Re: [lace] Re: Advent calendar quiz - winner

2009-01-05 Thread Brenda Paternoster
They were bought from M&S and had the combined wrapper/hanging hook 
attached, so they were not easy to wrap neatly!

It's a heck of a long time since I hand knitted any socks.  I did knit 
a couple of scarves for the grand daughters this Christmas - 3 x 50gms 
fluffy yarn, cast on 35 stitches and knit till the yarn ran out.  
Couldn't have been simpler!


On 5 Jan 2009, at 12:37, pene piip wrote:

Wow, what a surprise! I have sent my address privately, Brenda.
Last year I knitted quite a few pairs of socks as birthday presents.
So were these ones hand knitted or bought, Brenda?
Thanks for the fun calendar,

Brenda Paternoster wrote:

Thank you to everyone who entered the quiz.

Just about everyone got questions 1-10 right, but no-one guessed 
question 11 correctly!
It was actually two pairs of socks; one multi colour stripes and the 
other black with multi coloured spots; knee length for my daughter to 
wear with her boots.

So, all 18 entries went into the hat and the winner is:

Pene Piip

Pene would you please let me have your address so that I can send you 
your Lace Guild calendar.

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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[lace] Re: Advent calendar quiz - winner

2009-01-05 Thread pene piip

Wow, what a surprise! I have sent my address privately, Brenda.
Last year I knitted quite a few pairs of socks as birthday presents.
So were these ones hand knitted or bought, Brenda?
Thanks for the fun calendar,

Brenda Paternoster wrote:

Thank you to everyone who entered the quiz.

Just about everyone got questions 1-10 right, but no-one guessed 
question 11 correctly!
It was actually two pairs of socks; one multi colour stripes and the 
other black with multi coloured spots; knee length for my daughter to 
wear with her boots.

So, all 18 entries went into the hat and the winner is:

Pene Piip

Pene would you please let me have your address so that I can send you 
your Lace Guild calendar.

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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Re: [lace] Re Advent calendar quiz

2008-01-01 Thread Brenda Paternoster
Thanks to everyone who has written to say that it's working fine in IE 
7, also 5.2 for Mac - seems to be just my copy of  IE 5.2 which doesn't 
like the script.


I've also added the current date to my homepage.
It's working in Safari and FireFox but seems to have stuck at 30 
December 2007 in Internet Explorer (version 5.2 for Mac).  Would 
someone with a Windows machine and a later version of IE please let me 
know if it's working with that.

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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[lace] Re Advent calendar quiz

2008-01-01 Thread Brenda Paternoster
I've left the quiz in place for a few more days with the doors all 
permanently opened, but I've deleted the entry form from the number 24 
window.  Links from the top of my homepage.

I've also added the current date to my homepage.
It's working in Safari and FireFox but seems to have stuck at 30 
December 2007 in Internet Explorer (version 5.2 for Mac).  Would 
someone with a Windows machine and a later version of IE please let me 
know if it's working with that.

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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Fw: [lace] Re: Advent Calendar Competition results

2007-01-03 Thread Sue
My husband has a similar sort of filing system, he calls it gravity filing. 

I have lots in folders and have great fun revisiting them.  Keep listing in 
my mind all those I really 'want to try when time allows'.

New Year and I have just got all the bobbins prepared and on my pillow to 
begin my daughters garter.   After a long interuption when my cat demanded a 
place on my lap, I finally managed to get all the bobbins on the pillow and 
into the work before bedtime.  It is really exciting to see it coming 
together already:-)
I have chosen the pattern Wedding Bells from 100 traditional bobbin lace 
patterns by G Stott and B Cook.  I don't think I will be disappointed with 

Sue T, Dorset UK

On Jan 2, 2007, at 18:49, Jean Leader wrote:

The answers to The Lace Guild Advent Calendar Competition have now been 
mounted on the website.

Congratulations to the winners:
Anja Guzzi (from Switzerland) and Antje Gonzalez (from Spain)

Great fun; thanks!

doing some cleaning up yesterday (New Year, and all that jazz ) and came
accross a pattern (yours; a variant of a Skovgaard's snowflake) from, I 
think, last year (or it may be older; my "paper towers" do hide some 
interesting things for *years*, sometimes). It's on my pillow as of today. 
Scaled for wire...

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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[lace] Re: Advent Calendar Competition results

2007-01-02 Thread Tamara P Duvall

On Jan 2, 2007, at 18:49, Jean Leader wrote:

The answers to The Lace Guild Advent Calendar Competition have now 
been mounted on the website.

Congratulations to the winners:

Anja Guzzi (from Switzerland) and Antje Gonzalez (from Spain)

and to all who took part. Hope it was fun.

Great fun; thanks! I'm particularly happy to see that I got all of them 
right, even the two guesses (don't collect "lace on costumes"; it's too 
wide a field); it had to be the first time ever :) And many thanks -- 
as always -- for putting up the calendar at all. I was doing some 
cleaning up yesterday (New Year, and all that jazz ) and came 
accross a pattern (yours; a variant of a Skovgaard's snowflake) from, I 
think, last year (or it may be older; my "paper towers" do hide some 
interesting things for *years*, sometimes). It's on my pillow as of 
today. Scaled for wire...

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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[lace] Re: Advent Calendar

2006-12-09 Thread cakes
Hello There:

Could someone please tell me what the item under the December 4th window is?

I might as well ask my other stupid question at the time.

What are wedding horseshoes used for? What is the story behind their use?
I'm familiar with real horseshoes over doors - but this lace horseshoe stuff
I haven't heard of and don't understand.

I didn't have a very traditional upbringing around church and other such
customs so I'm kind of in the dark here.


Karen Maki
Toronto, Ontario

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[lace] Re: Advent Calendar

2006-12-03 Thread Tamara P Duvall

On Dec 3, 2006, at 13:15, Janice Blair wrote:

Once again a competition I probably stand no chance of
getting all the clues but it should be easy for Tamara who collects 


As usual, I was relieved to hear that there would *be* an Advent 
Calendar again this year (many thanks, Jean and David; it's always 
great fun, even if I don't compete). Also as usual, I was late "getting 
to it", and it took Janice's mention of my name and stamps to get my 
ducks in a row and check it out :)

I doubt I'll compete -- my own collection isn't all that impressive, 
especially if only *strictly* lace-related stamps are in play (I 
collect all textile-related stamps on the one hand, but not much in the 
way of lace-on-costumes on the other hand). Plus... I hadn't added to 
it in 3 yrs or so, I do not check philatelic catalogues to check if 
anything new has appeared, etc, etc.

I only have a few stamps and am not too good at getting around the
Internet to check for clues.

Haven't been there in a while but in the days gone by, the Lacefairy 
used to have a great -- virtual -- collection of lace-related stamps 
(including costumes). Another great place for lace-stamp candy is:
(can't even remember whose page that is, but it's an Arachnean also)

There. I probably shouldn't have said anything; I probably should have 
let you (and others) dig for yourself... OTOH... I've been "an 
equal-opportunity spoil-sport" (sorry, Jean and David ). I'm not 
competitive any more than I am religious. But, just as I enjoy looking 
at the Lace Advent Calendar, so do I enjoy the idea that so many stamps 
in so many countries have celebrated my obsession :)

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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[lace] Re: Advent Calendar

2004-12-05 Thread Annette Gill

Hear, hear!

I love your Advent Calendar.  I don't have one of my own any more :), but I 
love going to the Lace Guild website every day to open the latest window.

And thank you Jean, for your "Introduction to Buck Point" booklet.  I have 
several Bucks Point books, but this is the one I'm learning from.  It's clearer 
and more helpful than the others for a beginner like me, and I was very 
grateful to find it.  I've also bought your Beds booklet, even though I don't 
plan to try Beds for quite a while.  

Annette, London

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Re: [lace] Re: Advent Calendar problems

2004-12-03 Thread Jeriames
Dear Jean and David Leader,

It seems that we on Arachne owe you a very special public *Thank You* for 
your annual efforts to amuse and challenge us during the Christmas season.

We can just imagine "our Leaders" putting together new ideas, photographing 
the bits and pieces, and sharing the results with (how many?) lacemakers.

David, we know your first love is not lace, and yet you provide us with 
entertainment that requires a lot of coaching through the erratic behaviors of 
various computers and levels of computer expertise.  For your patience and 
generosity, *Thank You*.

Jean, sharing your lace knowledge in this way is so very gracious, for which 
we *Thank You*.

Angels for you.  (Hope they line up correctly in Glasgow.)
(\o/) (\o/)
./_\. ./_\.

Jeri Ames in Maine USA 
Unofficially representing all who enjoy the Advent Calendar

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[lace] Re: Advent Calendar problems

2004-12-03 Thread Jean Leader
Apologies for cross-posting, but a couple of people have been having 
trouble seeing the advent calendar. They have the December 1st date, 
but still see the Myth and Mystery logo instead of the holly. I would 

1. It's not my fault
2. They could try the French page (a good excuse to learn French :-) )
3. Clear their cache (works like a good dose of salts)
but it's not their fault either (probably your ISP) so I've set up a 
temporary duplicate page that has never seen Myth or Mystery at:

(Note the '.htm' instead of the normal '.html') I think that will work.
David (webmaster, designer, magician)
Lace Guild home page:
(alternative if problems:
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[lace] Re: Advent calendar

2003-12-16 Thread Jean Leader
This is David replying to the queries re the Lace Guild Advent 
Calendar as Jean is away until Friday.

1. Regarding the heart on day 8, which Merlene would like to make, I 
don't know at the moment whose pattern it is. We mount a list of 
credits later, but I haven't prepared them yet. I don't think it's 
Jean's - I'll ask her when she gets back.

2. Regarding problems people have with individual doors. I suspect 
the cause is as follows.

All the pictures are loaded in the background when you go to the 
page, and this takes some time - longer than to load the doors, which 
are just a single image. The reason for this is so there is no wait 
when you pass the cursor over the window. The images don't 
necessarily load in order (you'd think they would) so that if you are 
impatient you could be trying to get the image before it is there. 
Your browser thinks it's missing and 'remembers' this. The only thing 
to do is to force a refresh and/or clear the 'cache' and then leave 
it plenty of time to load again. Or you could try another browser 
(e.g. Mozilla) which has a separate 'cache' and will not have this 
bad memory.

Thanks for the thanks. I trust everyone is working hard on the quiz - 
for their own satisfaction rather than to win a prize.

David (webmaster)
Jean Leader
Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Lace Guild web site: 

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[lace] Re: Advent calendar

2003-12-15 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On Monday, Dec 15, 2003, at 21:55 US/Eastern, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

What advent calendar? I haven't seen it yet.

The English Lace Guild; Jean and David Leader have been putting up one 
-- with a lacey competition -- every year for the past 4? 5?

and click on the "Advent Calendar -- with a sprig of holly -- to the 
right of the words  "The Lace Guild" And once you've seen it, check out 
the next item -- Census -- and take part :)  You need to check the 
calendar daily; you can only open the windows for the days already gone 
-- Monday the 15th is as far as you can go today.

Merlene, I saw no difference in speed between different days -- all 
opened without trouble

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
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