On Sunday, Aug 31, 2003, at 17:56 US/Eastern, Jean Nathan wrote:

Doesn't look like the person who spangled these knows what spangles are for.
And what a price for 'a set' of plain bobbins and a book.

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/ eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3240254071&category=114

Never forget the thread! <g> And, badly spangled or not, there must be value in all those beads, if they're really semi-precious stones as specified...

Speaking of strange spangles... :)

One of the-then (early on; 96? 97?) Arachneans, from US, who had been making other lace (tatted, I think, but can't swear to it), was lucky enough to come accross a 10-week BL course within sensible driving limits, and she jumped at the chance. Came to the first class, was given a pattern and shown how to make a pricking out of it, bought a set of bobbins and some beads from the teacher, and was sent home to spangle and wind the bobbins... A spangle should consist of 5-7 beads, with the biggest bead at the bottom -- she was told.

She'd never *seen* spangled (or any other, for that matter) bobbins before, but didn't like to *ask*, being the youngest in the group and -- she felt -- the most un-clued... So she went home and did her best. Came back to class the following week... with the only set of bobbins spangled as a *straight* dangle -- a loop in the wire at the bottom (to keep the beads from falling off), then a row of beads (starting with the biggest, ending with the smallest), then through the holes in the bobbin's shank, then back down a bit, ending in a wrap, and hiding the cut in the top two beads...

That was before so many people had websites, digital cameras, etc, so we never saw the pictures of her "best shot at spangles"; we only ever heard the story. But the spangles on E-Bay reminded me of it... :)
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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