Re: [lace] men making lace

2003-10-08 Thread alice howell
At 07:15 PM 10/7/2003 -0700, you wrote:

I don't think anyone has mentioned an American man who tats, Dan
Rush-Fischer  .  When he lived in California, he won the
tatting prizes at the county fairs

The winner of the top tatting award at the Oregon State Fair is a man,
every other year.  Sorry, I don't remember his name.  His work is exquisite.
He wins every other year because of a ruling that the same person cannot be
the top winner two consecutive years.  He knows that, on alternate years,
he may get a first but not the grand champion.

Happy lacing,

Alice in Oregon - Summer ended. It's damp and chilly now.
Oregon Country Lacemakers  
Arachne Secret Pal Administrator  

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[lace] I am in seventh heaven...

2003-10-08 Thread Celtic Dream Weaver
   Hi out there in Tattingland and Lacingland,
  FINALLY! I got my IOLI Bullentin in the mailbox today. Gee guys...really New 
York is not in the boonies...but you would think so with the way mail is so slow in 
getting here. 
  AnyhowI could not resist taking a quick and I mean quick glance through it. I 
loved all the different laces that are in there. But I will have to get ahold of Kenn 
and have him send me a bigger picture of his piece. It was hard for me to see...and I 
don't think it is because I really do need to get my eyes checked again and get a 
different perscription for my lenses.I can't seen the Kenn if you are 
reading this could you pretty please send me a bigger picture of your entry.  
Anyhowall of it was so beautiful...the tatted box...the mask, the love I said I did a quick glance so I can't right now remember all 
I saw...and seeing these things in color is wellsighing here ...the best!!!
  I was a good girl though and didn't read hardly a word of it. I plan on putting it 
in my suitcase and taking it with me to Ithaca for reading material. Usually at night 
I pretty much stay to my roomand I usually can't sleep worth anything...You know 
strange bed and allbut what will probably happen is my mind really will not be 
able to shut down very wellit will be playing things that I either saw or did over 
and over again. I guess that is okay except for when I want to SLEEP. So to help me do 
that I will have to have some kind of reading material. Thinking of taking a book with 
me to read too.
  This year though I will have my desk ott light with if I do my lace in my 
room which that will probably happen tooI will be able to see what the heck I am 
doing. In the past the lights in the motel rooms leave alot to be desired. It is hard 
to tell the actual thread from the shadows that artifical light causes plus it is hard 
to see where exactly to put the pins.
  Last year when I took my honiton class I was able to actually finish the piece 
before the workshop was over...I hope to be able to do that again but I have a feeling 
it was just a fluke. ;)
  I am so looking forward to the weekend...getting away by myself will seem like 
heaven to me. I will be able to relax, be myself and do whatever I want within reason 
that is. Though if there is a party going on somewhere I hope someone will come and 
get me and let me know.
   I am looking forward to meeting Pat Read ( my Milanese teacher) hey who knows the 
mask and love birds in the IOLI bullentin might be something I will be able to tackle 
after I learn the fundamentals of Milanese Lace. I am also looking forward to meeting 
Tamara.Devuall.  And just seeing some of the friends I have made over the years...
  It is now for me 3 days away. I won't be there on Friday night...can't see paying 
for a motel room for that night. And I absolutely can't wait.
  BTW...are we going to have a archnoid table or get together again this year? I 
haven't seen any mention of it yet. Just curious..
Time is moving just too slow for me right now.

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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: thoughts on Government

2003-10-08 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
I don't know what we'd do without young people and politics to complain 
about; both have provided us with endless entertainment for ages... :)  
I have no idea who P.J. O'Rourke is/was, but he(?) seems to have as 
many opinions on the subject as Mark Twain ever did

See y'all a week from tomorrow,
From: R.P.
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. 
But, I
repeat myself. -- Mark Twain

We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is 
like a
man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
-- Winston Churchill

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the 
of Paul. -- George Bernard Shaw

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to society, which he 
proposes to
pay off with your money. -- G. Gordon Liddy

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on 
to have for dinner. -- James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer from poor people in rich
countries to rich people in poor countries. -- Douglas Casey, Classmate 

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car 
keys to
teenage boys. -- P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian

Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to 
at the expense of everybody else. -- Frederic Bastiat, French Economist

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short 
If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops
moving,subsidize it. -- Ronald Reagan (1986)

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
-- Will Rogers
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it 
when it's free. --P.J. O'Rourke

If you want government t o intervene domestically, you're a liberal.
If you want government to intervene overseas, you're a conservative.
If you want government to intervene everywhere, you're a moderate.
If you don't want government to intervene anywhere, you're an extremist.
-- Joseph Sobran, Editor of the National Review (1995)
The art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from 
party of citizens to give to the other. -- Voltaire (1764)

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean 
won't take an interest in you. -- Pericles (430 B.C.)

No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in
session. -- Mark Twain (1866)
Talk is cheap-except when Congress does it. -- (Unknown)

The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite 
one end and no responsibility at the other. -- Ronald Reagan

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings.
The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
-- Winston Churchill
The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the
taxidermist leaves the skin. -- Mark Twain
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to 
ill the
world with fools. -- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)

There is no distinctly native American criminal class save Congress.
-- Mark Twain
There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you darn well
please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take 
consequences. -- P.J. O'Rourke (1993)

What this country needs are more unemployed politicians. -- Edward 
Artist 1928-1995

When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first thing 
to be
bought and sold are legislators. -- P.J. O'Rourke

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
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