Dear Arachne Friends,

I had taken a short course in hairwork at a museum conference I attended
several years ago.  This book was the one we were also told was a good
Amazon also has this book.

We used horsehair which we purchased at
It is also used in equestrian jewelry for show horses, bows for violins, flies
for fishing and various art crafts.

a couple more horsehair sources but I haven't tried these:

Some other sites with info:

 I have 2 pieces of hair jewelry and they mean a lot to me because they
represented a person's  love for someone very close to them. Hair does not
deteriorate because it is not a living thing and so will last indefinitely.  I
have a lock of hair attached to a Civil War ambrotype picture! (1860's)

I'm sure this is MUCH more than you ever wanted to know but I hope I have
helped a little.

Now back to lurking,

SHIRLEY PRIMAVERA    near Green Bay, Wisconsin USA
where we got another inch of snow and the temps don't want to get out of the
20's.  We are hoping for some thawing this weekend.

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