[lace] Contributing / helping build community

2014-08-21 Thread Alex Stillwell
Hi Arachnids

I had someone local tell me I was doing my tatting joins wrong (it was
different than how this person prefers to do them)

My advice is to look the person in the eye and say firmly and indignantly
‘It took me a long time to work out how to get this result and I am happy
with it.’ It is your lace so make it as you wish to – but stay open to new
ideas. You may find her method is useful in the future. I always give my
bobbin lace students this advice and many have come back to me and said it

Keep enjoying your lace


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Re: [lace] Contributing / helping build community

2014-08-20 Thread Catherine Barley

I had someone local tell me I was doing my tatting joins wrong (it was

different than how this person prefers to do them)

Robin the next time someone says something like this to you just quote 
"There's more than one way of skinning a cat"!  You might also tell them 
that you'll try their method and that perhaps they might like to try yours 
and maybe you will both gain something from the experience.

I am NOT a "professional" nor am

I some uber OCD designer.  I'm an artist and a mom.

Professionals are paid for their skills but I don't think the majority of 
lace tutors who are paid a very nominal sum, can claim to make a living from 
the fees they receive.  However, they do give up a considerable amount of 
their time to pass on their skills to others but neither are they a charity! 
They cannot be expected to pay their own travelling expenses to travel 
hundreds of miles, leaving their own families to fend for themselves, as the 
majority of them are mums too.  I spoke to one lace tutor at an IOLI 
Convention some years ago who said her young son announced at a family 
gathering that he was "A Lace Orphan"!  Husbands and kids don't enjoy mum 
being away and having to fend for themselves, sometimes for a week or more, 
with poor mum returning home to total chaos when often suffering from jetlag 

I for one, take my hat off to all those generous souls who submit the odd 
article for a lace bulletin and even if they are classified as a 
'Professional', they do not receive payment for this but submit them for the 
benefit of the lace community at large.  We've all read the very interesting 
reports from participants at the IOLI Convention this year and thoroughly 
enjoyed them.  One doesn't have to be a 'Professional' to send a pattern 
with brief instructions as to threads, number of bobbins required etc. just 
a generous spirit and a little of their time.  Anyone who has the nerve to 
crticise these generous lacemakers should be ashamed of themselves.

The above is not a criticism or directed at any individual, but just  an 
attempt to reassure the less confident that we are all equal in that we have 
a common interest and are all eager to improve our skills in that direction. 
If we don't like/approve of something that someone has been generous enough 
to send in, we don't have to take it on board.  We need these generous 
spirited lacemakers for our craft to survive and the last thing we want to 
do is to upset them and risk losing the valuable information and patterns 
they generously donate for the benefit of us all.  They were all 'beginners' 
once and have been extremely grateful to their tutors/friends for passing 
on/sharing their skills with them too.

Robin, we'd love to see your patterns.

Catherine Barley

Catherine Barley Needlelace

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Re: [lace] Contributing / helping build community

2014-08-19 Thread Clay Blackwell
Robin, as a *former* Mental Health Therapist, I just want to say that when you 
were tatting and it made you happy, you were doing it absolutely RIGHT!  If you 
made a mistake, it was when you allowed someone else to steal your joy.  

So, recognize the beauty and talent within, and do your own thing!  Seek advice 
when you want to change your method, but choose your advisee carefully, because 
there are lots of people out there who build themselves up by tearing others 

I will eagerly look for your contribution to the bulletin!  


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg VA, USA

Sent from my iPad

> I had someone local tell me I was doing my tatting joins wrong (it was
> different than how this person prefers to do them) and I stopped a tatting
> for over a month. It sucked the joy out of doing it. Every time I picked up
> shuttles all I heard was "doing it wrong".  Yes, I know I shouldn't let
> things get to me, but...  And people saying "just get a thicker skin" or
> some such nonsense does just the opposite.
> I live with depression and often those extrovert sayings we all know do
> more damage than good.  /snip/   I am, however,
> working up the courage to contribute a couple of patterns to IOLI's
> bulletin.  And maybe, just maybe, next year I'll have the courage to put
> something in the local fair.
> You are all amazing lace makers!

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[lace] Contributing / helping build community

2014-08-19 Thread Robin D
Just adding a thought:

I hesitate to contribute. I have pickings that I've designed & done or
tatting patterns that I've worked the bugs out of, BUT I don't have what it
takes to deal with complaints & criticism. I am NOT a "professional" nor am
I some uber OCD designer.  I'm an artist and a mom. If I get a notion I'll
do it up. I kind of wonder if more of us introverts would contribute more
if we didn't feel like it would become open season on our skills/ideas.

I had someone local tell me I was doing my tatting joins wrong (it was
different than how this person prefers to do them) and I stopped a tatting
for over a month. It sucked the joy out of doing it. Every time I picked up
shuttles all I heard was "doing it wrong".  Yes, I know I shouldn't let
things get to me, but...  And people saying "just get a thicker skin" or
some such nonsense does just the opposite.

I live with depression and often those extrovert sayings we all know do
more damage than good.  I'm not sure how to fix it so that more "shy"
people are willing to open up. Perhaps if you hear someone putting another
lace-maker or lace style down take a moment to counter it. Compliment
something from the bulletin or start a topic to get people sharing their
favorite kind of lace or technique...I don't know. *blush*  I am, however,
working up the courage to contribute a couple of patterns to IOLI's
bulletin.  And maybe, just maybe, next year I'll have the courage to put
something in the local fair.

You are all amazing lace makers!

Never, ever, let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. Prove the
cynics wrong. Pity them for they have no imagination.
The sky's the limit. *Your* sky. *Your *limit.   Now, let's dance.  *~Tom

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