Re: [lace] Finished piece

2015-04-13 Thread Sue Babbs
A lovely piece! Well done!  And thanks for sharing.  


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[lace] Change of email address

2015-04-13 Thread Jane Partridge
As we are going to be changing our ISP in the next week or so, and my email addresses will cease to exist, can anyone who wants 
to contact me from now on use mousie1 at live dot co dot uk (removing spaces 
and changing dot to . and at to @). 

Thank you.

Jane Partridge 

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[lace] re Lace Museums

2015-04-13 Thread Louise Bailey
Dear Arachnes,

Just to add to the discussion. The amount of lace on display in the Cecil 
Higgins at Bedford, now rebranded the Higgins bedford has been drastically 
reduced since the remodelling (and I gather the same is true of Luton). 
Although the collection *is* still there and they do have occasional collection 
access talks, and will do study visits.  I was lucky enough to go to one just 
before Easter, I only heard about it at the last minute or I would have posted 
the info. Their Social History curator Lydia is actually learning  lace with a 
local group and we begged her shamelessly for more talks. 

A bit of better news is that the Fan Society is celebrating its 40 years with 
an exhibition of lace fans there during May which will be worth a look.

Fans-i-ful Lace
May 2015
Collectors gallery - Entry free
 The Fan Circle International are celebrating 40 years in 2015 and are marking 
the occasion with a display of beautiful lace fans for the month of May here at 
The Higgins Bedford.


In sunny Cambridge where we seem to have jumped from winter to summer in one 
day: frost this morning and a threatened 23C this afternoon. I am looking out 
for the first swallows.

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Re: [lace] English lace museums - updates

2015-04-13 Thread Jill Hawkins
Dear Leonard

I live close to Bedford and have visited the Higgins several times since it
re-opened after the refurbishment. Although the lace that is now on display
limited, there IS a lace display of some of the key Thomas Lester pieces.
is also a display of lacemaking equipment featuring a pillow horse, a bobbin
winder, a lace lamp and a piece of Bucks point in progress on a pillow.

I also recently attended a talk on the Lester Collection and was fortunate to
able to view and photograph all the other pieces in the collection.  The
of Social History is Lydia Saul. She gave the presentation and is very keen
show the lace to anyone who is interested - whether in a group or as an
individual. Her contact information is on the Higgins website at

Milton Keynes, Bucks

 Bedford Museum and the Cecil Higgins Museum have been combined, and one of
 casualties is the lace display - there isn't one, and individuals asking
 see specified pieces of their marvellous collection have not managed. Â If
 do want to try, make contact first and a firm appointment, good luck, and
 us know if you get anywhere with them.

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[lace] Finished piece

2015-04-13 Thread Jazmin
Good morning!

I'm usually one of the quieter (not quite lurker status, as I ask
questions and get fabulous answers) members, but I do recall a comment
made in an email not so long ago hoping that more people would
actually post.

I've been lurking about forever (longer on chat) as one of the
red-headed stepchildren of lacemakers (knitted lace was my first lace
love) and about a year ago finally took the plunge towards becoming a
'real' (quotes deliberate and tongue in cheek) lacemaker and blew the
dust off the beginner bobbin lace kit that loitered in the work room
for well over a decade.

(Snowgoose kit, not the horror kit. See? I was listening!)

I did a tape lace hanky edging (thank you Lorelei / lynxlace. Thank
you thank you) and it will be going off as a gift in an artisan
exchange shortly.

It's about seven inches across, to give a sense of scale. Don't squint
too closely at it, you'll find a bazillion mistakes, but the first few
million mistakes are in the first repeat and they go down from there.

Apparently just listening in to all you experts for years upon years
really /does/ help!

Happy Monday!

Heather -- in warm and springlike SW Ontario, Canada

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