[lace] Teneriffe Lace

2013-11-07 Thread alexstillwell
Original Message-
From: The Lacebee
Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2013 1:03 PM
To: alexstillw...@talktalk.net
Cc: Arachne reply
Subject: Re: [lace] Teneriffe book


I would like to say that this book was a light bulb moment in my lacemaking
We were so impressed that in craft terms, we had performed brain surgery using
a book...

So, Alex,  Thank You.

Kind Regards

Liz Baker

Thank you Liz. Your email has made my day.  I started lacemaking in the early
1960s when lace was as dead as the dodo and have had to do most of my learning
from looking at lace and puzzling over prickings.  I see no virtue in
reinventing the wheel and my aim is to write down what I have discovered so
that, hopefully, others will continue on from where I leave off. Knowing that
it works makes all the hard work writing books worth while.

Happy lacemaking


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[lace] Teneriffe book

2013-11-06 Thread alexstillwell
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 20:48:41 -0800
From: Rick  Sharon Whiteley rswhite...@shaw.ca
Subject: [lace] Pricey lace books

. I checked out some
lace books.  Did you know that for a mere $753.00 you can buy Alex
Stillwell's Technique of Teneriff book

Thank you Sharon.  I wish I was getting this.  This book is available to
download free from the Arizona Free Library. Details of how to find it are on
my website http://alexstillwell.wordpress.com look under the books tab and my
Teneriffe book.

Happy lacemaking


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[lace] books

2013-10-31 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

I certainly opened a can of worms and I think there have been a lot of
misconceptions and I now know more since more information has come out.  I
also read the value of my book as being in £s not $s. It did not help.

I had not realised how many organisations would get involved in making money
from my books.  We are all aware that our suppliers need to make a profit and
there is the cost of carriage to the suppliers, we would be in a sad state
without them.  Books are exempt from tax in England but other countries claim
import dues and local taxes that I was not aware of. These all add to the
price of each book. This means that the cost to the supplier, even with a
discount, is likely to be higher than the retail price in the country of
origin, on top of that she has to cover her business costs and tax before she
can make a profit.

We all know there are problems with books being sold at inflated prices but we
now know the particular supplier Cathy and I were concerned about is only
making a modest amount, all the rest of the money is going in taxes, import
dues and post/carriage and there is nothing we can do about those. I can only
apologise and ask that you continue to support her.

Happy lacemaking and support your suppliers


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[lace] Books

2013-10-30 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

I know there is an embargo on advertising ones own books but this email is not
about advertising but about warning lacemakers.

My book ‘All about making – Floral Bucks Point Lace’  has only been
available since 21 October 2013 and there is already one available on ebay at
of $67.95. It also has an additional shipping charge of $18.93 plus and Import
charge of $22.88 making a total of $109.76 (£68.45p).

Do NOT pay such highly inflated prices. My book is £28.50 and is available
from well known suppliers, there are already three who have it in stock, or
myself, for less.

Cathy Barley is preparing her needle lace book for reprinting and is also
concerned about this. Are there any more authors who have experienced this

Perhaps Arachne could have a link at the end of each Digest to a list of
suppliers who have books available at sensible prices. this suggestion is not
about advertising and gaining sales. Its intention is to save lacemakers from
this scam.

Most lace authors never make enough on sales of their books to cover their
time spent writing it.  Certainly my latest book has taken 7 years and I have
worked on the manuscript several days per week and on the lace most days. When
I finished my book on geometrical Bucks I could not find a publisher and had
to self-publish. A list of book suppliers at the end of each Digest should
including authors who are self-publishing to make it easier for lacemakers to
access their books. This may encourage others to self-publish and we will have
more books available. I am happy to share my experiences of self-publishing
with any budding authors.

I am interested in the responses this will generate.

Happy lacemaking to all


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[lace] books

2013-10-30 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

As a self-publishing author I give a discount to suppliers. However, the
supplier has to pay carriage, which on heavy books, is substantial. Also when
sending outside the EU there are usually import duties for them to pay and
local sales tax. This will probably increase the price they pay per book to
over the original retail price. On top of that the supplier has to make a
profit.  This has to be take into account when buying from suppliers. Even so,
we have all seen books being sold on ebay at ridiculous prices.

Take care everyone


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[lace] Re: Books

2013-10-30 Thread alexstillwell
Thank you Jane.  All we can do is keep alert and letting new lacemakers be 

Happy lacemaking All


-Original Message- 
From: Jane Partridge

Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 9:23 AM
To: alexstillw...@talktalk.net
Cc: Arachne reply
Subject: Books

The way the digest works is that it sends out messages once the 'file'
reaches a certain size.  If you were to even attempt 

list every author and supplier you would probably exceed this limit and
may end up with no room for the messages themselves! 

Jane Partridge 

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[lace] storms

2013-10-29 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

I live in Haywards Heath, Sussex and while we had high winds it was not as bad
as we were led to believe it would be. The worst we had was a panel from next
door’s fence on our flower bed. There was no damage.

Thank you for the mention of my book Cathy.

Happy lacemaking


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[lace] hacker

2013-10-25 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

Sorry false alarm, but better safe than sorry. Fortunately no one has replied
about receiving strange emails so I assume there is no problem. Perhaps it is
because I followed advice given by an Arachnid several years ago about adding
a false email address consisting of a number of letter ‘a’s at the
beginning of my  address book. Our thanks to you for suggesting it.

Happy lacemaking


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[lace] hacker?

2013-10-24 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

I suspect my address book has been hacked although no one has reported any
problems. I have run my security scans twice, the first time picking up and
eliminating suspects, the second time I was clear.

DO NOT CLICK on any blue words within emails purporting to have come from me.
Delete any that are are suspect and please let me know.

I am still receiving emails, book orders and PayPal without any problems and I
will include the word ‘lace’ in genuine emails for the next few weeks. I
will let you know if my suspicion has been confirmed or if it is only blue
smoke – I’m thinking of our Australian friends and their bush fires. Keep
safe all of you.

Happy lacemaking


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[lace] Bucks point

2013-10-04 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Jenny

Another tip.  Clay has mentioned about keeping the number of twists in the
ground constant. You can check this at the end of a diagonal row by slightly
easing up the lead thread – the one at the very end of the row. This should
pull back to the very beginning of the row and not do a U-turn somewhere in
the middle. If it has done a U-turn it means that you have a stitch with the
wrong number of twists. It’s not good practice to do this all the time as it
over tensions the lace, but it is a useful check while you are learning.

At one course at Knuston Hall I had Vi Bullard was tutor. At the time I was
stroking the bobbins at the end of a point ground row in order to improve the
tension. I was reprimanded and Vi explained that the tension of point ground
is achieved by the movement of the bobbin as you make the stitches, any more
will over tension it and make the holes, which should be smooth ovals, into
hexagons with straight sides that look too harsh. Making sure you have room to
move the bobbins from side-to-side as you work, i.e. sufficient room that you
can move each bobbin at least 4 inches sideways from when you pick it up until
you place it down. Looking at your last piece I think you are doing this, it
looks like you are using the full width of your pillow. Keep going, remember
we are here to help when you need it.

Happy lacemaking (not that you need reminding)


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Re: [lace] Fish pattern

2013-09-29 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Janet

My website is www.alexstillwell.wordpress.com The fish is sufficiently small
that it can be made in a single session.

Happy lacemaking


From: janet theaker
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 12:50 PM
To: alexstillw...@talktalk.net
Subject: RE: [lace] Fish pattern

Hi Alex,
   What is your website please
Many Thanks

 From: alexstillw...@talktalk.net
 To: lace@arachne.com
 Subject: [lace] Fish pattern
 Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 12:18:40 +0100

 Hi Arachnids

 I have put my ‘Fish’ pattern for children on my website under the ‘PDF
 help files’ tab. Anyone can pass on copies to children as long as no charge
 is made.

 Happy lacemaking


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[lace] fish

2013-09-29 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

I understand some have not seen the picture of the fish. There were two pdfs
separated by a comma and you could look at both. However, I have had a lot of
interesting feedback already and decided to put all the pages of my booklet on
the childrens’ section of my website which is :

Have fun with fish.


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[lace] Contact

2013-09-28 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

Can anyone help me contacting Karen Thompson or a relative please? Please
answer privately to my email.

Happy lacemaking


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[lace] Fish pattern

2013-09-28 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

I have put my ‘Fish’ pattern for children on my website under the ‘PDF
help files’ tab. Anyone can pass on copies to children as long as no charge
is made.

Happy lacemaking


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Re: [lace] Contact

2013-09-28 Thread alexstillwell

Hi Cindy

Thank you for the contact. I need her permission to use one of her patterns 
for teaching children. My floral book has been guaranteed delivered by 18 

Happy lacemaking


-Original Message- 
From: Cindy Comeyne

Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 4:47 AM
To: Alex Stillwell
Subject: Re: [lace] Contact

Karen can be reached at karenhthomp...@gmail.com

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013, at 07:20 AM, alexstillw...@talktalk.net wrote:

Hi Arachnids

Can anyone help me contacting Karen Thompson or a relative please? Please
answer privately to my email.

Happy lacemaking


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[lace] Aurelia

2013-08-25 Thread alexstillwell
Dear Arachnids

I was sad to hear about Aurelia passing away. She offered to proofread for me
when I started revamping my ‘Cassells Illustrated Dictionary of
Lacemaking’ as ‘Salex Illustrated Dictionary of Lacemaking’. Every
morning  she would reply with corrections to my rewriting interspersed with
witty comments which would have me in stitches. She made what would otherwise
have been drudgery into a delight. For that I shall be eternally grateful.
Knowing her is an inspiration that will  remain with me.

I consider it an honour to have known her and been able to call her my


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[lace] mentor

2013-07-17 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

One of the lacemakers I was email mentoring has dropped out.  Would anyone
like me to mentor them? Bucks, Beds, Honiton and torchon from any level
through to advanced, pattern drafting and designing. I will expect homework to
be done and a scans sent to me so I can assess progress.

First come first served.


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[lace] mentor

2013-07-17 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Arachnids

I have had a reply to offering to mentor and accepted her. I’ll let you know
when I have another vacancy.

Happy lacemaking


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[lace] Easiest for who?

2013-07-11 Thread alexstillwell
From: Bronwen of Hindscroft welshw...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [lace] Lace and math, was Teaching children

Easiest for who?

As a left hander, this kind of idea (that all a right hander needed to do was
sit opposite and let me mirror image) is part of what caused me to

Hi Bronwen

I’m a left hander and have always been reasonably able with my right hand so
my mother said that as I could use both hands I could learn to knit right
handed as it uses both hands. Unfortunately, although I can knit and have done
fairisle, the wrong hand is dominant and I feel like I am fighting myself.
Like you, the experience means I hate it.

I have taught myself to crochet and tat right handed and can teach them
successfully to right handers.  When I teach a left-hander I feel confused
about what to say regarding the words left and right and end up just working
slowly saying ‘do this’. It works but it would be better if I could add
the commentary.

Can someone explain this? ( I have my own ideas but don’t want to express
them and start another free-for-all with some members getting very indignant.
I’ll let someone else take the flack for this one.)

Happy lacemaking


P.S Not sure how to cut an email. I copy the relevant part, paste it into a
new page and go on from there.

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[lace] abstract learning

2013-07-08 Thread alexstillwell
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2013 12:54:27 -0700
From: Julie Enevoldsen j.enevold...@wlonk.com
Subject: [lace] Teaching lace to children in school

Thanks to Lauren, who tipped me off that this discussion was going on! I don't
know if my experiences...I'm convinced, although I've not seen
research to back this hunch up, that using the hands for fine-motor work
develops brain structures that affect more abstract learning --spatial
thinking in particular, although I suspect it’s much broader.

I suggest you read ‘Drawing on the right side of the brain’ Betty Edwards
ISBN 0-87477-424-1. Do not use the earlier edition and if there is a more
recent one use that, and do not miss the preface, in particular the section
about ‘Corporate Training Seminars’. This is an absolutely fascinating

Regarding Maureen’s so called inability in maths. I have known her for years
and she has no problems with spatial thinking, she is probably one of those
who slipped through the maths teaching net. and Maureen,don’t think you can
use that excuse next time you give me a knotty problem.

Happy lacemaking


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[lace] Teaching children

2013-07-07 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Lyn

Re: Subject: [lace] Ancillary to Teaching Lace to Children

Teaching lace to children is part of the survival of lacemaking.  I have
always thought that lacemaking, especially geometric Torchon, has the ability
to help the mind work mathematically..

I am sure you are right. The best lacemakers are computer programmers, maths
graduates and architects and anything that develops judgement of space and
line is bound to help.

Happy lacemaking


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[lace] Lace and maths

2013-07-07 Thread alexstillwell
Hi Clay

In my experience those with a maths bias tend to be more accurate and can
understand how the threads work. In the many years I have been teaching I have
come across many who show this ability and who should have been good at maths,
but sadly for some reason or other it did not happen. Starting my career
teaching maths/science I have always been interested to find out why not.
Surprisingly sometimes it was as simple as returning to school after an
illness to find the subject had moved on and they feeling they could not catch
up assumed they could not do it. Just because a person thinks she cannot do
maths does not mean that the ability to think logically and ‘see’ straight
lines is not there.

Being mathematical is not at the expense of being creative. You can be both,
although there are some who require perfection and making lace that is
geometrically accurate is essential. These lacemakers prefer the geometrical
laces and find it very hard to make floral Bucks and the Lester type Beds in
which judgement is frequently made between two techniques, neither of which
will give a perfect result. Fortunately there are so many different forms of
lacemaking that we can all find plenty to satisfy our individual needs.

Happy lacemaking whichever type you make and whether you can do maths or not.


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