This past Saturday was another hot and muggy Grande Levee in Vandalia, IL.
It was only a one day event this year and not state supported(thanks to
ex-Governor Blago[inexplicitive]).  Luckily they got local donations and
support to put on the event.  There are several around the state that have
to find funding.

Anyhoo..........that¹s another topic........the breeze and being in the
shade made it bearable and there was a good crowd despite the 95 degree F.
We all had a good time visiting with our reenactor friends who we haven't
seen for a while.  Chewed the fat and all that.  One of my sister's
reenactor friends shot this picture of me working on my bolster pillow

I was working on the Brazilian edging that was presented by Christa of
Heartland Lace Guild and I took on the challenge of working it up.  It is a
typical torchon edging and it works out nicely

This was an edging that has been on this pillow for quite some time. It is
worked with DMC pearl cotton size 12.   I got 3 repeats done while at the
show.  I needed the pillow for another project I wanted to work on and I was
getting bored with the edging anyways.  Imagine that!!!  Me getting bored!
I really do think I have adult ADD.  Or just can't settle on one project
long enough, so have to jump to something new.  Hence my collection of
pillows with works in progress and other unfinished projects of all
needlework genre.  So I finished a repeat and cut the bobbins off.  Some
visitors happen to be watching me and I just went *snip* and they gasped.
HEHE  It was like you thought I neutered it!  I told them I was bored with
it and wanted something new.  They understood.  But I liked their reaction!
 Don't know what I am going to do with it.  The footside is 14 inches long.
Can't put it on a pillow case, but could go on the end of a tea towel.  It
might gather up into a nice flower.  Any other ideas??

I will be working a large 14 inch oval doily on the bolster pillow next
using some handspun flax/linen in white that I purchased a few years ago at
another heritage demonstration.   I will be taking this with me on our
vacation.  Don't have a workable travel pillow, so will haul this monster.
I tend to pack too many projects when going on vacation.  Then I find I
don't really work much on them because I am busy hiking, running, enjoying
nature.  But I do try to work on my projects while having coffee in the
morning while the rest of the campers are still sleeping.  ;)

Thanks for letting me share my weekend with you,

Mark, aka Tatman
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