Geostrategic Basis Of Libyan War: Hydrological Warfare and  Energy
Death for Libyans; billions for the West 

by  Garikai  Chengu
Global Research, September 10, 2011 
The Citizen (Tanzania) and Stop NATO   

>From oil to water, water-boarding to arms and 
from gas to reconstruction the war in Libya will rake in billions of 
dollars for the West. Just how much will trickle down to the people of 
Libya remains to be seen. 
People who think that the West's intervention in 
Libya is just another oil grab are mistaken. Broadly speaking, for 
Britain military intervention is mainly about arms, Italy its natural 
gas, France its water and for the US its counter-terrorism and 
reconstruction contracts. Spreading democracy and saving the people of 
Benghazi form merely tangential benefits used to justify these ends. 
Lest we forget, Nato's bombardment began because Mr 
Gaddafi threatened to do to Benghazi what Mr Bashar al-Assad’s forces 
are doing to various Syrian cities and Nato itself is poised to do in 
''History is a set of lies agreed upon'' once 
remarked Napoleon Bonaparte. If left unchallenged the true motives 
behind what the French mainstream media have coined ''Sarkozy's War'' 
may be lost in the fog of war. 
So what makes Libya so important to the West? Any 
real estate agent could tell you: location. Given that Libya sits atop 
the strategic intersection of the Mediterranean, African, and Arab 
worlds, control of the nation, has always been a remarkably effective 
way to project power into these three regions and beyond. 
Ever since time immemorial Western control over Libya has been of great 
importance. After Libyan independence in 1951, US, 
British and French payments for military basing rights formed the 
single-largest element of Libyan GDP until oil exports began to flow in 
Nowadays, Mr Sarkozy's interest in Libya lies in a 
commodity more precious than oil, namely water. It is becoming 
increasingly accepted that water promises to be to the 21st century what oil 
was to the 20th century: the precious commodity that determines the wealth of 
Unlike oil, there are no substitutes, alternatives or stopgaps for water. 
Nature has decreed that the supply of water is 
fixed. Meanwhile demand rises inexorably as the world’s population 
increases and enriches itself.. Population growth, climate change, 
pollution, urbanization and the rapid development of manufacturing 
industries are relentlessly combining such that demand for fresh water 
will outstrip supply by 40 per cent by 2040. 
Libya sits on a resource more valuable than oil, the 
Nubian Sandstone Aquifer, which is an immensely vast underground sea of 
fresh water. Colonel Gaddafi had cleverly invested $25 billion in the 
Great Man-made River Project, a complex 4,000-km long water pipeline 
buried beneath the desert that could transport two million cubic metres 
of water a day. Such a monumental water distribution scheme could turn 
Libya - a nation that is 95 per cent desert - into a food 
self-sufficient arable oasis. 
Today France's global mega-water companies like Suez, Ondeo and Saur, control 
more than 45 per cent of the world's water 
market and are rushing to privatize water, already a $400 billion global 
business. For these French companies, Libya will be a bonanza. No 
wonder Le Monde coined it ''Sarkozy's War'' and had a ''Victoire'' front page 
splash when Mr Gaddafi's compound was stormed. 
Late last year, the Central Intelligence Agency 
suspiciously raised the spectre of ''future 'hydrological warfare' in 
which rivers, lakes and aquifers become national security assets to be 
fought over,'' or controlled through proxy armies and client states. 
Regime change in Libya is the first major instance of hydrological 
With the spoils of war from Libya's water market 
largely reserved for the French, Mr. Cameron is eyeing another market, 
that of arms. 
The subject of the West selling arms to regimes 
suppressing uprisings remains as wilfully overlooked as an American war 
crime. Even as The Times of London has just reported that Britain 
enjoyed a 30 per cent spike in arms sales to regimes in the Middle East 
during the Arab Spring. Arms sold between February and July jumped to 
$101 million, the Times' report says, noting that these include weapons 
that could be used to suppress domestic protests. 
Mr Obama's administration is even more steeped in the controversial arms trade. 
The US accepts no rival on this front. Over 
the past decade the US has averaged a staggering $5.8 billion per year 
in arms sales with the Middle East. 
The very Libyan military hardware that Nato 
boastfully claims to have downgraded by 90 per cent will need to be 
rebuilt. US arms companies will gleefully be on hand to arm their proxy 
regime to the teeth. Libya will be a bonanza for American arms dealers. 
American infrastructure contractors will also reap 
the windfalls of post-war reconstruction. The grim reality is that every 
bridge, road, rail-link and building that US war-planes bomb will have 
to be rebuilt and paid for by the Libyan taxpayer. 
Even grimmer still is the fact that the approximately $1.1billion spent by the 
US government on bombarding Libya is a drop in the ocean compared to the profit 
that American contractors stand to 
make. Many of whom have strong ties to the upper echelons of the 
military and the Obama administration. 
In-fact, more than 70 American companies and 
individuals have won up to $8 billion in contracts for work in post-war 
Iraq and Afghanistan over the last two years, according to a new study 
by the Center for Public Integrity. 
According to the study, nearly 70 per cent of these 
companies had employees or board members who either served in or had 
close ties to the executive branch for Republican and Democratic 
administrations, for members of Congress of both parties, or at the 
highest levels of the military. 
Therefore, those in the military tasked with 
minimising 'collateral damage' to property stand to directly profit from less 
than pinpoint precision. In short, dropping bombs can be 
The recent bombshell revelations of correspondence 
between the CIA and Libya's security apparatus prove that the US has 
been outsourcing its torture or ''enhanced interrogation' ' of terror 
suspects to Libya through the internationally illegal rendition process. These 
revelations are embarrassing but hardly surprising. Nevertheless, there is 
little doubt a pliant proxy regime will continue to do 
America's dirty work. 
Last but not least there is oil. Much as the 
self-righteous West might pretend otherwise, oil is unquestionably a key part 
of the equation. Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa and 
85 per cent of its exports are to Europe. 
Archival footage of Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi surrounded by Mr 
Gaddafi's female bodyguards, kissing the Libyan 
strongman's hand at Leonardo Da Vinci airport is indicative of just how 
important Libya is to Italy. 
Libya's oil is especially important to Italy because 
of its proximity, the ease of its extraction, and the sweetness of its 
crude. Most refineries in Italy and elsewhere are built to deal with 
sweet Libyan crude, they cannot easily process the heavier Saudi crude 
that has recently replaced the Libyan production shortfall. 
Libyan natural gas reserves are estimated to be over 
52.7 trillion cubic feet and large areas of the country are still to be 
surveyed. With assured supplies available from Libya, Italy will become 
less dependent on supplies from Russia, which on the energy front is 
increasingly flexing its muscles and thumbing its nose at mainland 
Libya has a 1,800km coastline just miles from Italy 
and porous southern borders with three poor African nations. Therefore, a 
pliant regime that will stem the flow of asylum seekers and keep the 
oil and gas flowing is vital for Rome. 
>From oil to water, water-boarding to arms and from 
gas to reconstruction the war in Libya will rake in billions of dollars 
for the West. Just how much will trickle down to the people of Libya 
remains to be seen. 
The author is a research scholar at Harvard University's Faculty of Arts and 
NOTE:  This is the only article I have found that mentions factors such as 
water, and I am inclined to agree with Mr. Chengu, but I wonder why he 
didn't mention the fact that NATO bombed not only the Great Man-Made 
River that Gaddafi built, but also the factory that produces replacement 
equipment for it.  Surely he must have been aware of it, but this essay seems 
not to be really well organized, in spite of its making some very important 
points.  Romi

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