[lace-chat] Secret Pal thanks

2003-12-19 Thread cooncatmom-arachne1061
Thank you Secret Pal for taking the time to wrap all my presents!

Because they were so nicely wrapped, I put them under my tree.

Thank you for the beautiful card and I will let everyone know just 
how< nice you were on Boxing Day.
Hope you get everything you wish for especially a "roundtuit" for all 
your lacing in the new year.

Korwyn in Thetford UK

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[lace-chat] Re:the Big Read - Top 21

2003-12-08 Thread cooncatmom-arachne1061
Thanks for the info on the Big Read vote.

I logged on and cast my vote for Jane Eyre.  It was interesting that 
two of the Bronte sisters had books in the top 21.  Even though critics 
acclaim Wuthering Heights as the better book, my money and heart has 
always been with "plain Jane Eyre." I even have my favorite film 
version of it:  the one from 1983 with Timothy Dalton as Mr. Rochester 
and Zelah Clarke as Jane.

For my money, Timothy was my second favorite all-time Bond (no one can 
top Connery).  He brought a passion and more important DANGER to the 
role that I just don't see in Pierce Brosnan (though he is better than 
Roger Moore).  I think that Dalton, like Connery, did not suffer from 
television type-casting the way Moore and Brosnan have.

I also find it interesting some of the "American" novels that have made 
the top list, such as "Catch 22", "Catcher in the Rye", "To Kill a 
Mockingbird", "Little Women" and "Gone With the Wind."

Korwyn in Norfolk UK

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[lace-chat] Rednex Redux

2003-11-21 Thread cooncatmom-arachne1061
I sent the redneck story (FBI chops redneck's wood to find marijuana 
stash) to my girlfriend and here's the way she heard it:


An old man lived alone in Idaho. He wanted to spade his potato garden, 
it was very hard work. His only son, Bubba, who had always helped him, 
was in
prison for armed robbery. The old man wrote a letter to his son and 
his predicament

"Dear Bubba, I'm feeling pretty low because it looks like I won't be 
to plant my potato garden this year. I've gotten too old to be  digging 
up a garden plot. If you were here, my troubles would be over. I know 
you would dig the plot for me. Love, Dad"

A few days later the old man received a letter from his son: "Dear Dad, 
HEAVEN'S SAKE DAD, don't dig up the GARDEN! That's where I buried the 
and the MONEY!  Love, Bubba."

At 4:00 a.m. the next morning, a dozen FBI agents and local police 
showed up and dug up the entire area. After finding nothing, they 
to the old man and left.

That same afternoon the old man received another letter from his son:

"Dear Dad, Go ahead and plant the potatoes now. It's the best I could 
do under the circumstances.  Love, Bubba."

Korwyn in Norfolk UK

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[lace-chat] Secret pal thanks2

2003-11-21 Thread cooncatmom-arachne1061
I'm sending this again through another e-mailer in case the first 
message went astray, if not, please bear with:

This is a bit late, but on Friday I received a very nice package from 
my Secret Pal.  There was a beautiful bobbin with a matching turned 
wooden "bead" for the spangle, a Monet note pad and some very pretty 
note cards, a misty green cover cloth and a nice purple and white 
spiral soap.

With much appreciation, I had just been sent home from work because our 
podiatrist operated on my toe, so was feeling poorly and you brightened 
my day (and weekend) considerably!!!

Thank you Secret Pal!!

Korwyn in Norfolk UK

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal

2003-11-04 Thread cooncatmom-arachne1061
I received a postcard of London yesterday from my Secret Pal to start 
my exchange off, I can hardly wait for the next installment!

H ... now that either narrows it down (to a pal in England)  or 

Thank you very much!

Korwyn in Norfolk UK

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