[lace] Kortelati patterns

2008-09-29 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Hi everyone!

I am looking for someone, preferably in the USA, who sells Kortelati's
patterns The Lord's Supper, Angel at the Tomb, and Good Friday. Holly Van
Sciver is sold out of them. I had planned on making them for my church to use
as Icon's during Lent and Holy week .

Thanks for your help!

Trish Fisher, Scott Depot, WV

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[lace] Spanish lacemaker doll on Ebay

2007-04-14 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Spiders,

Here's an interesting Spanish doll offered on Ebay, who has her lace pillow
with her! This is not mentioned in the description so it won't show up on a
search. Looks like a wonderful addition to some lacemakers colletion. Wish I
had the funds and the space to bid on her!  Item number: 230117194446

Trish in a very soggy West Virginia

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[lace] Odd mix on Ebay

2007-03-25 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Fellow Spiders,
Here's an odd mishmash of items being offered as a group on Ebay. Take a look
and see what you think! I'm of the mind that the yarn dispencer and the
miniature bobbins are two seperate items. Not sure if the lace belongs with
the bobbins. I'd like the bobbins but don't want the rest. In any case it's
outta my price range!
Antique Yarn Dispencer**Miniature Lace Bobbins / Pillow
Item number: 160099719074

Trish in sunny warm and wonderful West Virginia

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[lace] Odd lace on Ebay

2007-02-05 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Spiders

There's an interesting piece of lace from a New England estate on Ebay that is
a style that is new to me. Looks to be a modern style as it has plaited edges
and then an odd mosying wholestitch trail (?) with torchon ground within the
trails. Have a look and see what y'all think!


Item number: 170077854819

Trish in very cold West Virginia USA

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Re: [lace] Sunflower from 'Lace with Paper Strings'

2007-01-07 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher

A very nice framing job! My late mum would have loved your work as
sunflowers were her favorite flower! Great work! Nice to hear of new ideas
for finishing off lace other than in a regular frame. I have a Kortelati
pattern of violets that I've always been meaning to make and now I have a
great idea on how to finish it off. Now to find the time to make lace!

Trish in rainy West Virginia USA where it's finally getting colder!

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Re: [lace] When do you swear the loudest?

2006-11-08 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Tsk, Tsk David for smoking while doing lace!

My bigest swearfest was when I was working on one of Christine Springette's
wide edging patterns that takes 66 pairs of bobbins to turn the corner. I
was in the process of turning said monster leaf encrusted corner which was
on a HUGE 24 cookie pillow and had decided to quit for the evening. I had
everything all tucked away, put the cover on the pillow and started to get
out of the chair. Unfortunately I didn't judge the distance between my bow
window sized tummy and the pillow stand very well and the pillow went flying
and ended upside down on the floor. Broke a couple of bobbins (not antique
ones thanks be to God!) , a few more threads (100/2 linen) and the whole
thing was in a hell of scramble. Took me MANY hours to get the thing back in
working order and had to cut some theads to get the mess untangled. But I
did finally get the thing back in order and finished. Now I'm always VERY
careful to put the pillow safely on the floor BEFORE  I get up.

Tying off bobbins always is stressful for me too. I have actually put off
finishing a project for a couple of years as I find it so stressfilled and
I'm on good anti-anxiety drugs!  I hope I never have a project that takes
300 bobbins!

It's a good thing that my swearing has lessened as I am now in the process
of making lace butterflies for a eucharist stole for my priest at church.
I'm afraid that God might not like it if I swear over it! Although it will
have to be blessed before it is used so perhaps both the stole and its maker
will be absolved!

Trish in rainy West By God Virginia, USA

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[lace] Drum Roll Please!

2006-07-30 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Hi Fellow Spiders!

Well I had nearly 30 people enter the raffle for the Decorating and Craft
Ideas magazine. The came from as close to home as northern West Virginia to
folks in far off Europe, Tasmania,  Australian and New Zealand. Isn't the
internet GREAT!

AND the lucky winner is Ruth Rocker! Ruth send me your snail mail address and
I will get the magazine out to you ASAP. For all the rest of you I will keep a
close look out for other copies of this magazine and other goodies to share.
Doing the raffles are FUN!


Trish Fisher in warm and wonderful West Virginia, USA

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[lace] While the lacers are away!

2006-07-26 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Hi lurkers and fellow stay at home lacemakers!

While those who were lucky enough to afford going to the IOLI convention are
up in Canada tossing their bobbins, needles, tatting shuttles and other
impliments around and buying all those wonderful lace goodies it's time for
those of us who had to or chose to stay at home to come out and play!

I've got a reason for everyone to get on arachne:

I have 1 copy of the March 1978 issue of Decorating  Craft Ideas to give
away! This particular issue has a wonderful article about Bobbin Lace made by
Trenna Ruffner. One of the few times that bobbin lace has gotten the spotlight
in an American mainstream craft magazine! Best of all it has three lace
patterns: A fish, a duck (both are tape lace) and a great Dutch Puzzle quilt
square pattern (torchon lace). These are some of the first pieces of lace I
made after I took my first lace class in 1981 (?) which was a weekend class
with Michael Guisana.Suffice it to say that there are very good instructions
and even after nearly 25 years I am pleased with how they turned out. I used
the quilt square on a pillow that I still have on my sofa. There are lots of
other items in the magazine including how to make a Geisha Girl doll out of a
Mrs. Butterworth syrup bottle! What a hoot!

So, if you' re interested in having this timeless treasure send me an email by
July 31 at 6:00pm Eastern Standard time USA and I'll put all the names in a
hat and Voila the lucky winner will soon be perusing the great crafts of the

Good Luck y'all!

Trish Fisher in warm but not tropical West Virginia, USA

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[lace] What I'm Up to

2006-05-14 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Spiders,

I just finished making a bobbin lace version of the United Methodist Church
symbol. I started it several years ago for a going away present my Bosses
Mark and Judy Fisher who were transferred elsewhere in the state. I ended up
leaving the UMC job entirely about 6 months later under upsetting
circumstances and put the project aside for a while because it pained me so
much to work on it. I'm hoping that since I've gotten that project and worked
hard on forgiving that good karma will now appear and guide me to a paying job
where my talents are appreciated!

I also just finished making a wheat motif in bobbin lace to use on a bread
cloth for my church. I'm on the Altar Guild there. Working on hem stitching
the piece of cloth to put it on.

I am getting started on making a stole for Rev. Cheryl Winter, my pastor and
friend at the Episcopal church I attend. We will be having the Bishop come and
dedicate our new sanctuary in October so I'm making Cheryl a white stole with
colorful butterflies on it. I have 6 different patterns chosen, 3
bedfordshire, 1 Honiton and two from the little German? book about butterflies
Schmittlinger?. I plan to make the bodies of the butterflies black and the
wings in different colors of the rainbow. Does anyone know if Gutterman cotton
thread colors run when an item is dry cleaned?

Good luck to those of you turning bobbins. I have a small Dremel lathe with
small lathe tools and made a few bobbins myself. I used walnut, oak and maple
dowels for mine. A bit crude looking compared to the professional ones but it
was fun. Have a lot of wood set by from my own trees and bought some bobbin
stock as well and hope to get back into it some day. Meanwhile I'm also
working on knitting a pair of socks in cotton yarn. It's my no brainer TV
watching project.

It's nice to hear what other lacemakers are working on and what classes they
are taking!

Trish in a very cold West Virginia wondering where the heck Spring has gone!

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[lace] IOLI Bulletin

2006-01-09 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Fellow Spiders,

Has anyone else gotten their IOLI Bulletin yet? Just got mine today. Studying
the convention info, wishing I could find some way to justify going to it!

Trish in sunny and windy West Virginia

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Re: [lace] wool lace weight thread

2005-12-26 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Actually you CAN drive from England to Shetland! You just drive through
Scotland to Aberdeen and then take the P  O ferry from there to Lerwick,
Shetland. The ferry takes 11 hours to get there! When I went there with a
friend, Sandy Millikin, we had a sleeping room which was located below the
deck where the cars are stored but above the ship's engines. Slept in the
upper bunk Or rather didn't sleep much as I felt like I was going to get
tossed out onto the floor! Shetland was Wonderful! Mostly single track roads
outside of Lerwick. LOTS of sheep and some ponies. Sandy learnt to knit in
the shetland style from a yarn shop owner. We shopped EVERYWHERE for hand
knit goodies and saw several of the exquisite shetland shawls. She bought a
Shetland Fair Isle sweater that was specially made for her by a little old
lady in the Northern part of the Shetland Isles. I bought several pairs of
Fair Isle gloves and had Sandy knit me a Fair Isle sweater from a picture of
one in a Shetland brochure. Sandy was a very skilled knitter (and bobbin
lacemaker) and could figure out how to do them just by taking a few
measurements and seeing a picture!

We even found some lacemaking bobbins in Lerwick. Funny multicolor plastic
ones! A lady in one of the knit shops was teaching a few folks on the
islands how to make bobbin lace. We had already spent the first part of our
month over in Scotland visiting with Sheila Joss learning how to make New
Pitsligo lace.

Lots of great memories of that trip and would gladly hop on a plane to visit
there again! And revisit Iona and Edinburgh as well! Didn't get any lace
related stuff for Christmas as I don't have a DH to buy them for me! So I'll
send for some goodies myself :-) but it has to wait until the Christmas VISA
bill is paid :-0

Trish in cold, rainy West Virginia.

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[lace] Christmas exchange

2005-10-12 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Please add me to the christmas lace exchange too! I'm eager to get something
new started on at least one of my pillows. Too many UFO's lurking on other

Trish Fisher

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[lace] IOLI Convention

2005-08-09 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Thank you to ALL you lucky folks who got to attend the IOLI convention and
have been giving us the news about what went on. Keep the information going!!!
I'd like to hear  from anyone who was in Lenka's wire lace class.


Hopefully those of us who had to sit out this convention will be able to
go to Montreal!

Trish in West Virginia

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[lace] Making Lace Outside

2005-07-19 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Spider pals,

I used to make lace outside quite a bit. It is necessary to have your pillow
out of the sun. It dries out your thread!  I took a pillow with a project
using 100/2 linen and wondered why the thread kept breaking. I've heard that
you should have a mist bottle to  lightly spritz your threads occasionally so
that they won't dry out. I would think you'd have to fill it with distilled
water to keep chemicals and other stuff in the tap water from ruining your
lace. You might also want to consider sitting under an umbrella (I use one of
those beach umbrellas that attach to your chair) or at least keeping your lace
covered as much as possible. A bird made a poop hit on my pillow but luckily
it was on a cover cloth and not in the middle of my working area. Good thing
it wasn't pokeberry season as I could have ended up with purple spots on my
lace!  I have several pillows with UFO's on them so maybe I'll try taking them
outside to see if THAT helps me get them deUFOed! That is if it ever stops

Trish in thundery and wet West Virginia

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[lace] Celluloid Bobbins

2005-06-17 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Fellow spiders,

I rather doubt that the bobbins are celluloid as it is a rather delicate
material and disingrates easily. You have to keep it away from light and heat.
I have some midlands style bobbins from that era that are made of Bakelite
that I got from England and Australia in very bright red, green yellow. They
used to make jewelry (1930's -1940's?) and the handles for pots and pans from
it up until 1960's or so.

Also looking forward to hearing about the Sewing Matters (aka former The
Embroidery Shop in Edinburgh, Scotland). I was in Edinburgh last October but
only on Saturday when the shop wasn't open so I didn't get there. There is
however a great lace shop just off the Royal Mile where I found some nice bone
bobbins and a nice honiton lace jabot! It isn't open on Saturdays however. No
bobbins at Edinburgh Castle or anywhere else that I asked so I had one of the
bobbin painters in England make some for me!

Trish in wonderfully cool West Virginia

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[lace] Wire Lace

2005-06-14 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Susan,

What BEAUTIFUL work! Truly amazing! I am hoping to get back into lacemaking
again and wire lace just might do the trick! Are you planning to write a book
about your creations?

Best Wishes,

Trish Fisher a fellow spider!

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[lace-chat] May package

2005-05-26 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
To my Secret Pal in California from Trish Fisher in greater downtown Scott
Depot, West Virginia a very belated but no less grateful thanks for all the
goodies you sent this month! I love the homemade bobbins you've sent me VERY
MUCH! The little hedgie as well (I'll have to scout around the house for the
rest of my hedgies as I put them away for Christmas and forgot to get them
back out!) He needs the company amongst all the cats both real and otherwise
that live in my house!!! I love EVERYTHING you send and look forward to
finding out just who you are!


Trish in starry West Virginia

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Re: [lace] Bobbin on ebay

2005-05-19 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
YES! I think it's that too. I remember our scratch pens we were forced to
use in 4th grade and they looked much like that much simpler of course.
There was a cork doughnut around the spangle end of the bobbin and the
metal nibs fit into the doughnut. I NEVER got the hang of making the darn
pens work! But I was lousy in pensmenship any how. Thank goodness I didn't
live in the pre fountain pen days!

Trish in very rainy West Virginia

 I think I have got the answer.

 It is a bone pen holder.  (Like a nib holder on the bottom part into
 you placed the nib)

 What do you think?

 Jean and Brian from Cooranbong, Australia

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Re: [lace] bobbin on ebay

2005-05-18 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Clay, I think it must have once been the handle to something as the
spangle end looks like it went into something. A stick base for a fan or a
doll's parasol? In any case is sure is strange!

Trish in sunny West Virginia

 I do enjoy seeing some of the strange things people associate with lace.
This is a bobbin which someone may have spangled after deciding it was a
bobbin...  or it may have actually been used by a lacemaker (who was being
resourceful?)  But it clearly wasn't originally made as a bobbin... so what
WAS it??


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[lace-chat] Thanks!

2005-04-12 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
I'm sending a BIG


to my Secret Pal! The packages  note you sent me arrived yesterday. I love
ALL the goodies you sent, the kitty ornaments, the lace bobbins (especially
the paper ones!), the kitty light switches (always have places for those!) and
the meditation book (I keep misplaceing the ones I get from church so it will
nice to have something I can't lose!) but the BEST goodies are the ones YOU
made. I love both the little bag with the ladies silhouette in lace and the
amulet bag. I have Suzanne Thompson book but I've only made one bag so far, a
sunflower bag of my own design in memory of my mother. It got accepted into
the West Virginia Art  Craft Guild competition a few years ago. I was very
pleased about that! I keep finding fabric goodies to make more bags but
haven't gotten around to actually making anything yet. Love your use of
glittery thread! Haven't worked much with that either. Too many crafts, too
much lace to make and too little time!

Hope that you are feeling MUCH better and will keep you in my prayers. Thanks
so much, you made my week better! May God bless you for all the kind things
you do!


Trish Fisher in West Virginia where it may be grey and stormy today but it's

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[lace-chat] March package

2005-03-31 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
I'm sad :-(  My secret pal forgot me this month. I guess she or he must have
eaten ALL the chocolate easter eggs, the caramel filled crosses, the malt
eggs, the stale peeps, the chocolate covered lace bobbins, the Reese peanut
butter eggs (oops I ate all those PB eggs too!). Boo Hoo! Hope I have better
luck in April!

Trish in West Virginia, still on a cholate jag four days after Easter

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[lace-chat] February package

2005-02-18 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Pie Charts
Just want to let my secret pal Crystal of Hayward, CA know that I got her
wonderful package yesterday. I LOVE the necklace/book/pendant and will have to
examine it closer to figure out how it was made so I can make some myself! The
Snickers candy heart will have to keep until Easter as I gave up sweets for
Lent. For a few minutes I thought my kitty Princess Lily Grub O'Drool  had
laid the heart as  I didn't find it until she jumped off my lap  :-) The candy
must have slipped from the envelope when Grubby plopped herself down on it and
I pulled it out from under her to look at my goodies. The Princess may just
run off with the pen/lip gloss as she thinks its a scepter (the rod of royalty
that a Princess or Queen carries). Several of my kitties steal my stuff and
run off with it. I find all sorts of things in the strangest places! Thanks
again for the goodies. I hope YOUR Secret Pal is sending you good stuff too!

Trish Fisher in chilly West Virginia

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[lace] Scottish Lace - Pitsligo

2004-11-06 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Can anyone tell me about Pitsligo Lace? 

Back in 1993 Sandi Millikin and I went to visit Sheila Joss of New Pitsligo,
Scotland to study the lace that is still being made there. We stayed with
Sheila and Jamie, her husband, for two weeks learning more about the craft.
She gave us patterns to work on during the day while she and her husband
went off to work and then would help us with over the rough spots when she
came home for lunch and in the evening. We visited with her students at one
of the weekly classes she taught at the local school and went to St. Andrews
for a lace day. We had a wonderful time! Met a lot of warm, generous people
but Sheila and Jamie were the BEST!

 New Pitsligo lace IS much like Torchon but has it's own special rules and
quirks. More needs to be written about it as most lace books say that bobbin
lacemaking die out in Scotland before 1900. Not True! Sandi taught a class
on it at an IOLI convention some time in the mid 1990's. She was going to
write a book about it but she ran into some health problems and died in 2002
before getting anything else done on her plan. I've recently run across some
information about NP lace but have forgotten where I saw it.

As for myself, I went on to exploring other area of the bobbin lace world
and haven't looked at my New Pitsligo lace and patterns for a long time.
Maybe its time for me get back into it again!

Trish Fisher, Scott Depot, WV

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[lace] Story about The Horror

2004-10-25 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Fellow Spiders,

I just have to laugh at all the tales about The Horror Kit. I bought
this kit right before I found a lace class. After this weekend class of
frustration at which I almost threw the teacher's pillow (a nice one) in a
nearby lake in frustration I went home determined to conquer the lace beastie.
As I only had THK I used it, after all to me it wasn't any worse than the
teacher's pillow! I successfully made the patterns in the kit and 20 years
later I'm still making lace (on GOOD pillows!) I even bought a second THK at a
sale which had bobbins that looked and worked considerably better . . . they
have real places for the thread  the second neck too! Still just as thick
I've since covered the boards with fabric and use them to display lace.
In a pinch I lent one of the pillows  some of the better THK bobbins to a
lady who wanted to learn lacemaking but wanted to do it on her own. I gave her
one starter lesson and lent her my Eunice Arnold book as well. That was last
Spring and I haven't heard from her since or gotten back my stuff either! I'll
miss having Eunice to teach any other new students with but am very glad I
didn't lend her one of my good pillows and bobbins! I've only taught 2
students and both of them disappeared on me! Luckily the other student bought
her own pillow (one of the styrofoam ones) and actually took some paid lessons
from me! Don't know if I'm a poor teacher or just an unlucky with students!

Trish in West Virginia where the leave are pretty

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[lace] Secret Pal Thanks

2004-10-20 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
A BIG THANK YOU to my secret pal who goes under the name of Tina Ehrenfeld in
Springfield, Mo!

Much thanks for all the goodies: ginger kitty calendars  directory, earring
studs, candy bar, nice sachet and green lace bobbin! I will enjoy using them
all!!! Hope that YOUR secret pal sends you nice things too!

Patricia Fisher in West Virginia where the cloudyness lifted for a little
while just before sunset today!

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[lace-chat] September Goodies

2004-09-17 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
BlankTo my wonderful Secret Pal with the Springfield, MO return address!

Thank you very much for all the goodies you sent me this month! I love each
and every item, the little teddy bear notebook, the flower pot pad  pen, the
cute box of safety pins, and especially the pretty tin of chocolates and the
lovely lace bobbin! I was a little disappointed ;-( that the packet of what I
thought was cocoa turned out to be a sachet but it DOES smell good! All these
little goodies made my day! Thanks for being my Secret Pal!


Trish Fisher in VERY damp Scott Depot, WV almost post-IVAN
Feeling very lucky that all we had was a slightly leaky basement that will
quickly be cleaned and dried!

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Re: [lace] USO's

2004-08-31 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear fellow spiders,

USOs . . . Ah, yes! I have PLENTY of those! Most are all pricked, correct
thread found but haven't gotten to the bobbin winding stage yet. I have one
pricking that I designed when I first started lacemaking 20 odd years ago.
It is based on some 1500's needlework patterns.  It is a square pattern and
I never was confident that I could make a nice looking edge/frame on it and
it takes a lot of bobbins as well. I have more than enough bobbins now but
still haven't gotten around to making it.
Also have a small Bedfordshire oval pattern from one of Pam Nottingham's
books that I thought would make a wonderful piece of lace to mount on a
large hair barrett as my hair was waist length and I loved putting it up in
a French twist. My hair has been cut quite short for nearly 10 years!
That just the two I can think of off the top of my brain!

Trish in West Virginia

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[lace] Batteburg Lace Kit

2004-08-26 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher

My sister has been doing some major cleaning of no longer needed craft items.
Along the way a battenberg lace kit from Lacis was found. The kit makes one of
three different patterns and has only been opened once. I have enough bobbin
lace to keep me busy for the next few lives so I'm putting up for grabs! First
person who contacts me gets the goods!

Trish Fisher in muggy, hot,  sticky West Virginia

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[lace] Battenburg Lace Kit Gone!

2004-08-26 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher

Hi fellow spiders,

Gosh that went fast! Sherry aka Celtic Dream Weaver was the first person to
contact me and will be receiving the Battenburg lace kit. Glad to know it is
going to a good home!

Trish in West Virginia

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[lace-chat] August goodies

2004-08-12 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
To my Secret Pal who uses Tina Ehrenfeld's address,

Thank you for another wonderful package of goodies! I loved everything :-) The
chocolate covered Cracker Jack will vanish tonight I'm sure! The bobbins
you've sent me are great too. Just found the perfect item to use as the
centerpiece for the green one you sent last month but I'm not going to tell
you what it is.You'll find out later VBG There are two ways surprizes can
work !!! The needle pack is good too, now I won't have to steal the one from
my sister's sewing area!!!

Can't wait to find out who my secret pal is! I do know that she or he is a
wonderful person!!!

Trish in soggy West Virginia who is anticipating a evening of reading a P. D.
James novel while eating Cracker Jack and snugging with a kitty or two.

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Re: [lace] RE: Calico

2004-08-01 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
 So many things that had very many uses are not obtainable any more.
 World War II, and presumably before, flour used to be sold in fabric bags,

My grandparents had a cattle farm and the cattle feed came in sacks like
this. She made me feedsack dresses when I was in elementary school. I
suppose the kids at school thought I came from up a hollar as mostly poor
people used it (other than the thrifty farmers!) The old feedsack material
is collectable and highly prized by quilters. So much so that new feedsack
material is made and sold in quiltshops. In, fact you can get off white
feedsack towels at KMart in the Martha Stewart area of kitchen goods. I use
the MS ones for cover cloths for my lace and to make a liner for a
basket/purse when I am attending a US Civil War reenactment.

Trish in Greater Downtown Scott Depot, WV

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Re: [lace] Re: meaning of calico in Australia or England

2004-07-31 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
To my fellow spiders!

Jo Ann Fabrics has many weights of muslin from the cheap gauzy stuff to
heavier quality material. Comes in bleached and unbleached as well. Many
different widths as well from 45 to 120. Latter material is used to back

Trish in steamy and gray WV.

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[lace] Summer work

2004-06-30 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher

I'm taking a long break from bobbin lace but have three pillows in progress. I
hope to get back to these as soon as my current temp job finishes AND after I
get some much needed house cleaning done! Also have many sewing projects in
the works from clothing myself to clothing my church's altar!  I'm currently
addicted to knitting socks! I've found its very soothing to do while watching
TV especially during the evening news. Just finished my first pair and have
several more in the works. There are four of us Episcopalian ladies who are
headed to Iona  Edinbourgh, Scotland in late September and I figured we just
might need some warm socks to wear!

Does anyone know of a good bookstore or place to buy lace supplies in

Trish in sunny WV where it has finally stopped raining for a while!

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of sunbannA.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of Sunflower 

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[lace-chat] SP Thanks

2004-06-09 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
THANK YOU SECRET PAL ! Just want my secret pal in MO that I got the
package of goodies. I enjoyed all of it! I'll put the windchimes near my
bedroom window so it can catch the breezes. The fixit thread kit and cosmetic
cases will sure be handy when I travel to Scotland this fall. I know the
chocolate will be yummy and it's not enough to make me gain weight! The
sunflower garden stake will be very special as my late mother loved sunflowers
and I can't seem to get them to grow in my yard. Thanks for ALL the goodies
I'm looking forward to my next box already!

Trish Fisher

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[lace] Seven one more time!

2004-06-03 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
I'm enjoying listening to all the buzz about the arachne group lace project
and I certainly want to be in on it! All the talk about sevens makes me
think about the story about As I was going to St. Ives I met a man with seven
wives. The seven wives had seven sacks. The seven sacks had seven cats. The
seven cats had seven kits. Kits, cats, sacks, wives, how many were going to
St. Ives?

Now back to what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing . . . typing out the minutes from a
meeting that I should have done much earlier!

Trish in WV who enjoyed a brief sunny respite from all the rain!

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[lace] Covering Prickings

2004-05-31 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
One way to protect your lace from the pricking's ink is to use wax paper. In
the days before copiers were so easily available that is what I used. Of
course wax paper may be hard to find now!

Trish in very damp West Virginia

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[lace] Lace T shirts

2004-04-26 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Spiders,

Way back in my early lacemaking days (10-15 years ago!) I found a large scale
honiton pattern of a rose flower from Lacis. It came as a kit with heavy
cotton thread (in an ugly pink color!) After I made it the first time I made a
second one using red cotton knitting yarn from the dollar bin at the craft
shop and designed a stem and two leaves in honiton to match the scale. Made
the leaves and stem using two colors of embroidery floss used as is from the
skein. I then appliqued the entire business onto a black tee shirt. I always
hand wash it in cold water and line dry it. I now have it on it's second
teeshirt having outgrown the first one! When I took the lace off the original
shirt, it had left a dark pattern on the now faded shirt. Someone at the
second hand store got a nice shirt with an unusual design!
Don't know if Lacis still has the kit but it is a nice pattern in which to
learn the lace stitches, how to do sewings and work gimp in the honiton style.
Much easier to do than in the real scale of honiton lace!

Trish, from Scott Depot, WV where it is alternately sunny  rainy with hale
storms expected tomorrow!

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Re: [lace] yet more questions - size of bobbins and thread

2004-04-22 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
Dear Weronkia,

I don't know how anyone else does it but I generally use bobbins that will
hold a lot of thread (ie. longer neck area) for heavier threads like 40/2 or
50/2. Most times this means the bobbins are bigger but not always. I usually
use the Midlands bobbins anyway. I do have a few English Thumper bobbins
(these are heavier bobbins that don't have a spangle) that I use for gimps
in any size lace. Danish bobbins work well for the heavier laces and that's
what I started out using. They do tend to roll around the pillow a lot if
you don't put the ones not in use to one side with a pin! For finer laces
60/2 and up I use any of my Midlands bobbins that aren't too clunky. Some of
the books tell you that the bobbins all have to weigh exactly the same to
make nice even lace but I haven't found out that its true (maybe I'm just
not that fussy!). I suppose it does make a difference when you are making
leaves or tallies. (I love making leaves but hate tallies, especially those
dratted cucumber feet!).

To keep the thread from unwinding constantly (a big problem when you are
learning!) I usually wind my bobbins and then hang the wound pairs on a
bobbin tree (or in my case a bobbin fence!) overnights so that the thread
has a chance to set on the bobbins. It's much like putting your hair up in
rollers (if anyone still does that!). At least you don't have to sleep on
your bobbins overnight!

A bobbin tree kind of looks like real tree does in winter, one stick going
straight up with branches going off to the side. Mine looks like a fence
with a post on either end and two rails in between and the whole business
sitting on a flat board. The bobbins straddle the fence with one bobbin of
each pair on either side. Kind of looks like this:  I===I

Hope this has helped a little. Good luck on your lacemaking!

Trish Fisher, in Scott Depot, WV where it has stopped raining for a while

- Original Message - 
From: Weronika Patena [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 5:41 PM
Subject: [lace] yet more questions - size of bobbins and thread

 Hello, everyone!

 More questions...

 In general, heavier bobbins should be used with thicker thread, right?
 But given some size of thread, how do I know what size of bobbins I
 should use?  Any advice/examples?  I know this is a hard question to
 answer reasonably, since there are different types of bobbins and they
 don't have standard sizes, but maybe someone can come up with an
 More specifically, I'm using Bockens 35/2 linen, which is pretty thick,
 and I'm wondering if my bobbins are too small - the stiff thread makes
 them unwind a lot...  What bobbins would you suggest for this thread
 Also, what bad things happen when your bobbins are too small or too
 large for the thread size?


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[lace] WV newbie

2004-04-20 Thread Patricia Ann Fisher
HI fellow arachne members!

I'd like to introduce myself and end my lurking! I'm Trish Fisher and I've
been making bobbin lace for over 20 years. My first teachers were Linda Dunn
and Michael Guisana from whom I took two weekend lace classes that took place
a year appart. I worked for many years teaching myself from books that the
main library in Charleston has on their shelves. (I was VERY lucky!) After
about 7 or 8 years on my own I attended the Augusta Heritage Workshops (look
up their website if you like crafts, music, singing and/or dancing!) that take
place each summer on the campus of Davis  Elkins College in Elkins, WV where
my teacher was Carl Newman. A whole week of making lace from 9am to 9pm (our
choice), wonderful concerts and LOTS of nice people and LOTS of laughs! I took
classes for many years with Carl and after he stopped teaching there I taught
lacemaking there too. Only one year and only one student but it was a good
learning expierence for me.  Not sure how my student like it as she left a day

Still the lone lacemaker in these parts of the state, at least as far as I
know. Been doing a lot of quilting, sewing and other crafts but joining
arachne has given me hope that when my current stab at Spring cleaning is done
I will get back to my bobbins!

Wish the internet and email had been around 20 years ago!

Trish Fisher, in greater downtown Scott Depot VBG, West (by God) Virginia
where its in the 80's with thunderboomies!

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