Nicky wrote:
>...My husband and I were both delegates at the Scarborough Convention
year, I am a member he isn't. When it came to the AGM he was officiously
refused entry by the woman on the door, I queried it but she was adamant
that he was not allowed in - as was another mouthy person attending.
Consequently I attended on my own while my husband thoroughly enjoyed
himself in the company of suppliers Richard and Jenny Ives - hence despite
the considerable embarressment that we were caused we didn't make an issue
of it...

I'm arriving a bit late on this subject, reading my mail a week after, but
I find it very strange to read about all those people who get offended or
embarassed by being refused entrance to a general meeting! Just ask
yourself this : if your husband/wife/friend.. was a banker, would you
*really* prance into the bank and expect to sit with them at their AGM?? I
bet you wouldn't even think of it! So, just because lacemakers
associations are warm fuzzy places, does it mean that all the rules of
management have to go out of the window because someone feels more relaxed
about the lace AGM than about the Bank one? I think not!
As far as I know, non-members are refused entrance at our Australian Lace
Guild AGM meetings, and I am quite agreeable to it. It's a matter for
members only, and no-one else should even think of crashing in, even if
they are interested in joining. they get plenty of chances to see what the
association is like by attending other events. Of course, the problem of
recent members remain, but there is a limit to be drawn somewhere. Perhaps
the Committee could ask new members to come to the office at the beginning
of the Convention with some proof of membership to make sure they are on
the roll?

That business reminds me of all the customers who come to our public
library and expect us to do strange things for them like lending them a
guillotine, giving them paper clips, rubber bands, blank paper, stapling
their documents, lending our Tipp-Ex, using our phone to ring up their
friends, and many others, and get short with us when we refuse. Would they
go to a bank or a doctor's surgery and expect the same? not really...We
are glad to see that people view us as a "kinder" sort of institution, but
we also wish they would grow up and be sensible!

Off my soap-box,now, to wish you all many happy AGMs...

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne, where the sun shines after a lousy
weekend. Typical!

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