Hi Vickie and other Arachneans,

Great question about the Tribute to Ardoye War Lace:

* I have a construction question about the second piece on the first page
ofthe war laces section.  It's a table runner titled "Tribute to Ardoye".
The embroidered emblems surrounded by lace ground on the border of
thispiece appear to have button hole stitch edges.  Would they have been
appliquéd using a buttonhole stitch onto a large areaof ground after the
lace was complete or would the ground have been sewn ontothe buttonhole
stitches as the lace border was made?*

I will check next week when I am back at the Smithsonian and let you know.
I am spending a week at the beach making lace and do not have access to any
more images of the laces than you do this week. Instead of answering what I
think it is, I will check before answering.

You can see the War Laces and samples from the Lace collection at



When you click on Expand in the upper right corner and then View full
record in the lower right you can see more images for some of the laces.
These images can be enlarged on your screen.
Many more will be added to the lace-collection group.

​in sunny Delaware on the Atlantic coast​

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