[lace] RE: Lace Design software

2006-07-08 Thread Ronna Bruce
Thank you all for your information, I didn't know there was a book to assist 
with the Lace 2000 product. That's great information. I can't keep playing with 
the demo now because my husband has replaced the computer it was installed on. 
  I plan to order the Lace 2000 - and the book. Wish me luck on putting my 
ideas into patterns. Again, I appreciate all the input.
  In Omaha

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[lace] Lace design software?

2006-07-05 Thread Ronna Bruce
Dear fellow lacemakers,
  I have been thinking about getting a software program to design lace on my 
computer. I have seen three on the internet ( I can't find one of them again - 
I forgot to save the link) 
  Anyway I looked at the demo for Lace2000 and it seems kind of hard to use. 
  Does anyone have experience with the different software? 
  I make Withof more than any type of lace but I am looking into Buck Point. 
  Thanks for any opionions you may have.
  In Omaha

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[lace] lacemaking with limitations

2005-12-08 Thread Ronna Bruce
Hi fellow spiders,
  Does anyone have experience making lace in a full arm cast? I broke my 
forearm on Sunday. Ice skateing.I had splint that covered my whole hand for 3 
days, but now I have a cast with my fingers free. I can't bend my elbow.
  I am supposed to do my first lace demonstration on the 18th. I am hoping I 
will still be able to do so. I won't be alone, there are at least three of us 
sceduled to demonstrate that day.
  I plan to try to make lace this weekend, if my finger pain is decreased by 
  Any ideas, suggestions? I am told my wrist will not bend well for some time 
after the cast is off, not at all a pleasant thought.
  Ronna, in Omaha Nebraska - snowy and fridged.

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Re: [lace] future of Lacemaking

2005-10-25 Thread Ronna Bruce
There is quite a bite of talk about getting younger
people interested in lace. I do know the lack of
availablity of classes is a big factor. But, we are
also talking generational issues .. the instant
gratification complex that many youth have today. If
it takes time to do it they don't want any part of it.
That lessens over time as they age ... There is also
the issue of cost and teens don't usually have the
money to support such a hobby, many parents will put
out lots of money for sports or music lessons but I
don't know many who would spend the dollars needed on
lace making ( I know some would but, don't forget
these are the same parents who spent a fortune on
piano lessons just to have the child quite when they
didn't progress fast enough to make it fun).
I have also talked to enough people who see lace
making as something that is too hard for them to
accomplish and think it would be a tedious thing to
set for hours and do. I am amazed at how many feel
this way. I find sewing tedious and can't really enjoy
it (although I do a fine job when I sew- I still hate
the thought of sewing and only sew something when I
can't get it any other way). I find nothing tedious
about lace - but I can't get people to understand
that. They just say they couldn't do it. I think they
need to try it, and maybe that is why a "try it out
pillow" is so popular at demos.
 I would love to see lace making supplies in every
craft store and classes in every school. I could have
started lace making much earlier in life, if it was
more available and more advertised.

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[lace] Lurking - What I have been doing

2005-10-23 Thread Ronna Bruce
Hello all, 
I usually only lurk, I do occationally ask a question
or reply, but not often as I feel I am too new at lace
to have much to say.
I have however been busy learning lace AND creating a
Homepage for me to share my experiences and some
Really, what I have is a kind of on-line journal of my
lace making, with four pictures of my work. I am not a
very good photographer so, the pictures don't do the
lace justice. I thought I would share what I have been
doing(besides making lace - whenever I can steal some
time from chores/work)
My site is located at
Ronna in Omaha NE.
Lace maker age 1 year! hurrah.

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[lace] Comparing threads for size

2005-09-15 Thread Ronna Bruce
Hello all, 
I have seen some conversation on a reference for determining something to do 
with thread size. 
Is there a good reference that lets a beginner know which threads from 
different brands are comparable in size? I find it very confusing to look for 
threads. I have a few threads at the house that I can use as a reference for 
thickness but don't have a way to compare them (size wise) to threads I see 
Can any one fill me in?
I understand the numbers assigned to the threads are not standardized across 
the industry, too bad for us!
Ronna Bruce in Omaha
Lace Maker age: one year! (well at the end of the month).

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[lace] RE: That table ribbon

2005-08-30 Thread Ronna Bruce
Hello everyone.
I have read over the various posts on the table ribbon contest. I don't 
usually, post much, but I was concerned about some posts discouraging negative 
comments. Several have talked about the negative comments, as well as the power 
we have and how it influences. I believe there is power in words. But there is 
also power and creativity in expressing our true feelings. Expressing true 
feelings is accepted if the feelings are positive, but often frowned upon if 
negative. Just because they are negative doesn't make them less real.
Someone (I appologize I didn't get the name) remarked that we often gain a 
positive by looking at the negative. From what I read, most negative comments 
were combined with positives or lead to a better understanding for all because 
someone persued them to a conclusion. I lurk on Archane and I was not offended 
by the comments made here. They certainly reflected the "feel" of the room at 
the convention when the new contest was announced. 
Some of us  ( my self included) are just disappointed at the size, because we 
are unsure we can create such a piece in only a year. That feeling will lead to 
one of two things: giving up because the goal is too high. Or a wonderful 
opportunity to create that piece that has been on your mind, but you would 
never have considered starting it becuase it was "just too much". Now you have 
a challenge to accept or decline. 
We need a forum to express our doubts in the project, our abilities to 
accomplish it, and most of all to recieve encouragement and guideance. If we 
limit what we have to say to only the positive aspects, we are not being honest 
with ourselves or our human nature, and we loose the whole "forum of ideas" 
quality that is so wonderful about Archane.
I do feel we should always make a soul search for the good and the bad and 
express all of our feelings with equalality. I am still considering doing a 
piece, even though I will probably never be able to finish it in time, I wasn't 
even going to try, but after reading the posts I am more fired up and ready to 
work on this than ever.
So Please remember, if I had not read of the doubts running through everyone's 
minds I would not have considered even attempting this. I would have just 
racked my doubts up to "new lace maker" syndromn and never have even drawn the 
first draft.
Becasue it is so difficult to communicate in posts and I am not always as clear 
as I would like to be, let me say this. I hope my comments are not in any way 
insulting. I do not mean them to be. I understand that the message board is not 
often full of negative comments, but some times it is right to address the 
negative side of something, If we all are aware of the need to find positive 
and to monitor for chronic negativism, there should be no reason to worry 
because people are expressing their true feelings about a topic.
Now back to planning that Ribbon (draft two!).
Ronna in Omaha

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RE: [lace] Greetings Ronna

2005-04-28 Thread Ronna Bruce
Thanks for the welcome. I am not sure if this will post to the list, I hope so!
I started lace in Oct ( I think) of 2004. I was going to my first Lace guild 
meeting that weekend. I made a pillow of straw, made bobbins from cake 
decorating supplies and beads and tried my first sampler from a book on 
Torchon. I went to the meeting and had a blast with my make shift supplies. The 
ladies here are great and I look forward to the meetings. I learn mostly from a 
book still, but get assistance with some areas and tips on refining what I am 
reading. I made several pieces in Torchon then did some Easter eggs from a 
German book. I made a pattern from a piece of lace that I bought in Germany (A 
star Christmas ornament). I made two of those stars. Then I started on 
Milanese. I am making lots of mistakes and learning. I have better supplies now 
too. I have reservations for the IOLI ( I think I got all the letters in the 
right places) convention for August. I can't wait for that. It's my present to 
my self for finishing my Masters degree, I graduate in May! 
As to the topic of conversation, I read as many as time allows. I am learning 
so much. I acutally started looking for the Arachane list after seeing the 
luncheon listed on the convention itenerary. It took me a while to find. (It 
helps if you spell it correctly when searching - I can't spell as I am sure 
will be very obvious to everyone. College never helped with that problem!)

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[lace] Greetings

2005-04-28 Thread Ronna Bruce
Hello, I am new to the list, I have been reading the digest for several days 
but, could not figure out how to post anything. Thanks Tamara for responding to 
my request.
I sure hope this works!
Ronna Bruce

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