Good morning All,
This subject seems to involve so many twists and turns but just two points stick me. Someone (sorry I can't remember who and I accidentally deleted your message when I was trying to highlight a quote) said that people wouldn't design/create new patterns if they didn't think they could profit from them.
That may be true in the 'outside' commercial world but yet again I am sure does not apply to Lacemaking. Even people who manage to publish books do not make a living wage out of them, when you consider the years it takes to prepare, design and make samples of all of the work. The vast majority of new lace designs are made just because we feel the urge nad if friends like them we give them a copy and perhaps send them to our Lace guild magazine.
One the recent OIDFA tour we visited many museums and galleries. In some we were allowed to take photographs in others not. (It sometimes changed with the groups going round) This was particularly strict in the various schools we visited. People didn't appreciate that we wanted photos to show the folks back home what kind of lace was being made, not to copy the designs. I was goign to put some of my pictures up on the web today but now I'm not so sure.
Jean in Cleveland U.K.

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