Hi Pene -

Sorry to hear you've got printing problems!  I use Internet Explorer with
Mozilla and have no problems.  In fact, the printed copy of the pricking
was exactly the size that Jean said it should be.


Clay Blackwell

> [Original Message]
> From: Pene Piip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <lace@arachne.com>; <lace-chat@arachne.com>
> Date: 12/30/2005 12:53:19 PM
> Subject: [lace] Printing problem
> Has anyone had success in printing the patterns from the UK Lace Guild 
> Advent Calender?
> If you have, what browser are you using?
> I'm using Mozilla Firefox, and I'm just getting chicken scratchings. The 
> photo & diagrams are not very clear but the instructions are illegible.
> I've sent an email to Jean Leader, but have a feeling that they are away 
> from home for a little while.
> I would like to say "Head Vana Aastat!" to everyone until Sunday morning, 
> then I wish everyone "Head Uut Aastat!". Here in Estonia you wish friends
> family members "a good end to the Old Year (Vana Aastat)" & then from 
> January 1st, you wish everyone a "Happy New Year".
> Penelope Piip
> City of Tartu, Estonia
> -
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