RE: [lace] About Jeri's Posts

2014-08-18 Thread Jill Hawkins
In my experience, life frequently follows the 80/20 rule, where 80% of the
work is done by 20% of the people, and the same seems to apply to Arachne.
There are prolific contributors, and some who lurk and never post, and
others who post from time to time when there is something they feel they can
comment on.  All members of any group should be made to feel they have equal
worth, regardless of what contribution they make.

It is unfortunate that a specific lace group was mentioned by Jeri. I am
friends with many of the members of that group, and most of them will not
post on Arachne because they feel that they are not as erudite as some of
those who regularly post. If their personal opinion is that they have
nothing "worthy" to say, then why should they write?  I wonder how many
other Arachne members might feel the same way?  I do not comment on Jeri's
posts - even though it is clear that they are very thoroughly researched.
They are most likely of great interest to some members, but I skim them
because I am usually only casually interested in reading about a topic in
such detail.

Being a very active volunteer in many groups, I have given up expecting
thanks or even an acknowledgement of my contribution.  That goes with the
territory, I'm afraid.  Sometimes I get down-hearted, but for the most part
I enjoy what I do and am pleased when I hear that others also enjoy it.  I
admit that getting a 'thank you' once in a while is very gratifying, but it
is not my motivation.

Jill in Milton Keynes, UK

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Re: [lace] About Jeri's posts

2014-08-18 Thread nestalace . carol
Hi Liz and Spiders,

That reminds me of a time when someone was complaining that the Lace Day didn't 
have the suppliers she wanted.   'Well - I'll nominate you for the Committee, 
and then you;'ll have an input and, if you become the Events person, you can do 
it all yourself.'     Same reaction as yours - not another word spoken, and no 
new member on the Committee!

Carol - in North Norfolk UK.
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message -
From: Elizabeth Ligeti 
Sent: Monday, 18 August 2014, 2:40

I upset someone, very early on in the Guild (1980's) who was complaining
there was "nothing much in the new magazine"- I asked if she had contributed
anything?. What?!!!  That was Far beneath her, by her haughty response!!!
Contributing to magazines was for the lower class of lacemakers, obviously.

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[lace] About Jeri's posts

2014-08-17 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
"Some folk are very quick to criticize/voice their disapproval but
how often do any of them contribute an article to a guild bulletin to which
they subscribe I wonder?..

Oh dear!  Don't start me on this one!! :)
I have long said that if no-one contributes to magazines, there won't be a
magazine to receive and read.  Editors only collate the articles that are
submitted, - they don't write the whole magazine themselves!!

I upset someone, very early on in the Guild (1980's) who was complaining
there was "nothing much in the new magazine"- I asked if she had contributed
anything?. What?!!!  That was Far beneath her, by her haughty response!!!
Contributing to magazines was for the lower class of lacemakers, obviously.

Me and my big mouth!!! I promptly said that if she did not contribute
anything she had no right to grumble.!  She never spoke to me again
- No great loss!!

I try to contribute something one a year to each of the guilds I am in  ( 4
guilds and 4 Lace chat groups - or is that 5 of each?!!!  I think I may
have an addiction...!!!)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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Re: [lace] About Jeri's Posts

2014-08-16 Thread Catherine Barley

Dear Jeri

Thank you for your words of wisdom and yes, I'm afraid we are all guilty at 
times of taking for granted the various lace bulletins/newsletters that we 
subscribe to.  I've lost count of the number of times I've been told when 
enquiring why an individual has not renewed her membership,  that there is 
little of interest in it's contents to her.  Some folk are very quick to 
criticize/voice their disapproval but how often do any of them contribute an 
article to a guild bulletin to which they subscribe I wonder?

The odd 'thank you' or acknowledgement would be much appreciated but perhaps 
better to send to the individual whose article we have enjoyed reading 
rather than have dozens of 'me too's' cluttering up the Arachne mail box. 
We'd all do well to remember that without these dedicated folk's 
contributions, we might well have no bulletins/articles whatsoever to 
read/subscribe to!

Catherine Barley

Catherine Barley Needlelace
- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 9:47 PM
Subject: [lace] About Jeri's Posts

Dear Lace Friends Around  the World,

Your input has  been encouraging.  Not only for me, but I hope for the
other  regular contributors to Arachne who spend hours in thoughtful 
to confirm what they write before hitting Send Now.  A note  to them once 

a while telling how you used the information they shared  would be

When Arachne was very young I begged some prominent  American lace experts
to participate.  The summary of their  attitudes was:

1.  It is too much work
2.  People do not appreciate volunteer efforts
3.  No one ever says "thank you"
4.  It is a subject ridiculed both publicly and at home
5.  Public disagreement is bad for my lace business

We should wrap up this  subject.  Before we do - please tell the regular
editors, writers, translators, and proofreaders of your  lace-related
newsletters and Guild bulletins how much you appreciate  their gifts of 
time and

knowledge.   It really does  take a long time to prepare thoughtful
information for you, requiring  much reading, consultation with others, 
memories, and

so forth, and then  condensing salient details into information bites.

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[lace] About Jeri's Posts

2014-08-16 Thread Jeriames
Dear Lace Friends Around  the World,
You've created quite a love  festival for me in the last 2 days, since I 
wrote a reply to Lyn about  the Little Danish Heart Pattern on the 14th.  If 
you did not see it, the  last paragraph prompted quite an ado.  It was not 
about my  on-going AOL e-mail delivery problems, but the following:
"I was told again this week, that people do not read what I write on  
Arachne.  So sorry, since my free-to-you contributions  might suggest a subject 
for dinner conversation or a local lace group  meeting.  Maybe I am just 
writing for future researchers who will delve  into Arachne archives?  Or, 
our archives will die and evaporate (as  our early correspondence seemingly 
did), and all will have  been for naught."
Your input has  been encouraging.  Not only for me, but I hope for the 
other  regular contributors to Arachne who spend hours in thoughtful  research 
to confirm what they write before hitting Send Now.  A note  to them once in 
a while telling how you used the information they shared  would be 
When Arachne was very young I begged some prominent  American lace experts 
to participate.  The summary of their  attitudes was:
1.  It is too much work
2.  People do not appreciate volunteer efforts 
3.  No one ever says "thank you" 
4.  It is a subject ridiculed both publicly and at home
5.  Public disagreement is bad for my lace business 
Last year, at a New England Lace Group meeting, some women mentioned  
reading my Arachne memos.  I asked them to please write to  Arachne, because it 
is known they have much first-hand lace  knowledge.  Oh!  No!  You would have 
thought I asked them to  commit a crime.
A lot could be said about these attitudes, but I will leave the  subject 
for all to ponder.   
My motive is to share the many  resources located here in a Maine home, and 
especially to bring  the history of women to you all in small bites.  Women 
have always  been remarkable in their accomplishments, and not often given 
credit or  thanks.  Not only in textile production (which has been traced 
back to  artifacts made in prehistoric times), but also as mothers, teachers,  
nurses, community volunteers, members of religious orders.  
It is encouraging that  some of our very well-educated 20th Century female 
scholars are  digging deeply into old archives now to bring us more  
validation.  This will help us all to appreciate history as more than  
dates of wars, reigns, inventions, sports achievements, scandals,  etc. 
We should wrap up this  subject.  Before we do - please tell the regular  
editors, writers, translators, and proofreaders of your  lace-related 
newsletters and Guild bulletins how much you appreciate  their gifts of time 
knowledge.   It really does  take a long time to prepare thoughtful 
information for you, requiring  much reading, consultation with others, 
memories, and 
so forth, and then  condensing salient details into information bites.
May you never have to  retro-lace!   Jeri 

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