I hope its alright to post this here rather on chat as it is lace related?
Yesterday while shopping in our local Morrisons supermarket (here in the uk) I
found some lovely novelty items.  See through Bauble shapes, star and also a
flattened bauble shape.  They were sold to fit photos into for oneself or else
as gifts and they would make delightful gifts, but of course my brain straight
away thought Lace
I bought a bauble shape and the flattened bauble shape (not feeling up to
making a star shape at the moment) and sometime between now and christmas I
will make or find a suitable piece of lace or two to fit inside them to hang
with our decorations.
I am posting this in case anyone else in the UK would want to buy something
like it.  They are in the special cardboard box displays that go up in store
in the seasonal aisle.
Sue T
Dorset UK where the sun is shining but the temperatures have dropped quite low
with a spiteful wind chill factor so I might need to decorate my thermals with

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