Re: [lace-chat] what is it

2006-11-19 Thread Susan MacLeod

to hold a ball of yarn?  the ring goes over the wrist...

At 03:57 PM 11/19/2006, Alice Howell wrote:

Here is another  'what is it' tool on eBay.  Anyone
have any ideas?

Alice in Oregon

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Sumac in southern Vermont USA 

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Re: [lace-chat] Hair dye

2006-06-19 Thread Susan MacLeod
A few years ago, I decided I wanted red hair.  So I got the least 
expensive kit I found at the store, and dyed my hair.  Since then, I 
have noticed that as it grows out, there is quite a lot of gray in 
the roots. so I just keep on dying it.  I like having red hair, and 
don't feel ready to go gray.  I use Garnier brand, and it works 
well, hasn't damaged my hair that I can see.


Sumac in southern Vermont USA 

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[lace-chat] comb bindings

2005-10-27 Thread Susan MacLeod
I like these bindings as the book will lay flat, but there is usually 
no title printed on them.  I recently got a modern label maker, and 
have been busy making labels with this for my books with comb 
bindings.  It will take a while, but will make finding books a little 
easier on my shelves!


Sumac in southern Vermont USA  where there is *still* snow on the ground!

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[lace-chat] wild afternoon with Jane

2005-01-13 Thread Susan MacLeod
Jane and I spent the afternoon in Northampton, Mass.  First we went to 
Webs, a yarn and weaving supplier.  They have all kinds of yarns and 
fibers.  There is some tencel blend that I've had a sample of,  which 
tatted nicely.  Not much that I thought would be good for bobbin 
lace.  They do have stuff for doing Kumihimo, a neat foam 'board' that will 
make a number of braids.  I had to get this, and the companion 
booklet.  Also got some eyelash yarn, glitzy yarn, and a third coordinating 
yarn to knit a neat little bag with.  I wore my wire lace dogwood earrings, 
made this week, from the pattern on Diana Stevens' web site.  I showed them 
to a couple of the people working there (no one noticed 
independantly).  One of the women made a comment about them as bringing 
lace to the 21st century.
The main reason for the trip was for a shopping spree at Turn It Up! , a 
music store.  I had 93 seconds to grab as many cds as I could fit in the 
bag they gave me.  What a scream!  I won this from the radio station that I 
listen to ( ).  I also won an iPod!  And all I did was give 
them my 5 favorite songs of last year, on their website.  Never expected 
that I would win!  It was really fun, and was broadcast live.  I managed to 
grab about 60 CDs in my 93 seconds.  Now that I'm home, I find that I only 
have 9 duplicates, with what I picked up and the ones I have at home.  It 
will be another week or 2 before the iPod is ready, it's being engraved, 
and will have the top 93 songs loaded.  What a great way to start the new 
year!  I heard that I won on the radio just as I was getting ready to go to 
work on new years day.  I was really glad to have Jane with me on this 
trip, to keep me from getting too crazy!

Enjoying the start of this new year,
Sumac in southern Vermont
Susan G. MacLeodDummerston, VT  USA  NATA #69
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[lace-chat] SP Thanls!

2004-11-27 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear Patricia.
	Thanks for being my secret pal these past months!  Love this package with 
all the great Scottish stuff.  The rock is really cool, as is everything.
Susan G. MacLeodDummerston, VT  USA  NATA #69

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[lace-chat] secret pal thanks

2004-10-02 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear SP,
	Thanks for the neat package!  I love the socks!  That yarn is really 
neat.  I've knit one pair of socks, so I know how much work they are.  The 
cover cloth is cute, I'll take it to Ithaca with me.  Love the chocolate, 
makes me feel like I've been out trick or treating.  The M&M tin will be a 
nice tatting project container.
	Thanks again,
Susan G. MacLeodDummerston, VT  USA  NATA #69

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal thanks!

2004-09-14 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear SP,
	Thank you for the box of fun treats!  I love the 'spooky' spider and the 
cute Halloween cats.  The tea will be tasty, the bowl is lovely.  The 
bookmark is sweet, and will go in my current book.  The muffin mix will be 
great, I'll make it to take to Ithaca when Jane and I go in a few 
weeks.  The cloth wrapper is almost too pretty to undo!
	I know what you mean about the weather changing,  I've been busy bringing 
in my houseplants.  I think I'll decrease the collection by a few this 
year.  Between the iguana and the cats, I can't put many on the windowsills 
	Thanks again,
Susan G. MacLeodDummerston, VT  USA  NATA #69

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks!

2004-08-17 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear SP,
	Thanks for the package of goodies!  The cookies are nice and crunchy, the 
fan will be great when the heat comes back again.  I don't have much heat 
tolerance these days.  The kitties are sweet, but one of my naughty kids 
stole the plainer one off the table from inside the bag!  No harm done, 
just some kitty spit on it!  The bobbins are sweet, they must be travel 
bobbins as they're small.  Now I'll have to finish the travel pillow kit I 
got some years ago .
	Thanks again for all the nice treats!
Susan G. MacLeodDummerston, VT  USA  NATA #69

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[lace-chat] SP Thanks!

2004-07-16 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear SP,
	Thanks for the nice West VA package!  I always find it interesting to 
learn about other parts of the country.  Very pretty there.  All the tasty 
goodies will be great to make up.  The lotion has such a yummy smell, also.
	Thanks again,
Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." John Wooden
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[lace-chat] SP Thanks

2004-06-10 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear SP,
	Thanks for the package that came today!  The sweet cat is sitting above my 
computer.  I haven't decided where to put the lovely lavender sachet yet, 
maybe I'll hang it up with my work shirts.  I love the bobbin!  I've read 
about these beaded bobbins, this is the first one I've seen and it's 
beautiful!  Did you make it?  I'll bet you made the earrings, also.  I'll 
have fun wearing them.
	My kitties send purrs to yours   Thanks again,
Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." John Wooden
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[lace-chat] a funny from a tatting list

2004-05-06 Thread Susan MacLeod
	Calling in sick to work makes me uncomfortable. No matter how legitimate 
my excuse, I always get the feeling that my boss thinks I'm lying. On 
one  recent occasion, I had a valid reason but lied anyway, because the 
truth was just too darned humiliating. I simply mentioned that I had 
sustained a head injury, and I hoped I would feel up to coming in the next 
day.  By then, I reasoned, I could  think up a doozy to explain the bandage 
on the top of my head.
	The accident occurred mainly because I had given in to my wife's wishes to 
adopt a cute little kitty.  Initially, the new acquisition was no problem. 
Then one morning, I was taking my shower after breakfast when I heard my 
wife, Deb, call out to me from the kitchen. Honey! The garbage disposal is 
dead again. Please come reset it."
	"You know where the button is," I protested through the shower 
pitter-  patter and steam. "Reset it yourself!" "But I'm scared!" she 
persisted. "What if it starts going and  sucks me in?"   There was a 
meaningful pauseand then, "C'mon, it'll only take you a second."  So 
out I came, dripping wet and buck naked, hoping that my silent outraged 
nudity would make a statement about how I perceived her behavior as 
extremely cowardly. Sighing loudly, I squatted down  and stuck my head 
under the sink to find the button. It is the last action I remember 
performing... It struck without warning, and without any respect to my 
circumstances. No, it wasn't the hexed disposal, drawing me into its 
gnashing metal teeth. It was our new kitty, who discovered the fascinating 
dangling objects she spied hanging between my legs. She had been poised 
around the corner and  stalked me as I reached under the sink. And, at the 
precise moment when I was most vulnerable, she leapt at the toys I 
unwittingly offered and snagged them with her needle-like claws. I  lost 
all rational thought to control orderly
bodily movements, blindly  rising at a violent rate of speed, with the full 
weight of a kitten hanging from  my masculine region.
	Wild animals are sometimes faced with a "fight or flight" syndrome. Men, 
in this predicament, choose only the "flight" option. I know this from 
experience. I was fleeing straight up into the air when the sink and 
cabinet bluntly and forcefully impeded my ascent.  The impact knocked me
out cold.
	When I awoke, my wife and the paramedics stood over me. Now there are not 
many things in this life worse than finding oneself lying on the kitchen 
floor buck naked in front of a group of "been-there, done-that" paramedics. 
Even worse, having been fully briefed by my wife, the paramedics
were all snorting loudly as they tried to conduct their work, all the while 
trying to suppress their hysterical laughter and not succeeding. 
Somehow I lived through it all.
	 A few days later I finally made it back in to the office, where 
colleagues tried to coax an explanation out of me about my head injury. I 
kept silent, claiming it was too painful to talk  about. Which it was.
	"What's the matter?" They all asked, "Cat got your tongue?"  If they only 
Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." John Wooden
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[lace-chat] belated SP thanks

2004-03-22 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear Secret Pal,
	I got your nice package last week, thanks so much for the nice treats!  So 
sorry I kept forgetting to write.  My tatting class has kept me too busy 
lesson planning.
Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." John Wooden

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[lace-chat] SP thanks

2004-02-23 Thread Susan MacLeod
Thanks to my new secret pal for the great package!  I must say that the 
Venus thread is greatly appreciated!!!  Have wanted to try it since I first 
heard of it, it's really nice!  And thanks for all the lovely goodies in 
the package!
Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." John Wooden

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal thanks!

2003-12-19 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear Secret Pal.
Thanks for the Great package that came yesterday!  Love the 
bobbins, the laminiated ones are really pretty!  The NEC bobbin is great, 
were you lucky enough to get to go there?  I can't imagine what it would be 
like to be able to see so much lace stuff in one place.  For me, the Ithaca 
lace day is the biggest I can see.
The purple bag is great, I love little project bags like that!  I 
may have to make a pattern from it and make more of them.
And of course, chocolate is always appreciated!

Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." John Wooden 

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Re: [lace-chat] looking for Christmas dinner

2003-11-22 Thread Susan MacLeod
Thank you so much Alice!  I knew someone would have this!
At 11:39 PM 11/21/03 -0800, alice howell wrote:
At 10:07 PM 11/21/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>I know there are varied interests in this group.   I am looking for the
>Modern Priscilla,  probably December '02 or '03 for my brother and
>SIL.  This issue has an elaborate Christmas dinner by Fannie Merritt Farmer
>that they used to use, till it got lost somewhere in their moves.
It's in the December 1906 issue.
The Christmas Dinner
By Fannie Merritt Farmer
Clam Consomme
Fillets of halibut a la creole
Apple Giner
Creamed turnips
Breslin Patties
English Plum Pudding, hard sauce
Christmas cake
Salted pecans
Pulled bread
Stuffed Roast Goose
Potato Forms with cheese
Tomato baskets with peas
Vanilla ice cread with orange marmalade
Cafe Noir
Then some of the recipes are listed.

I'll make you a copy.

Alice in Oregon -  Deluges of rain and much wind, and maybe snow.
Oregon Country Lacemakers
Arachne Secret Pal Administrator

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Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA 

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[lace-chat] looking for Christmas dinner

2003-11-21 Thread Susan MacLeod
I know there are varied interests in this group.   I am looking for the 
Modern Priscilla,  probably December '02 or '03 for my brother and 
SIL.  This issue has an elaborate Christmas dinner by Fannie Merritt Farmer 
that they used to use, till it got lost somewhere in their moves.  A 
photocopy or scan would be wonderful to find for them.
Sumac who just finished teaching a third tatting class to my 2 new tatters, 
and a previous student who came back for more!

Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA 

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks!

2003-11-07 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear SP,
Thanks for the great package!  I've heard about the Finca thread 
and had been wanting to try it, I'm so happy that you sent me some!  What a 
cool way to have chocolate, in the shape of lace bobbins!  Such a nice 
treat, Thanks ever so much!

Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA 

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[lace-chat] SP Thanks!

2003-09-19 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear SP,
Thanks for the nice package!  Just love everything you send!!!  Those 
patterns are so nice, I'll have to make time some day to learn how to do 
them.  The cookies are yummy.

Have been busy tatting everything Celtic I can find.  What fun!
Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA 

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Re: [lace-chat] using a car in central London - long

2003-09-05 Thread Susan MacLeod
What is a congestion charge???
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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks!

2003-08-18 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear SP,
	Thanks for the great package!  More of those interesting patterns!!!  I 
just have to learn more about this lace and how to do it, the patterns are 
so nice!  I love the beads.  The lemons on the potholder looked so real, I 
had to sniff them!
	It has been very hot and humid here.  I feel moldy from all the rain and 
moisture.  Almost makes me want to move to Alaska where my big brother 
lives.  Have done  a little tatting, but no other lace as I've just felt 
too sticky.  Tatting works great in front of a fan.  Jane (Swanson) has 
talked me into entering a tatted seahorse in the CraftAdventure show that 
is the end of the month.  Wish me luck!
	There are still pollywogs in my frog pond without legs.  I wonder what 
they are that is taking them so long to grow up???  The kittens are getting 
big, the boy is bigger than his mom, and still has a lot of growing to do 
still.  They are almost 5 months old now.  They still race around like 
crazy cats, it can be very amusing or irritating, depending on the time of day.
	bye for now,

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks!

2003-07-14 Thread Susan MacLeod
To my secret pal somewhere in Italy,
	Thanks for the great package!  I love the sugar free candy, it is such 
pretty glass!   The cookies are nice, is Biscotti just Italian for 
cookie?  I always thought that it was just the crunchy ones that are slice 
off a loaf and baked twice.  The threads are very pretty.  And the 
patterns!  I am going to have to figure out how to do this lace, I love the 
abstract shaped one, and would really like to make it.  Please tell me more 
about this type of lace!  I will save the Larkspur seeds for next year, as 
there is not enuf summer left for them to grow.  The dianthus should be 
able to grow enough this year that they can bloom next year.
	There was a horrible hot spell here the beginning of the month, thankfully 
it is better now.  I'd be happy to have the temp in the 70's.  Mosquitos 
and black flies have made gardening less than pleasant this year.  There 
are lots of pollywogs in my frog pond, they will be changing over to little 
frogs soon.  It is a lot of fun to watch them grow up.  The water lilies 
winter well, and I hope to see flowers from them a little later on.
	Bambi broke into the vegetable garden and ate my beans and a pepper 
plant.  Rotten critters!  Tho I did see a fawn run across my front yard 
yesterday, and it was very cute.  If they'd just leave my gardens alone...
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[lace-chat] Questionnaire

2003-06-18 Thread Susan MacLeod

These have been interesting to read, so...

1. What time is it? 12:45 pm
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Susan   Gracie MacLeod
3. What is your nickname? Sumac
4. Number of candles on your cake: 49 on the one coming up. yikes!
5. birthday: March 14
6. Hair color:  Mango, at present
9. Eye color:  blue
10. How much do you love your job:  love it most of the time.
11. Hometown:  Reading MA, USA
12. Current Residence:  Dummerston, VT USA.
13. Favorite Food:   chocolate
14. Been to Africa? No.
15. Been toilet papering?  No..
16. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?   Yes
17. Been in a car accident?  yes, got rearended at a stop sign.  Made me a 
faithful seatbelt wearer.
18. Croutons or bacon bits?  neither
19. Favorite day(s) of the week:  weds and thurs, my days off
20. Favorite word or phrase: sh*t happens
21. Favorite Restaurant:  Chelsea Royal Diner
23. Favorite Drink(s): coffee
24. Favorite sport to watch:  yuck
25. Favorite ice cream(s):  Ben & Jerry, From Russia with Buzz.   Used to 
be Coffee, coffee, buzz, buzz, buzz, but they stopped making it.
26. Disney or Warner Bros.: either.  Rarely watch TV
27. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant?  Burger King
28. What color is your bedroom carpet? Purple
29. How many times did you fail your drivers test?  Zero
30. Who is the last person you got email from? Arachne
31. Do you sing in the shower? occasionally
32. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?  Wouldn't do 
it, but Van Sciver Bobbin Lace would be fun!
33. What do you do most often when you are bored?  Don't get bored, just 
too tired to do much, so I play Kyodai Majhongg on the computer.
34. Most annoying thing people ask/say to you? How ong do you think it 
will take (for someone critically ill to pass on, I'm a nurse in a nursing 
35. Bedtime:  Around 1 am, I work 3-11 pm
36. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest?  Not expecting a response.
37. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Not
38. What is your favorite TV show (s):  ER  My one regular show weekly.
39. Last person you went out to dinner with? My Mom
40. Ford or Chevy:   Toyota
41. Time you finished this:  12:54

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks

2003-06-08 Thread Susan MacLeod
Dear Secret Pal in Italy,
	Thanks for the great package!I love the frog and lily patterns!!!  The 
bobbins are beautiful, I have been collecting some hooded bobbins, and 
should have enough now to make something small.  The chocolate was 
delicious, even tho it didn't travel well.  Is the photo of your lace pillow?

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