right to destroy 
sub-cultures, languages, etc., simply because we are dominant? Nationalism 
could be seen as a resistance to dominance, but in the 18th century it was the 
dominance of the Kings, churches and aristocracy of warriors. Now it is the 
dominance of the multinational corporate mega state. 

International solidarity, based on the concept of a universal working class 
uniting to oppose the ruling classes, is one construct, but it does not seem to 
be as emotionally compelling as the feelings of loyalty to hearth and home. 
World War One seems to have proved that point when the international socialist 
movement fell apart and separated into nationalist parts. When the shit hits 
the fan, the fans go back to the tribe and the family. Perhaps the Romans were 
not all that far off building loyalties out of family connections and 

But there still is a human solidarity that although not proscribed by the 
concept of working class, but does mean the interests of the vast majority, the 
99% who do not control the wealth of the world, against the new aristocracy or 
perhaps oligarchy of the class of the few who have, and the many who have 
degrees of less. This is the solidarity of we want. But there must be more, 
there must be a - we dream, we desire, we love, something that was more evident 
in the spirit of the sixties. We are more than our demands, we are a growing 
sense of the human family as one, not as a series of warring tribes. If the 1% 
must be sacrificed for this unity to come, then let the scapegoating begin. If 
they will simply give up, dissolve, then we must be capable of filling the void 
with other than the multinational corporations; after all it is the product of 
the end of history, capitalism triumphant. The only future is to step into 
democratic socialism, we working together. 

The German philosopher Herder with his emphasis on the Volk, is to a great 
extent the father of modern nationalism in the sense of the culture of the 
people and developing the modern intellectual underpinnings of nationalism. 

But there could be an argument that the reformation is the root of nationalism. 
Although much of the thinking that emerged as nationalism started in French 
society conversations in the salons of Paris, what is less well known is what 
the thinking was among the intellectual poor of the time. 

Byron and the romantics presented nationalism as the next step in human 
liberation from the old empires.


This is an excerpt from article on Herder. 

Along with Wilhelm von Humboldt, Herder was one of the first to argue that 
language determines thought, a theme that two centuries later would be central 
to the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis. Herder's focus upon language and cultural 
traditions as the ties that create a nation[1] extended to include folklore, 
dance, music and art, and inspired Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in their collection 
of German folk tales.

Herder attached exceptional importance to the concept of nationality and of 
patriotism – he that has lost his patriotic spirit has lost himself and the 
whole worlds about himself, whilst teaching that in a certain sense every 
human perfection is national. Herder carried folk theory to an extreme by 
maintaining that there is only one class in the state, the Volk, (not the 
rabble), and the king 

[LAAMN] MUST READ; Urging Obama to Stop Rush to Iran War by Ray McGovern and Elizabeth Murray

2012-01-02 Thread Romi Elnagar
Urging Obama to Stop Rush to Iran War
December 30, 2011
Exclusive: A torrent of war propaganda against Iran is flooding the American 
political scene as U.S. neocons and Israeli hardliners see an opening 
for another war in the Middle East, a momentum that ex-CIA analysts Ray 
McGovern and Elizabeth Murray urge President Obama to stop.
By Ray McGovern and Elizabeth Murray
President Obama needs to put an abrupt halt to the game of Persian 
Roulette about to spin out of control in the Persian Gulf. If we were 
still on active duty at the CIA, this is what we would tell him:
This informal memorandum addresses the escalating game of chicken 
playing out in the waters off Iran and the more general issue of what 
can be done to put the exaggerated threat from Iran in some kind of 
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meeting with President Barack Obama 
at the White House in 2009
In keeping with the informality of this memo and our ethos of 
speaking truth to power, we may at times be rather blunt. If we bring 
you up short, consider it a measure of the seriousness with which we 
view the unfolding of yet another tragic mistake.
The stakes are quite high, and as former intelligence analysts with 
no axes to grind, we want to make sure you understand how fragile and 
volatile the situation in the Gulf has become.
We know you are briefed regularly on the play by play, and we will 
not attempt to replicate that. Your repeated use of the bromide that 
“everything is on the table,” however, gives us pause and makes us 
wonder whether you and your advisers fully recognize the implications, 
if hostilities with Iran spin out of control.
You have the power to stop the madness, and we give you some 
recommendations on how to lessen the likelihood of a war that would be 
to the advantage of no one but the arms merchants.
If your advisers have persuaded you that hostilities with Iran would 
bring benefit to Israel, they are badly mistaken. In our view, war with 
Iran is just as likely in the longer term to bring the destruction of 
Israel, as well as vast areas of Iran — not even to mention the 
disastrous consequences for the world economy, of which you must be 
Incendiary (but false) claims about how near Iran is to having a 
nuclear weapon are coming “fast and furious,” (and are as irresponsible 
as that ill-fated project of giving weapons to Mexican drug dealers).
In our view, the endless string of such claims now threaten to 
migrate from rhetoric to armed clashes to attempted “regime change,” as 
was the case nine years ago on Iraq. You know, we hope, that influential — but 
myopic — forces abound who are willing to take great risk because they believe 
such events would redound to the benefit of Israel.  We 
make reference, of course, to the reckless Likud government in Israel 
and its equally reckless single-issue supporters here at home.
Inept Advisers
Judging by recent performance, your foreign policy and military 
advisers, including the top generals now in place, appear unable to act 
as sensible counterweights to those who think that, by beginning 
hostilities with Iran, they will help Israel do away with a key regional rival.
You are not stuck with such advisers. You’re the President; you 
deserve better. You need some people close to you who know a lot more 
about the outside world.
You may wish to think also about how the recent remarks of Joint 
Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey, during an interview with the 
Washington Post’s Greg Jaffe, reflect on the chairman’s acumen in the strategic 
matters in which he has been immersed for decades.
In the interview with Jaffe, Dempsey referred to his 20-year 
involvement with Iraq (where he made his mark) and, according to Jaffe, 
Dempsey acknowledged that “he and his Army did not fully understand the 
nature of the conflict they were fighting.”
Jaffe quotes a particularly telling lament by Dempsey: “People say, 
‘For God’s sakes, you were a two-star general. How could you say you 
didn’t understand?’ … I don’t know how I can say it, but I lived it.  
And I mean it.”
Suffice it to say that there are serious questions as to how much 
Gen. Dempsey understands about Iran and whether his meteoric rise to 
Chairman of the JCS is due more to the crisp salute with which he greets any 
idea voiced by those above him.
Discussing last week the possibility of military action against Iran, Dempsey 
said, “The options we are developing are evolving to a point 
that they would be executable, if necessary.” He added that his “biggest worry 
is that (Iranians) will miscalculate our resolve.”
That’s not our biggest worry. Rather it is that Dempsey and you will 
miscalculate Iran’s resolve. We haven’t a clue as to what, if anything, 
the Chairman is telling you on that key issue. Our distinct impression, 
however, is that you cannot look to him for the kind of stand-up advice 
you got from his predecessor, Adm. Mike Mullen.
The consummate military