Tamara wrote:
>(or seems to; the older generation tends to put the return 
>address at the back of the envelope, rather than in the upper left 
>corner of the front, and the PO doesn't seem to bother to check for 

I think putting the return address on the front is an American habit, I've
never seen anyone do that in France or in Australia, apart from companies
who have printed envelopes and usually a "if cannot be delivered, return
to sender" request.
Personally, I never have room to put my own address on the front of an
envelope, what with airmail stickers and lots of exotic stamps which I
always use instead of those rubbishy printed stickers from the P.O. Fancy
encouraging people to collect stamps on one hand, and making it so easy
for them *not* to use them on the other! Cutting their own throat, I
Anyway, I would be extremely mad if I ever found out that any P.O. chucks
my letters out wihtout bothering to turn them over to check if I've put
the sender's address on. This is really taking the "the only way to do
something is to do it the way we do it so we will ignore everything else"
It's going to be interesting to see how the Xmas mail moves this year! I
usually send about 80 letters and calendars overseas, and 30 in Australia.
Costs me a fortune, but it's the only way to keep in touch with some
people I seldom see. Don't say, "you can phone them for less", I hate
using the telephone, and neve would use it instead of a Xmas letter!

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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