Hi Robin

Thank you Robin, most interesting, the lacemaker is obviously enjoying herself. It mentions cactus spines but does not show them. However, I think the cactus spines could work as they are long and fine, but would they be dangerous to use? It would be better if someone has actually tried using them or at least seen them in use. It still does not answer the question - were there any thorns suitable for making the very fine lace in Europe in 17th century?

Still waiting to hear from someone who has tried working with thorns.

Happy lacemking


----- Original Message ----- From: <robinl...@socal.rr.com> To: "Alex Stillwell" <alexstillw...@talktalk.net>; "Arachne" <lace@arachne.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 7:36 AM
Subject: Article on Brazilian bobbin lace with cactus pins

Online article from "National Geographic Traveler"


excerpted: "Lace can be produced either with a needle and thread (needle lace) or by interweaving threads wound on bobbins. Bobbin lace is the predominant type of lace made on
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