A US attack on Syria will Prolong the

Posted on 09/04/2013 by Juan Cole

The struggle in Syria began peacefully in spring of 2011, but after about
half a year it turned violent when the regime deployed tanks and other
heavy munitions against the protesters. Some of the latter took up weapons
and turned to violence in revenge. Thereafter the struggle spiraled into a
civil war, in which the regime showed itself perfectly willing to attack
civilian city quarters and kill indiscriminately. The struggle has killed
over 100,000 persons. As the regime became ever more brutal, the rebel
fighters were increasingly radicalized. Now, among the more important
groups is Jabhat al-Nusra or the Succor Front, a radical al-Qaeda affiliate.

President Obama’s plan to bomb Syria with cruise missiles will do nothing
to hasten the end of the conflict. Instead, it will likely prolong it.

*It should be remembered that the US couldn’t end the Iraqi civil war
despite having over 100,000 boots on the ground in that country. It is
highly unlikely that Washington can end this one from 30,000 feet.*

The hope for avoiding another decade of killing is that the governmental
elite and the rebels get tired of fighting and prove willing to make a
deal. It is probably too late for Syria to succeed at the kind of
transition achieved in Yemen. There, the president stepped down and his
vice president ran for his seat. At the same time, members of the
opposition were given seats in the cabinet. That kind of cohabitation with
the former enemy is easier if too much blood hasn’t bee shed.

The best solution for Syria would be if President Bashar al-Assad steps
down and the Baath Party gave up its dictatorial tactics. At the same time,
the rebels would have to forewswear al-Qaeda-type extremism.

Probably each side would have to feel that they could not gain any
substantial benefit from further fighting, for negotiations to have prayer
of success.

The prospect of a US missile strike is emboldening the rebels. They
increasingly hope that the US will come in militarily with them.

the rebels don’t look at the proposed US missile strikes as a limited
affair or as solely related to chemical weapons use. Aside from al-Qaeda,
they see the US as an ally. Thus, they are complaining that Obama’s
indecisiveness is emboldening Syrian President
The US is now part of their strategic calculations and they see decisive
American action as an asset.

Obviously, such euphoria at the prospect of US military intervention on the
rebel side is incompatible with the kind of “pacted” transition political
scientists favor. The rebels will have every incentive to hold out for ever
more forceful outside Syria intervention in the coming years.

By striking Syria, Obama has all but guaranteed that a negotiated solution
becomes impossible for years to come. In the absence of serious
negotiations, the civil war will continue and likely get worse. The US
should give serious thought to what the likely actual (as opposed to ideal)
reaction in Syria will be to the landing of a few cruise missiles. The
anti-regime elements will celebrate, convinced that it will all be over
quickly if the US gets involved. The last thing they will want will be to
negotiate with the regime.

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