I've been browsing through my old collection of Anna
magazines, and have found two lovely table bands.

One is in April 1997 issue - a fairly simple Torchon
piece when made in Linen 50/3 with 33 pairs of
bobbins measures 8.5cm wide by 105 cm long.

The other is in October 2000, and is more a combination
of Beds leaves, plaits and picots.  This one was made
in 17/2 linen with 28 pairs of bobbins and measures 10 cm
by about 100 cm.  In this case the band has been mounted on
a strip of linen fabric, but it would great just like it is.

The length in both cases would, of course, be adjustable.

I am pretty sure either of these bands would meet the
criteria (both are a feast for the eyes, although of very
simple design).   Now, if I could only afford to belong to
the IOLI as well as my Australian lace groups!

Noelene in Cooma

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