Yesterday, I was part of a fundraising event for a
local non-profit group called Evening with the
Collectors.  There were 13 different collections that
were showcased.  Since I have tatting shuttles and
bobbin lace pillows, I chose "Lacemaking Tools and
Techniques" for the title of my collection.  I didn't
have nearly enough room for all the stuff I took, but
I did manage to cram nine bobbin lace pillows, 30
tatting shuttles and various pieces of lace and
trinkets on my two tables.  I also put Noelene's poem
in a frame (with her permission) and it really tied
everything together.  I spent 3 hours talking lace
with everyone who came by and had a wonderful time. 
Most were stunned, some have seen it before, a couple
had been to Belgium and knew what bobbin lace was,
quite a few reminisced about their mothers or
grandmothers who tatted, and I think I got two
speaking engagements out of the evening.

The most surprising event was that the woman in the
booth next to me who collected paper Christmas
ornaments saw my green Princess lace pillow during the
afternoon set up and said she had one, but that it was
red.  She brought it with her in the evening and yes,
it is a Princess.  The red velvet is in lovely
condition; I've never seen a red one in the US.  I
know David Downunder has one of each color.  She
didn't know what it was for, but she collects
needlework items and displays it with those things. 
So, we each learned something!

One acquaintance, after listening to me talk about
lace for a while told me that this wasn't my
collection, it is my passion.  I admitted it!

Some of the other collections displayed were
mechanical banks, railroad memorabilia, metal toy
vehicles, ventriloquist figures, dragonware china,
political cartoons, advertising boxes, and acetelyne
lighting.  I'm forgetting a couple.

It was a great evening continuing the public's
education regarding lace :)

Diane Williams
Galena Illinois USA

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