[lace-chat] Preserving for the future

2003-08-31 Thread A Thompson
I am very lucky to have inherited two family photo albums, one belonged to
my paternal grandmother, the other to her mother, my great-grandmother.  The
later album nearly got thrown away by my mother, after all, it was not her
family, but I rescued it about 25 years ago.

Thank goodness my father had had the sense to visit his very elderly aunt in
a nursing home and ask her to name as many of the people as she could.
These little scraps of paper are still tucked into the spaces between the
photos, but many say 'Unknown'  or Don't Know This One'.  The old Aunt
referred to everyone's relationship to my father, so I had to be careful
when adding to the Family Tree. I discovered the identity of more of them by
taking out from the album very carefully, and looking for names on the back.
Many had names, some had dates.  Several of the females were wearing lovely
lace collars and caps.

Then I took print photos of each album page with the bits of paper in.
Lastly I scanned every photo of every known relative and saved with their
name as the File Name.  Any loose photos I held onto card sheets with
minuscule bits of blue-tack (don't know USA name for this) and had them
colour-photo-copied, oblivious of the cost. This, although most were sepia
or black and white, makes them look much better than ordinary B/W
photo-copies.  Then I put these into plastic folders with each photo named.
I did theme-pages with all the photos in date order or any one person. This
looks good.

Three years ago I sorted all the family photos into piles of different
families and put each into a labelled shoe-box, ready to mount in special
acid-free photo albums.  However, other things came between me and my
project, and the photos are still in the shoe-boxes and the albums empty.
Next winter's project - I hope.  All this has made me very close to my
ancestors, I feel I know them and somehow, that they know me.

Angela Thompson, Worcestershire UK

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[lace-chat] Preserving for the future

2003-08-31 Thread Jean Peach
When did you last look at all the pictures that you and your family
past and present have taken?

I have suddenly had to look through many photos, yes some are
in albums, most of my lace ones are.  I have done what my family
in the past have done, not dated or named, whether it be people,
lace, events.

Why have I suddenly thought about this, well for months I have been
thinking about a letter I found from my mothers cousin who lived
in N Y state in 1932.  I had not a clue in the old photographs who
was who.  But I knew they lived in the States remember being
told by my grandmother.

Just last Saturday I did a surf of my great-great-grandfathers name,
low and behold I found information on the web, someone had searched
and found the grandfather and his family, their ages in 1851, plus 
there was an email address from the person who had requested
this turns out yes to be a relative of mine living in the States,
since then we have been e-mailing information, I have just received
three photographers, with most of the names of the people in
the photographs, I just can't believe my luck.  So now my first
job is to go through all the old photographs, put them in family
order, then when I can name them.  I have even found two
cards from the late 1800's stating the deaths of two men in our
family.  This is something that we don't do today, which I find
interesting.  Oh I even found an envelope of lace photographs,
have not a clue when and where I took them. 

DH laughed when I said that I had better do something about
my photographs, just grinned and said, you have 900 on your
digital camera to do.

Jean in Newbury UK

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