[LAAMN] Ironic Times...............

2011-07-13 Thread Scott Peden


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[LAAMN] Fw: [May 19th Movement] Fwd: CALL for Encampment! -- Solidarity With Pelican Bay Hunger Strike

2011-07-13 Thread John A Imani

- Original Message - 
From: kwazinkru...@aol.com 
To: mlk_coalit...@yahoogroups.com ; keithjame...@yahoo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 12:38 AM
Subject: [May 19th Movement] Fwd: CALL for Encampment! -- Solidarity With 
Pelican Bay Hunger Strike

-Original Message-
From: Keith James keithjame...@yahoo.com
To: keithjame...@yahoo.com keithjame...@yahoo.com
Sent: Tue, Jul 12, 2011 2:07 pm
Subject: CALL for Encampment! -- Solidarity With Pelican Bay Hunger Strike

URGENT! -- Please distribute far and wide

Dear Friends,

On Wednesday, DAY 13 of the Pelican Bay prisoner hunger strike, an Encampment at
KRST Unity Center in South Central LA begins (KRST Unity Center is at 7825 S. 
Western).  Wednesday, July13, marks the 13th day of the hunger strike at 

Bay State Prison Security Housing Unit (SHU) and other CA prisons. This is a 
serious situation.
This Encampment will be a center for all those who support the just demands of 
the hunger striking prisoners; a space where people will participate in a 
solidarity hunger strike / fast, in unity with the prisoners and opposed to the 
torture going on in the Pelican Bay SHU and other CA prisons. 

Will you take part in this solidarity hunger strike / fast (for 24 hours)?  

you add your name publicly to the call for this solidarity hunger strike / 
fast?  Will you write a statement in support? A solidarity hunger strike / 
fast is one key way, not the only way, but certainly one key way actors, 
academics, artists, lawyers, faith based people, youth and students, families 

the incarcerated and everyone can show their support right now; a way to 
coalesce, unite and collectively make impact.  Will you participate in a press 
conference at KRST Unity Center Wednesday to announce this?

The 5 core demands of the prisoners are listed below. Your voice and support is 
needed, now.  

Please get back to us by email or phone ASAP.  Thanks.

California Prison Hunger Strike Action Network
Call 213-840-5348
For background info: 
Firedoglake wrote this article on the Pelican Bay hunger strike:

Revolution newspaper revcom.usfor reportage and analysis;
Laura Magnani’s study on long-term isolation in CA prisons -- “Buried Alive”: 

Basic Core Demands From Pelican Bay Prisoners (Security Housing Unit)
1. Eliminate group punishments.  Instead, practice individual accountability.
When an individual prisoner breaks a rule, the prison often punishes a whole
group of prisoners of the same race.  This policy has been applied to keep
prisoners in the SHU indefinitely and to make conditions increasingly harsh. 

2. Abolish the debriefing policy and modify active/inactive gang status
criteria. Prisoners are accused of being active or inactive participants of
prison gangs using false or highly dubious evidence, and are then sent to
long-term isolation (SHU). They can escape these tortuous conditions only if 

debrief, that is, provide information on gang activity. Debriefing produces
false information (wrongly landing other prisoners in SHU, in an endless cycle)
and can endanger the lives of debriefing prisoners and their families.

3. Comply with the recommendations of the US Commission on Safety and Abuse in
Prisons (2006) regarding an end to long-term solitary confinement.  This
bipartisan commission specifically recommended to make segregation a last
resort and end conditions of isolation.  Yet as of May 18, 2011, California
kept 3,259 prisoners in SHUs and hundreds more in Administrative Segregation
waiting for a SHU cell to open up.  Some prisoners have been kept in isolation
for more than thirty years. 

4. Provide adequate food.  Prisoners report unsanitary conditions and small
quantities of food that do not conform to prison regulations.  There is no
accountability or independent quality control of meals.

5. Expand and provide constructive programs and privileges for indefinite SHU
inmates.  The hunger strikers are pressing for opportunities “to engage in
self-help treatment, education, religious and other productive activities... 
Currently these opportunities are routinely denied, even if the prisoners want
to pay for correspondence courses themselves.  Examples of privileges the
prisoners want are: one phone call per week, and permission to have sweatsuits
and watch caps. (Often warm clothing is denied, though the cells and exercise
cage can be bitterly cold.)  All of the privileges mentioned in the demands are
already allowed at other SuperMax prisons (in the federal prison system and
other states).

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] Krugman: No, We Can't? Or Won't?

2011-07-13 Thread Ed Pearl
Hi.  I want to apologize for the multiple copies of my messages, over the
past few days.  I've

spoken with Earthlink's fixit representatives, several times, and am now in
touch with specialists,

who have given this baffling problem a priority. They also suspect a hacker.
As of now, I'm sending

out much smaller numbers of different addresses in the mailings, though they
don't think that's the

problem.  Anyway, I beg your indulgence and ask you use the delete key for
duplications.  I'll be

aware of its continuance, as I also get the repetitions.  I'll get back to
you on this, very soon.




emc=tha212 emc=tha212


No, We Can't? Or Won't?

Paul Krugman

NY Times Op-Ed: July 11, 2011


If you were shocked by Friday's job report, if you thought we were doing
well and were taken aback by the bad news, you haven't been paying
attention. The fact is, the United States economy has been stuck in a rut
for a year and a half. 


Yet a destructive passivity has overtaken our discourse. Turn on your TV and
you'll see some self-satisfied pundit declaring that nothing much can be
done about the economy's short-run problems (reminder: this short run is
now in its fourth year), that we should focus on the long run instead. 

This gets things exactly wrong. The truth is that creating jobs in a
depressed economy is something government could and should be doing. Yes,
there are huge political obstacles to action - notably, the fact that the
House is controlled by a party that benefits from the economy's weakness.
But political gridlock should not be conflated with economic reality. 

Our failure to create jobs is a choice, not a necessity - a choice
rationalized by an ever-shifting set of excuses. 

Excuse No. 1: Just around the corner, there's a rainbow in the sky. 

Remember green shoots? Remember the summer of recovery? Policy makers
keep declaring that the economy is on the mend - and Lucy keeps snatching
the football away. Yet these delusions of recovery have been an excuse for
doing nothing as the jobs crisis festers. 

Excuse No. 2: Fear the bond market. 

Two years ago The Wall Street Journal declared that interest rates on United
States debt would soon soar unless Washington stopped trying to fight the
economic slump. Ever since, warnings about the imminent attack of the bond
vigilantes have been used to attack any spending on job creation. 

But basic economics said that rates would stay low as long as the economy
was depressed - and basic economics was right. The interest rate on 10-year
bonds was 3.7 percent when The Wall Street Journal issued that warning; at
the end of last week it was 3.03 percent. 

How have the usual suspects responded? By inventing their own reality. Last
week, Representative Paul Ryan, the man behind the G.O.P. plan to dismantle
Medicare, declared that we must slash government spending to take pressure
off the interest rates - the same pressure, I suppose, that has pushed
those rates to near-record lows. 

Excuse No. 3: It's the workers' fault. 

Unemployment soared during the financial crisis and its aftermath. So it
seems bizarre to argue that the real problem lies with the workers - that
the millions of Americans who were working four years ago but aren't working
now somehow lack the skills the economy needs. 

Yet that's what you hear from many pundits these days: high unemployment is
structural, they say, and requires long-term solutions (which means, in
practice, doing nothing). 

Well, if there really was a mismatch between the workers we have and the
workers we need, workers who do have the right skills, and are therefore
able to find jobs, should be getting big wage increases. They aren't. In
fact, average wages actually fell last month. 

Excuse No. 4: We tried to stimulate the economy, and it didn't work. 

Everybody knows that President Obama tried to stimulate the economy with a
huge increase in government spending, and that it didn't work. But what
everyone knows is wrong. 

Think about it: Where are the big public works projects? Where are the
armies of government workers? There are actually half a million fewer
government employees now than there were when Mr. Obama took office. 

So what happened to the stimulus? Much of it consisted of tax cuts, not
spending. Most of the rest consisted either of aid to distressed families or
aid to hard-pressed state and local governments. This aid may have mitigated
the slump, but it wasn't the kind of job-creation program we could and
should have had. This isn't 20-20 hindsight: some of us warned from the
beginning that tax cuts would be ineffective and that the proposed spending
was woefully inadequate. And so it proved. 

It's also worth noting that in another area where government could make a
big difference - help for troubled homeowners - almost nothing has been

[LAAMN] hot rods in hoquiam

2011-07-13 Thread David Bacon

ABERDEEN and HOQUIAM, WASHINGTON (2JULY11) -- By day in these two 
small communities on the Washington coast, people work as loggers, 
longhore and mill workers, fishermen and women, and car mechanics. 
But after work and on the weekends, people work on their cars.  So 
many love their cars so much that there are two car detailing shops 
in these next-door towns called Hot Rod Alley.  You can see why.

For more articles and images, see  http://dbacon.igc.org

See also Illegal People -- How Globalization Creates Migration and 
Criminalizes Immigrants  (Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008

See also the photodocumentary on indigenous migration to the US
Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

See also The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the U.S./Mexico Border 
(University of California, 2004)


David Bacon, Photographs and Stories


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[LAAMN] Robert Fisk: In Tahrir Square the anger is growing again

2011-07-13 Thread Ed Pearl


 In Tahrir Square the anger is growing again. Where is the revolution the
crowds fought for?

Mubarak may be gone, but the new order is floundering. In Cairo, Robert Fisk
finds fury returning as people still demand change

By Robert Fisk 

The Independent  Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Something has gone badly wrong with the Egyptian revolution. The ruling
Supreme Council of the Armed Forces – just what the Supreme bit means is
anyone's guess – is toadying up to middle-aged Muslim Brothers and
Salafists, the generals chatting to the pseudo-Islamists while the young,
the liberal, poor and wealthy who brought down Hosni Mubarak are being
ignored. The economy is collapsing. Anarchy creeps through the streets of
Egyptian cities each night. Sectarianism flourishes in the darkness. The
cops are going back to their dirty ways.

 It really is that bad. You only have to walk the streets of Cairo to
understand what's gone wrong, to wander again across Tahrir Square and
listen to those insisting on democracy and freedom as the old men of the
Mubarak regime cling on as Prime Minister, under-ministers, in the very
figure of Field Marshal Mohamed Tantawi, the head of that supreme council,
childhood friend and Mubarak loyalist – even though he did force the old man
to go. Tantawi's equally elderly head is now framed in posters around Tahrir
and the old January-February cry is back: We want the end of the regime. 


 On the traffic island, the groupuscules of the revolution now have their
individual tents with tiny carpets and plastic chairs on the dust, debating
Nasserism, secularism, the Christian civil rights union (The Mass Bureau
Youth Movement). The Muslim Brotherhood are, of course, absent, along with
the Salafists.


We've got sick of the Military Council which is using the same tools as
Mubarak, Fahdi Philip, 26, a veterinary student from Cairo University,
tells me as we sit amid the summer heat. The judgements on the guilty are
slow in coming. The state of insecurity is still with us. 


 Too true. Almost 900 civilians were killed by Egypt's state security police
and snipers during the revolution and only one policeman has been tried – in
absentia – for killing demonstrators. When a mass protest by the families of
the martyrs poured into the streets last month, the cops reverted to form. 


 In front of television cameras, they threw stones at the protesters, beat
them with sticks and – in one extraordinary incident – danced towards them
waving swords. A so-called National Council for Human Rights has blamed
both sides – demonstrators, they said, threw Molotov cocktails, the police
replied with tear gas – while truckloads of stones were brought to Tahrir
Square on 28 June, to be thrown by young men in identical T-shirts. 


 More than 1,100 civilians, soldiers and policemen were injured. Fearful of
further violence , Tantawi's supreme council announced the establishment
of a new fund with capital of £10.5m to compensate the families of those
killed or wounded during the revolution. 


 But no sooner do I open my morning newspapers in Cairo – free-spoken, they
are at last, unfettered, largely bankrupt – that I espy a colour photograph
of Field Marshal Tantawi appointing a new Minister of Information, a
former opposition politician but information minister just the same – only
months after the same Tantawi had announced the total scrapping of the
information ministry. 


 No problem, the authorities said, this was only to help the press fulfil
its democratic duties before the ministry would again be shut down. Just
as the young Coptic Christian vet – see how we now note the religion of
Egyptians again? – had said, Tantawi was using Mubarak's old tools. 


 Yet what can the Egyptian papers report but the collapse of the law which
the revolution was sworn to uphold? I go to the Qasr el-Aini hospital,
serving just a small sector of the capital close to the old American
University campus, only to find that their emergency register shows that on
an average day – in just this narrow district – 30 men and women arrive with
gunshot and stab wounds. 


 Each Thursday/Friday weekend, the figures go up to an average of 50
victims. Among the young in Tahrir Square, this looks like a conspiracy;
empty the streets of police and give the people a taste of the chaos they


 upon themselves – and soon they'll want the state security men again. The
country is safe for tourists, the ministers tell the travel agencies.
Really? Egyptair, the state airline – boldly advertising the new Egypt
with movie shots of the Tahrir Square demonstrations of early February – has
just posted a four-month loss of £104m. 


 The Marriott hotel on Gezira – the 

[LAAMN] The DA stole his life, justices took his money

2011-07-13 Thread Scott Peden

Prosecutors are not responsible to train their staff that they MUST turn 
over evidence that is favorable to the defendant?

Huh? This explains the great many cases where we have heard time and 
again that the prosecutors knowingly prosecuted innocent people.

Let's look at this from a different angle.

Those Prosecutes are there to represent the best interests of We the 
People? Or are they there to use any person who cannot defend themselves 
from monsters, to be ale to climb the so called ladder of the Justice 
system so they can make more money AND ENRICHEN the Prison system?

There job is NOT to get the actually Guilty? Just to get convictions?

The 'letter of the law' is an aberration to the purpose of the law, then 
only they who control the letters of the law need no fear the law, as 
this is solid proof, That Justice Thomas and his fellow DO NOT work for 
We The People.

These are the people, who are suppose to evenly and fairly apply the 
laws to EVERYONE, and this is a shining example of how dangerous the 
legal system could be to you.

Something needs to be done to return our Nation to it's purpose, not the 
letter of documents whose PURPOSE is suppose to be to ensure the PURPOSE 
of our Highest laws, are carried out. We now have a whole criminal 
system that no one lawyer or judge can understand all of it, because it 
no longer is designed to protect the citizens of the nation and it 
definitely is not there to uphold the purpose of our Constitution.

The people for this job, are you and I, as those who are suppose to 
represent us, are showing in bold face, we are not those being 
represented and worked for.


 *The D.A. Stole His Life, Justices Took His Money 
 www.nytimes.com http://www.nytimes.com/
 A Supreme Court’s ruling has made it even more likely that innocent 
 people will be railroaded by untrained prosecutors.

One month before John Thompson’s scheduled execution, a private 
investigator discovered that prosecutors had hidden evidence that 
exonerated him.

Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the 5-to-4 majority 
http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/pdf/09-571P.ZO in Connick v. 
Thompson, said the D.A.’s office was not liable for failing to train its 
lawyers about their duty under the Constitution to turn over evidence 
favorable to the accused.

The lawyers had kept secret more than a dozen pieces of favorable 
evidence over 15 years, destroying some.

 Unless we embrace 'TRUTH' and recognize 'EVIL', we will find NO 
 Resolutions to 'PEACE...



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[LAAMN] Fw: Tonight: Anderson Cooper Exposes Islam-Basher Walid Shoebat

2011-07-13 Thread Romi Elnagar



  Verse: Wisdom is a Great Wealth

  Tonight: Anderson Cooper Exposes Islam-Basher Walid Shoebat

'Ex-Terrorist' Rakes in Homeland Security Bucks (CNN)


Agency Asked to Drop Conference Featuring Islamophobe

DHS Paid Islamophobe $5,000 for Rapid City Appearance

Report: Manufacturing the Muslim Menace

How We Train Our Cops to Fear Islam

Video: CAIR Decries Anti-Muslim Police Trainers

  CAIR: L.A. Sheriff Reaches Out to Muslims, Feds Increase Surveillance

  American Muslim Woman Breaking Down Barriers in Weightlifting

  Satan threatens you with poverty and prompts you to commit what is 
indecent, while God promises you His forgiveness and bounties ... He grants 
wisdom to whom He pleases; and whoever is granted wisdom is indeed given a 
great wealth.
  The Holy Quran, 2:268-269

Anderson Cooper 360, 7/13/11, 10 p.m. ET
  Join us for a special investigative report about a self-proclaimed former 
Islamic terrorist who is making good money from American taxpayers with a story 
that just doesn't add up. (More)

Drew Griffin and Kathleen Johnston, CNN, 7/13/11

  Walid Shoebat had a blunt message for the roughly 300 South Dakota police 
officers and sheriff's deputies who gathered to hear him warn about the dangers 
of Islamic radicalism.


Terrorism and Islam are inseparable, he tells them. All U.S. mosques 
should be under scrutiny.


  All Islamic organizations in America should be the No. 1 enemy. All of 
them, he says.


It's a message Shoebat is selling based on his own background as a 
Palestinian-American convert to conservative Christianity. Born in the West 
Bank, the son of an American mother, he says he was a Palestinian Liberation 
Organization terrorist in his youth who helped firebomb an Israeli bank in 
Bethlehem and spent time in an Israeli jail.


That billing helps him land speaking engagements like a May event in 
Rapid City -- a forum put on by the state Office of Homeland Security, which 
paid Shoebat $5,000 for the appearance. He's a darling on the church and 
university lecture circuit, with his speeches, books and video sales bringing 
in $500,000-plus in 2009, according to tax records.


  Being an ex-terrorist myself is to understand the mindset of a terrorist, 
Shoebat told CNN's Anderson Cooper 360.


But CNN reporters in the United States, Israel and the Palestinian 
territories found no evidence that would support that biography. Neither 
Shoebat nor his business partner provided any proof of Shoebat's involvement in 
terrorism, despite repeated requests. (More)
  Backgrounders - TOP
Agency Asked to Drop Conference Featuring Islamophobe

DHS Paid Islamophobe $5,000 for Rapid City Appearance

Report: Manufacturing the Muslim Menace

How We Train Our Cops to Fear Islam

Video: CAIR Decries Anti-Muslim Police Trainers


Ruxandra Guidi, KPBS, 7/13/2011
  SAN DIEGO -- On a weekday morning, a group of businessmen, scholars, 
residents and a sheriff’s deputy meet for coffee and eggs in the basement of a 
mosque, near downtown Los Angeles. They're the Muslim American Homeland 
Security Congress, locals who want to shape the way counter-terrorism works in 
their community.
  On the agenda this morning, is an invitation to L.A. County Sheriff Lee 
Baca for Ramadan services, which start in early August. Baca has reached 
rock-star status here, after he founded this group six years ago.
  Sitting in his office in the eastern edge of the city, Baca does not 
appear cop-like in the least bit—he’s thin and gentle in his demeanor.
  Someone has to stick their neck out to defend Muslims, said Baca. We 
wanted to get ahead of the predictable problems that all counties face in 
America and that is, work closely with the immigrant public, which is a very 
big part of L.A. (More)

  Become a Fan of CAIR on Facebook

  Follow CAIR on Twitter

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  Please help support our work.


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[LAAMN] Common Peace, Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence seeking Office Space by July 30th! Please read!

2011-07-13 Thread DAVID SILVERSTEIN

Can you help us,

COMMON PEACE, Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence, 
a Los Angeles based 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 1997 
is seeking donated or low-rent office space in the 
Los Angeles/Mid-City/Culver CIty/Santa Monica areas 
(will consider other locations).
What we need: One large office or two smaller offices where our Executive 
Director and a few volunteers/interns can comfortably work 
and where we can house a small floor copier, a few desks/filing cabinets, and 
have access to wireless internet and a bathroom. 
Ideally, we would greatly benefit from having a conference room and/or workshop 
room that can hold up to 40 people. 
Offices/conference/workshop room do not have to be in the same place; can be 
donated from different individuals in different areas of town.
What’s in it for you? Knowing that you are contributing to an organization that 
is working on a grassroots level in the Los Angeles community to activate the 
principles of nonviolence in our schools, our work places, our homes, and our 
communities. We are contributing to the Los Angeles community in a tangible 
way.  Donating free or reduced rate office space to our nonprofit will also 
offer you a “tax write-off” for the equivalent amount of the value of the 
office space.  In addition, we are a win-win team of people; sharing space with 
us can be outright “fun!”

If you have a space, know of a space, or can offer a referral,  
please contact Candace Carnicelli @ candace.carnice...@gmail.com;  or David 
Silverstein @ dtsilverst...@yahoo.com 
. . . and Special Thanks!
We are forever grateful to Steve Yablok of Club Fais do do who donated office 
space to Common Peace
for the past five (5) years. Thank you, Steve – for your incredible generosity!
We appreciate and love you!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Fw: no turnout needed tomorrow for Dogon's hearing, but support letters are needed!

2011-07-13 Thread John A Imani
July 8, 2011 

ATTN: Judge Vanderet 

Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center 

210 W. Temple St. 

Los Angeles, CA 90012 

We, the signors below, respectfully request that the court be lenient in its 
sentencing of Steve Richardson. We know Steve Richardson to be an active and 
dedicated member of our community. He is a leader in fighting for the rights 
and protections of homeless people. He is a valuable advocate and an asset to 
our community. He has been a role model for many of us in how committed he is 
to changing the conditions that create poverty. We admire his strength. While 
incarcerated, our community will feel the loss of his leadership and his 
energy. Those who stand up for justice should be recognized for their courage 
and be allowed to continue their important work. 

Again, we request with all due respect that you take our voice into 
consideration and allow him the minimum sentencing under the law. 

Thank you, 

Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, respetuosamente solicitamos que la Corte sea 
clemente con la sentencia de Steve Richardson. Conocemos a Steve Richardson 
como un miembro activo y dedicado de nuestra comunidad. El es un líder en la 
lucha por los derechos y protecciones de las personas que viven en las calles. 
El es un defensor valioso y un activo de nuestra comunidad. Él ha sido un 
modelo a imitar para muchos de nosotros en su compromiso por transformar las 
condiciones que crean la pobreza. Admiramos su fuerza. Mientras el este 
encarcelado, nuestra comunidad sentirá la pérdida de su liderazgo y energía. 
Aquellos que luchan por la justicia deberían ser reconocidos por su coraje y 
debería permitírseles continuar con su importante trabajo. 

Nuevamente, con el debido respeto solicitamos a usted que tome nuestras voces 
en consideración y que le otorgue una sentencia mínima bajo la ley. 



- Original Message - 
From: Becky Dennison 
To: Becky Dennison 
Cc: Pete White ; Steve Diaz ; Steve Richardson ; Deborah Burton ; Intern 2 ; 
Eric Ares 
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 3:49 PM
Subject: no turnout needed tomorrow for Dogon's hearing, but support letters 
are needed!

Hi everyone,


Just wanted to send a quick update, since we have had a bunch of questions 
about Dogon's sentencing hearing tomorrow.  John, our attorney, has submitted a 
motion to postpone this hearing, which will be heard tomorrow and it is 99% 
sure to be granted.  So, while a small group of us will be going, we don't need 
broad turnout from supporters tomorrow afternoon.  We will send the date that 
is granted for the sentencing hearing and we will need courtroom supporters, as 
well as personal testimony from a smaller group of people, on that date.  


BUT - there is something you can do now to support the eventual sentencing 
process.  We are asking for as many organizations AND individuals that are 
familiar with Dogon and his work in the community to submit letters describing 
his character and contributions to our communities.  These letters should not 
focus on the details of the case, but on Dogon's positive traits and 
contributions.  The City Attorney has already submitted a sentencing memo 
asking for the full nine year sentence and attacking Dogon's character, as well 
as released a press release to do the same.  These letters (and some of your 
testimony) will be key to countering these accusations and demands to the 
judge.  There are two letters attached as examples.


Also, for those of you who have staff and members familiar with LA CAN and 
Dogon's work, but not personal knowledge of his character and contributions, 
you can use the attached petition that Union de Vecinos created to express 
broad support for him and leniency in sentencing.  


We will send out the sentencing hearing date as soon as we know it - we will 
need the letters and petitions a day or two before that date, but the sooner 
the better.  


Thanks - once again - for the continued outpouring of support and solidarity.  


Becky and LA CAN

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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