Re: [lace] RE: lace (or lack of) in Suriname

2004-08-11 Thread Ilske und Peter Thomsen
Dear Michelle,
Thank you for this informatve report and all the best for your group.
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[lace] RE: lace (or lack of) in Suriname

2004-08-08 Thread Ian Chelle Long
Gidday all,

Someone (I'm sorry I can't remember who as I've ditched the digest
concerned!) asked about lace here in Suriname - well there is absolutely
zilch. In fact there is nothing much in the way of handicrafts at all.  The
only thing I've come across so far is a form of cross-stitch on large panels
of brightly coloured fabric, where every so many threads one thread is
pulled out of the fabric, in both directions, giving a grid to work the
large crosses on.  It is very pretty and apparently was brought to this
country by some nuns from East Germany who came to work in a mission type
posting and taught some local women their patterns - not sure how long ago
though.  I've only seen one girl doing this work, and have heard that there
is a shop in Paramaribo (the capital city) where you can buy some of it, but
so far I haven't been able to find the shop.

Apart from this the crafts done here are mainly woodwork, done by men - hand
carved platters, bowls, stools, wall hangings etc. and also some very nice
rustic pottery - large pots, vases etc.

Within the compound that we live in there is a mixture of expats from
Australia, Canada, South Africa, USA and Holland, plus some local
Surinamese, so its a real hotch potch of languages, cultures and ideas -
which is fantastic.  We are all slowing learning how to cook (and identify!)
the wonderful local vegetables and fruits, pick up a smattering of Dutch to
get by when shopping, and learn to handle the horrendous traffic and very
poor quality road system.  It is all a lot of fun and I am enjoying very
much the feeling of personal safety after living in South Africa, although
there are things about South Africa that I really miss as well.

I am starting a weekly craft group where those who are interested can bring
along whatever they do - there are a couple of girls who do embroidery and
patchwork.  Some others have expressed interest in coming along just to chat
and have a look - so I am hopeful that once this gets going properly we will
have a good lot of sharing/teaching each other the things we do - including
lace and tatting of course.  There are no supplies of anything much
available - I've only come across cheap acrylic wool, large cones of poor
quality machine sewing thread, and a good range of colours of Butterfly
brand Coton Perle 8 - so anyone interested in really taking up some
lacemaking or embroidery will have to get online for supplies - but luckily
our mailing address is a courier company in Miami, so we only have to pay
local shipping costs if we order from the US.

I will keep you posted about how our little group develops - it could be
just me for the first couple of Mondays - but hey if I am forced to sit by
myself all morning making lace well I am not going to complain. Any excuse
not to have to clean the house.

Michelle Long
an Aussie living in Suriname
where it is always hot, and I have just started on my first raised leaf on
Miss Channer's Mat

Ian  Chelle Long
+597 0352505

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